const { merge } = require('lodash'); const { CHAIN_IDS } = require('../../shared/constants/network'); function defaultFixture() { return { data: { AlertController: { alertEnabledness: { unconnectedAccount: true, web3ShimUsage: true, }, unconnectedAccountAlertShownOrigins: {}, web3ShimUsageOrigins: {}, }, AnnouncementController: { announcements: { 1: { date: '2021-03-17', id: 1, image: { height: '230px', placeImageBelowDescription: true, src: 'images/mobile-link-qr.svg', width: '230px', }, isShown: false, }, 3: { date: '2021-03-08', id: 3, isShown: false, }, 4: { date: '2021-05-11', id: 4, image: { src: 'images/source-logos-bsc.svg', width: '100%', }, isShown: false, }, 5: { date: '2021-06-09', id: 5, isShown: false, }, 6: { date: '2021-05-26', id: 6, isShown: false, }, 7: { date: '2021-09-17', id: 7, isShown: false, }, 8: { date: '2021-11-01', id: 8, isShown: false, }, 9: { date: '2021-12-07', id: 9, image: { src: 'images/txinsights.png', width: '80%', }, isShown: false, }, 10: { date: '2022-09-15', id: 10, image: { src: 'images/token-detection.svg', width: '100%', }, isShown: false, }, 11: { date: '2022-09-15', id: 11, isShown: false, }, 12: { date: '2022-05-18', id: 12, image: { src: 'images/darkmode-banner.png', width: '100%', }, isShown: false, }, 13: { date: '2022-09-15', id: 13, isShown: false, }, 14: { date: '2022-09-15', id: 14, isShown: false, }, 15: { date: '2022-09-15', id: 15, isShown: false, }, 17: { date: null, id: 17, isShown: true, }, }, }, AppStateController: { browserEnvironment: {}, collectiblesDropdownState: {}, connectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown: true, defaultHomeActiveTabName: null, fullScreenGasPollTokens: [], notificationGasPollTokens: [], popupGasPollTokens: [], qrHardware: {}, recoveryPhraseReminderHasBeenShown: true, recoveryPhraseReminderLastShown: '__FIXTURE_SUBSTITUTION__currentDateInMilliseconds', showPortfolioTooltip: false, showTestnetMessageInDropdown: true, trezorModel: null, usedNetworks: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: true, [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: true, [CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST]: true, }, }, CachedBalancesController: { cachedBalances: { [CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST]: {}, }, }, CurrencyController: { conversionDate: 1665507600.0, conversionRate: 1300.0, currentCurrency: 'usd', nativeCurrency: 'ETH', usdConversionRate: 1300.0, }, GasFeeController: { estimatedGasFeeTimeBounds: {}, gasEstimateType: 'none', gasFeeEstimates: {}, }, IncomingTransactionsController: { incomingTransactions: {}, incomingTxLastFetchedBlockByChainId: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: null, [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: null, [CHAIN_IDS.SEPOLIA]: null, }, }, KeyringController: { vault: '{"data":"s6TpYjlUNsn7ifhEFTkuDGBUM1GyOlPrim7JSjtfIxgTt8/6MiXgiR/CtFfR4dWW2xhq85/NGIBYEeWrZThGdKGarBzeIqBfLFhw9n509jprzJ0zc2Rf+9HVFGLw+xxC4xPxgCS0IIWeAJQ+XtGcHmn0UZXriXm8Ja4kdlow6SWinB7sr/WM3R0+frYs4WgllkwggDf2/Tv6VHygvLnhtzp6hIJFyTjh+l/KnyJTyZW1TkZhDaNDzX3SCOHT","iv":"FbeHDAW5afeWNORfNJBR0Q==","salt":"TxZ+WbCW6891C9LK/hbMAoUsSEW1E8pyGLVBU6x5KR8="}', }, MetaMetricsController: { eventsBeforeMetricsOptIn: [], fragments: {}, metaMetricsId: null, participateInMetaMetrics: false, traits: {}, }, NetworkController: { network: '1337', provider: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, nickname: 'Localhost 8545', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', ticker: 'ETH', type: 'rpc', }, }, OnboardingController: { completedOnboarding: true, firstTimeFlowType: 'import', onboardingTabs: {}, seedPhraseBackedUp: true, }, PermissionController: { subjects: {}, }, PreferencesController: { advancedGasFee: null, currentLocale: 'en', dismissSeedBackUpReminder: true, featureFlags: { showIncomingTransactions: true, }, forgottenPassword: false, frequentRpcListDetail: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, nickname: 'Localhost 8545', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', ticker: 'ETH', }, ], identities: { '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1': { address: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', lastSelected: 1665507600000, name: 'Account 1', }, }, infuraBlocked: false, ipfsGateway: '', knownMethodData: {}, ledgerTransportType: 'webhid', lostIdentities: {}, openSeaEnabled: false, preferences: { hideZeroBalanceTokens: false, showFiatInTestnets: false, showTestNetworks: false, useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true, }, selectedAddress: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', theme: 'light', useBlockie: false, useNftDetection: false, useNonceField: false, usePhishDetect: true, useTokenDetection: false, useCurrencyRateCheck: true, useMultiAccountBalanceChecker: true, }, SmartTransactionsController: { smartTransactionsState: { fees: {}, liveness: true, smartTransactions: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [], }, }, }, SubjectMetadataController: { subjectMetadata: { '': { extensionId: null, iconUrl: null, name: 'MetaMask < = > Ledger