import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import log from 'loglevel'; import networkMap from 'ethereum-ens-network-map'; import { isConfusing } from 'unicode-confusables'; import { isHexString } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'; import { getCurrentChainId } from '../selectors'; import { CHAIN_ID_TO_NETWORK_ID_MAP, NETWORK_IDS, NETWORK_ID_TO_ETHERS_NETWORK_NAME_MAP, } from '../../shared/constants/network'; import { CONFUSING_ENS_ERROR, ENS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, ENS_NOT_FOUND_ON_NETWORK, ENS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_NETWORK, ENS_NO_ADDRESS_FOR_NAME, ENS_REGISTRATION_ERROR, ENS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, } from '../pages/send/send.constants'; import { isValidDomainName } from '../helpers/utils/util'; import { CHAIN_CHANGED } from '../store/actionConstants'; import { BURN_ADDRESS, isBurnAddress, isValidHexAddress, } from '../../shared/modules/hexstring-utils'; // Local Constants const ZERO_X_ERROR_ADDRESS = '0x'; const ENS = 'ENS'; const initialState = { stage: 'UNINITIALIZED', resolution: null, error: null, warning: null, network: null, domainType: null, domainName: null, }; export const domainInitialState = initialState; const name = 'DNS'; let web3Provider = null; const slice = createSlice({ name, initialState, reducers: { domainLookup: (state, action) => { // first clear out the previous state state.resolution = null; state.error = null; state.warning = null; const { address, error, network, domainType, domainName } = action.payload; state.domainType = domainType; if (state.domainType === ENS) { if (error) { if ( isValidDomainName(domainName) && error.message === 'ENS name not defined.' ) { state.error = network === NETWORK_IDS.MAINNET ? ENS_NO_ADDRESS_FOR_NAME : ENS_NOT_FOUND_ON_NETWORK; } else if (error.message === 'Illegal character for ENS.') { state.error = ENS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER; } else { log.error(error); state.error = ENS_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else if (address) { if (address === BURN_ADDRESS) { state.error = ENS_NO_ADDRESS_FOR_NAME; } else if (address === ZERO_X_ERROR_ADDRESS) { state.error = ENS_REGISTRATION_ERROR; } else { state.resolution = address; } if (isValidDomainName(address) && isConfusing(address)) { state.warning = CONFUSING_ENS_ERROR; } } else { state.error = ENS_NO_ADDRESS_FOR_NAME; } } }, enableDomainLookup: (state, action) => { state.stage = 'INITIALIZED'; state.error = null; state.resolution = null; state.warning = null; = action.payload; }, disableDomainLookup: (state) => { state.stage = 'NO_NETWORK_SUPPORT'; state.error = null; state.warning = null; state.resolution = null; = null; }, ensNotSupported: (state) => { state.resolution = null; state.warning = null; state.error = ENS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_NETWORK; }, resetDomainResolution: (state) => { state.resolution = null; state.warning = null; state.error = null; }, }, extraReducers: (builder) => { builder.addCase(CHAIN_CHANGED, (state, action) => { if (action.payload !== state.currentChainId) { state.stage = 'UNINITIALIZED'; web3Provider = null; } }); }, }); const { reducer, actions } = slice; export default reducer; const { disableDomainLookup, domainLookup, enableDomainLookup, ensNotSupported, resetDomainResolution, } = actions; export { resetDomainResolution }; export function initializeDomainSlice() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const network = CHAIN_ID_TO_NETWORK_ID_MAP[chainId]; const networkName = NETWORK_ID_TO_ETHERS_NETWORK_NAME_MAP[network]; const ensAddress = networkMap[network]; const networkIsSupported = Boolean(ensAddress); if (networkIsSupported) { web3Provider = new Web3Provider(global.ethereumProvider, { chainId: parseInt(network, 10), name: networkName, ensAddress, }); dispatch(enableDomainLookup(network)); } else { web3Provider = null; dispatch(disableDomainLookup()); } }; } export function lookupEnsName(domainName) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const trimmedDomainName = domainName.trim(); let state = getState(); if (state[name].stage === 'UNINITIALIZED') { await dispatch(initializeDomainSlice()); } state = getState(); if ( state[name].stage === 'NO_NETWORK_SUPPORT' && !( isBurnAddress(trimmedDomainName) === false && isValidHexAddress(trimmedDomainName, { mixedCaseUseChecksum: true }) ) && !isHexString(trimmedDomainName) ) { await dispatch(ensNotSupported()); } else {`ENS attempting to resolve name: ${trimmedDomainName}`); let address; let error; try { address = await web3Provider.resolveName(trimmedDomainName); } catch (err) { error = err; } const chainId = getCurrentChainId(state); const network = CHAIN_ID_TO_NETWORK_ID_MAP[chainId]; await dispatch( domainLookup({ address, error, chainId, network, domainType: ENS, domainName: trimmedDomainName, }), ); } }; } export function getDomainResolution(state) { return state[name].resolution; } export function getDomainError(state) { return state[name].error; } export function getDomainWarning(state) { return state[name].warning; }