# improved-yarn-audit advisory exclusions

# yarn berry's `yarn npm audit` script reports the following vulnerability but
# it is a false positive. The offending version of 'ws' that is installed is
# 7.1.1 and is included only via remote-redux-devtools which is a devDependency

# yarn npm audit reports on a fast-json-patch version < 3.1.1 but due to patch
# resolution, the only version of fast-json-patch that we use is 3.1.1. We also
# have 2.2.1 installed but it is a dev only dependency. The "violation" reports
# smart-transacton-controller as the culprit but if you run
# `yarn info -A -R dependents fast-json-patch` you can see that only 2.2.1 and
# 3.3.1 are installed and that smart-transaction-controller resolves to the
# patched version of 3.3.1. We can remove this once the
# smart-transaction-controller updates its dependency.