Bridge', origin: '', subjectType: 'website', }, }, }, TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: {}, allIgnoredTokens: {}, allTokens: {}, detectedTokens: [], ignoredTokens: [], suggestedAssets: [], tokens: [], }, TransactionController: { transactions: {}, }, config: {}, firstTimeInfo: { date: 1665507600000, version: '10.21.0', }, }, }; } function onboardingFixture() { return { data: { AppStateController: { browserEnvironment: {}, collectiblesDropdownState: {}, connectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown: true, defaultHomeActiveTabName: null, fullScreenGasPollTokens: [], notificationGasPollTokens: [], popupGasPollTokens: [], qrHardware: {}, recoveryPhraseReminderHasBeenShown: false, recoveryPhraseReminderLastShown: '__FIXTURE_SUBSTITUTION__currentDateInMilliseconds', showPortfolioTooltip: true, showTestnetMessageInDropdown: true, trezorModel: null, usedNetworks: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: true, [CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI]: true, [CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST]: true, }, }, NetworkController: { network: '1337', provider: { ticker: 'ETH', type: 'rpc', rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, nickname: 'Localhost 8545', }, }, PreferencesController: { advancedGasFee: null, currentLocale: 'en', dismissSeedBackUpReminder: false, featureFlags: { showIncomingTransactions: true, }, forgottenPassword: false, frequentRpcListDetail: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, nickname: 'Localhost 8545', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545', ticker: 'ETH', }, ], identities: {}, infuraBlocked: false, ipfsGateway: '', knownMethodData: {}, ledgerTransportType: 'webhid', lostIdentities: {}, openSeaEnabled: false, preferences: { hideZeroBalanceTokens: false, showFiatInTestnets: false, showTestNetworks: false, useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true, }, theme: 'light', useBlockie: false, useNftDetection: false, useNonceField: false, usePhishDetect: true, useTokenDetection: false, useCurrencyRateCheck: true, useMultiAccountBalanceChecker: true, }, SmartTransactionsController: { smartTransactionsState: { fees: {}, liveness: true, smartTransactions: { [CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET]: [], }, }, }, TokensController: { allDetectedTokens: {}, allIgnoredTokens: {}, allTokens: {}, detectedTokens: [], ignoredTokens: [], suggestedAssets: [], tokens: [], }, config: {}, firstTimeInfo: { date: 1665507600000, version: '10.21.0', }, }, }; } class FixtureBuilder { constructor({ onboarding = false } = {}) { this.fixture = onboarding === true ? onboardingFixture() : defaultFixture(); } withAddressBookController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withAlertController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withAnnouncementController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withAppStateController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withCachedBalancesController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withCollectiblesController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withCurrencyController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withGasFeeController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withIncomingTransactionsController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withIncomingTransactionsControllerOneTransaction() { return this.withIncomingTransactionsController({ incomingTransactions: { '0xf1af8286e4fa47578c2aec5f08c108290643df978ebc766d72d88476eee90bab': { blockNumber: '1', chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, hash: '0xf1af8286e4fa47578c2aec5f08c108290643df978ebc766d72d88476eee90bab', id: 5748272735958807, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', status: 'confirmed', time: 1671635520000, txParams: { from: '0xc87261ba337be737fa744f50e7aaf4a920bdfcd6', gas: '0x5208', gasPrice: '0x329af9707', to: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', value: '0xDE0B6B3A7640000', }, type: 'incoming', }, }, }); } withKeyringController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withKeyringControllerImportedAccountVault() { return this.withKeyringController({ vault: '{"data":"Ot+BTtJPag0xubdiv1nO9bsSvTHivHCd6CD7Lxgb1McYw3VqMjgp5rPMZmblJ1lscuMxyiqp99G52uXO9S0em6F9htpa+t/wn6qubRKTTNG9fxNzQrKXRDNhdgfYckVk5VAZ4fgl2iMZcRDvS8H/+gucVKJ33Sl6mXyPofdexXhWDCU6uR2YecnfaIum9cL2u/GqOMPE3jxzy0Wip0x2Jyp3QOKhvu8A3GIjzagLOaQ7a1APdl8=","iv":"lbsyPeGYWU6U1+jvmW9UHg==","salt":"Zmbhpskwxe4rYfXtELBvlcvW4HISPBATRmMqzsnZPMg="}', }); } withMetaMetricsController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withNetworkController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withOnboardingController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withPermissionController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withPermissionControllerConnectedToTestDapp() { return this.withPermissionController({ subjects: { '': { origin: '', permissions: { eth_accounts: { id: 'ZaqPEWxyhNCJYACFw93jE', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', invoker: '', caveats: [ { type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: ['0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1'], }, ], date: 1664388714636, }, }, }, }, }); } withPermissionControllerConnectedToSnapDapp() { return this.withPermissionController({ subjects: { '': { origin: '', permissions: { 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-bip32': { id: 'CwdJq0x8N_b9FNxn6dVuP', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-bip32', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-bip44': { id: '8zH-0opWuZhvJew41FMVh', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-bip44', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-confirm': { id: 'Wb_1c9toBggBQWfOJwjMg', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-confirm', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-error': { id: '5FUZoCyimOWKTbuLCEOWa', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-error', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-managestate': { id: 'Z6XPdyuCHCf1pyqSiU7nh', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-managestate', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-notification': { id: '_xfRMXzq0bs8QcXRcvjcP', parentCapability: 'wallet_snap_npm:@metamask/test-snap-notification', invoker: '', caveats: null, date: 1664388714636, }, }, }, }, }); } withPermissionLogController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withPreferencesController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withPreferencesControllerImportedAccountIdentities() { return this.withPreferencesController({ identities: { '0x0cc5261ab8ce458dc977078a3623e2badd27afd3': { name: 'Account 1', address: '0x0cc5261ab8ce458dc977078a3623e2badd27afd3', lastSelected: 1665507600000, }, '0x3ed0ee22e0685ebbf07b2360a8331693c413cc59': { name: 'Account 2', address: '0x3ed0ee22e0685ebbf07b2360a8331693c413cc59', }, '0xd38d853771fb546bd8b18b2f3638491bc0b0e906': { name: 'Account 3', address: '0xd38d853771fb546bd8b18b2f3638491bc0b0e906', }, }, selectedAddress: '0x0cc5261ab8ce458dc977078a3623e2badd27afd3', }); } withSmartTransactionsController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withSubjectMetadataController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withTokenListController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withTokensController(data) { merge(, data); return this; } withTransactionController(data) { merge( ? : ( = {}), data, ); return this; } withTransactionControllerMultipleTransactions() { return this.withTransactionController({ transactions: { 7911313280012623: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, id: 7911313280012623, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545991949, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1631545992244, value: false, }, ], ], id: 7911313280012623, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545991949, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, 7911313280012624: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, id: 7911313280012624, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545994578, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1631545994695, value: false, }, ], ], id: 7911313280012624, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545994578, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, 7911313280012625: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, id: 7911313280012625, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545996673, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1631545996678, value: false, }, ], ], id: 7911313280012625, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545996673, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, 7911313280012626: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, dappSuggestedGasFees: { gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', }, id: 7911313280012626, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545998675, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1631545998677, value: false, }, ], ], id: 7911313280012626, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: '', status: 'unapproved', time: 1631545998675, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318c334780961fb129d2a6c30d0763d9a5c970', value: '0x29a2241af62c0000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, }, }); } withTransactionControllerTypeOneTransaction() { return this.withTransactionController({ transactions: { 4046084157914634: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', gasPrice: '0x2540be400', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1617228030069, value: false, }, ], ], id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', primaryTransaction: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', gasPrice: '0x2540be400', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'sentEther', }, status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', gasPrice: '0x2540be400', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, }, }); } withTransactionControllerTypeTwoTransaction() { return this.withTransactionController({ transactions: { 4046084157914634: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1617228030069, value: false, }, ], ], id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', primaryTransaction: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'sentEther', }, status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, }, }); } withTransactionControllerApprovedTransaction() { return this.withTransactionController({ transactions: { 4046084157914634: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1617228030069, value: false, }, ], [ { op: 'add', path: '/txParams/nonce', value: '0x0', note: 'transactions#approveTransaction', timestamp: 1617228031069, }, { op: 'add', path: '/nonceDetails', value: { params: { highestLocallyConfirmed: 0, highestSuggested: 0, nextNetworkNonce: 0, }, local: { name: 'local', nonce: 0, details: { startPoint: 0, highest: 0, }, }, network: { name: 'network', nonce: 0, details: { blockNumber: '0x0', baseCount: 0, }, }, }, }, ], ], id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', primaryTransaction: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 4046084157914634, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'approved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'sentEther', }, status: 'approved', time: 1617228030067, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x61a8', maxFeePerGas: '0x59682f0c', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, }, }); } withTransactionControllerCompletedTransaction() { return this.withTransactionController({ transactions: { 5748272735958801: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, history: [ { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.LOCALHOST, id: 5748272735958801, loadingDefaults: true, metamaskNetworkId: '1337', origin: 'metamask', status: 'unapproved', time: 1671635506502, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', maxFeePerGas: '0x4c03c96f8', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x59682f00', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, [ { note: 'Added new unapproved transaction.', op: 'replace', path: '/loadingDefaults', timestamp: 1671635506520, value: false, }, ], [ { note: 'confTx: user approved transaction', op: 'replace', path: '/txParams/maxFeePerGas', timestamp: 1671635510589, value: '0x4d7fc07fb', }, ], [ { note: 'txStateManager: setting status to approved', op: 'replace', path: '/status', timestamp: 1671635510589, value: 'approved', }, ], [ { note: 'transactions#approveTransaction', op: 'add', path: '/txParams/nonce', timestamp: 1671635510592, value: '0x2', }, { op: 'add', path: '/nonceDetails', value: { local: { details: { highest: 2, startPoint: 2, }, name: 'local', nonce: 2, }, network: { details: { baseCount: 2, blockNumber: '0x7cbf93', }, name: 'network', nonce: 2, }, params: { highestLocallyConfirmed: 0, highestSuggested: 2, nextNetworkNonce: 2, }, }, }, ], [ { note: 'txStateManager: setting status to signed', op: 'replace', path: '/status', timestamp: 1671635510651, value: 'signed', }, ], [ { note: 'transactions#publishTransaction', op: 'add', path: '/rawTx', timestamp: 1671635510653, value: '0x02f87205028459682f008504d7fc07fb825208947d17148ed7ec802e4458e94deec1ef28aef645e987038d7ea4c6800080c001a0c60aeaef1556a52b009e3973f06c64d5cd6dc935463afd0d2b1c00661655e47ea061b121db8f2cb2241b1454d1794256e5634d26a5b873e89a816efe210377492a', }, ], [ { note: 'txStateManager: setting status to submitted', op: 'replace', path: '/status', timestamp: 1671635510753, value: 'submitted', }, ], [ { note: 'txStateManager: setting status to confirmed', op: 'replace', path: '/status', timestamp: 1671635522978, value: 'confirmed', }, { op: 'add', path: '/txReceipt', value: { blockNumber: '7cbf95', from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gasUsed: '5208', status: '0x1', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', }, }, ], [ { note: 'transactions#confirmTransaction - add txReceipt', op: 'replace', path: '/blockTimestamp', timestamp: 1671635522999, value: '63a32240', }, ], ], id: 5748272735958801, loadingDefaults: false, metamaskNetworkId: '5', nonceDetails: { local: { details: { highest: 2, startPoint: 2, }, name: 'local', nonce: 2, }, network: { details: { baseCount: 2, blockNumber: '0x7cbf93', }, name: 'network', nonce: 2, }, params: { highestLocallyConfirmed: 0, highestSuggested: 2, nextNetworkNonce: 2, }, }, origin: 'metamask', status: 'confirmed', submittedTime: 1671635510753, time: 1671635506502, txParams: { from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', gas: '0x5208', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', value: '0xde0b6b3a7640000', }, txReceipt: { blockNumber: { length: 1, negative: 0, words: [8175509, null], }, from: '0x5cfe73b6021e818b776b421b1c4db2474086a7e1', status: '0x1', to: '0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970', type: '0x2', }, type: 'simpleSend', }, }, }); } withNetworkSupportEIP1559() { merge(, { networkDetails: { EIPS: { 1559: true }, }, }); return this; } build() { this.fixture.meta = { version: 74, }; return this.fixture; } } module.exports = FixtureBuilder;