import punycode from 'punycode' import abi from 'human-standard-token-abi' import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' import { DateTime } from 'luxon' // formatData :: ( date: ) -> String export function formatDate (date, format = 'M/d/y \'at\' T') { return DateTime.fromMillis(date).toFormat(format) } export function formatDateWithYearContext (date, formatThisYear = 'MMM d', fallback = 'MMM d, y') { const dateTime = DateTime.fromMillis(date) const now = DateTime.local() return dateTime.toFormat(now.year === dateTime.year ? formatThisYear : fallback) } const valueTable = { wei: '1000000000000000000', kwei: '1000000000000000', mwei: '1000000000000', gwei: '1000000000', szabo: '1000000', finney: '1000', ether: '1', kether: '0.001', mether: '0.000001', gether: '0.000000001', tether: '0.000000000001', } const bnTable = {} Object.keys(valueTable).forEach((currency) => { bnTable[currency] = new ethUtil.BN(valueTable[currency], 10) }) export function isEthNetwork (netId) { if (!netId || netId === '1' || netId === '3' || netId === '4' || netId === '42' || netId === '5777') { return true } return false } export function valuesFor (obj) { if (!obj) { return [] } return Object.keys(obj) .map(function (key) { return obj[key] }) } export function addressSummary (address, firstSegLength = 10, lastSegLength = 4, includeHex = true) { if (!address) { return '' } let checked = checksumAddress(address) if (!includeHex) { checked = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(checked) } return checked ? checked.slice(0, firstSegLength) + '...' + checked.slice(checked.length - lastSegLength) : '...' } export function isValidAddress (address) { if (!address || address === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { return false } const prefixed = address.startsWith('0X') ? address : ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address) return (isAllOneCase(prefixed.slice(2)) && ethUtil.isValidAddress(prefixed)) || ethUtil.isValidChecksumAddress(prefixed) } export function isValidDomainName (address) { const match = punycode.toASCII(address) .toLowerCase() // Checks that the domain consists of at least one valid domain pieces separated by periods, followed by a tld // Each piece of domain name has only the characters a-z, 0-9, and a hyphen (but not at the start or end of chunk) // A chunk has minimum length of 1, but minimum tld is set to 2 for now (no 1-character tlds exist yet) .match(/^(?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]$/u) return match !== null } export function isAllOneCase (address) { if (!address) { return true } const lower = address.toLowerCase() const upper = address.toUpperCase() return address === lower || address === upper } // Takes wei Hex, returns wei BN, even if input is null export function numericBalance (balance) { if (!balance) { return new ethUtil.BN(0, 16) } const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(balance) return new ethUtil.BN(stripped, 16) } // Takes hex, returns [beforeDecimal, afterDecimal] export function parseBalance (balance) { let afterDecimal const wei = numericBalance(balance) const weiString = wei.toString() const trailingZeros = /0+$/u const beforeDecimal = weiString.length > 18 ? weiString.slice(0, weiString.length - 18) : '0' afterDecimal = ('000000000000000000' + wei).slice(-18).replace(trailingZeros, '') if (afterDecimal === '') { afterDecimal = '0' } return [beforeDecimal, afterDecimal] } // Takes wei hex, returns an object with three properties. // Its "formatted" property is what we generally use to render values. export function formatBalance (balance, decimalsToKeep, needsParse = true, ticker = 'ETH') { const parsed = needsParse ? parseBalance(balance) : balance.split('.') const beforeDecimal = parsed[0] let afterDecimal = parsed[1] let formatted = 'None' if (decimalsToKeep === undefined) { if (beforeDecimal === '0') { if (afterDecimal !== '0') { const sigFigs = afterDecimal.match(/^0*(.{2})/u) // default: grabs 2 most significant digits if (sigFigs) { afterDecimal = sigFigs[0] } formatted = '0.' + afterDecimal + ` ${ticker}` } } else { formatted = beforeDecimal + '.' + afterDecimal.slice(0, 3) + ` ${ticker}` } } else { afterDecimal += Array(decimalsToKeep).join('0') formatted = beforeDecimal + '.' + afterDecimal.slice(0, decimalsToKeep) + ` ${ticker}` } return formatted } export function generateBalanceObject (formattedBalance, decimalsToKeep = 1) { let balance = formattedBalance.split(' ')[0] const label = formattedBalance.split(' ')[1] const beforeDecimal = balance.split('.')[0] const afterDecimal = balance.split('.')[1] const shortBalance = shortenBalance(balance, decimalsToKeep) if (beforeDecimal === '0' && afterDecimal.substr(0, 5) === '00000') { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (afterDecimal == 0) { balance = '0' } else { balance = '<1.0e-5' } } else if (beforeDecimal !== '0') { balance = `${beforeDecimal}.${afterDecimal.slice(0, decimalsToKeep)}` } return { balance, label, shortBalance } } export function shortenBalance (balance, decimalsToKeep = 1) { let truncatedValue const convertedBalance = parseFloat(balance) if (convertedBalance > 1000000) { truncatedValue = (balance / 1000000).toFixed(decimalsToKeep) return `${truncatedValue}m` } else if (convertedBalance > 1000) { truncatedValue = (balance / 1000).toFixed(decimalsToKeep) return `${truncatedValue}k` } else if (convertedBalance === 0) { return '0' } else if (convertedBalance < 0.001) { return '<0.001' } else if (convertedBalance < 1) { const stringBalance = convertedBalance.toString() if (stringBalance.split('.')[1].length > 3) { return convertedBalance.toFixed(3) } else { return stringBalance } } else { return convertedBalance.toFixed(decimalsToKeep) } } // Takes a BN and an ethereum currency name, // returns a BN in wei export function normalizeToWei (amount, currency) { try { return amount.mul(bnTable.wei).div(bnTable[currency]) } catch (e) { return amount } } export function normalizeEthStringToWei (str) { const parts = str.split('.') let eth = new ethUtil.BN(parts[0], 10).mul(bnTable.wei) if (parts[1]) { let decimal = parts[1] while (decimal.length < 18) { decimal += '0' } if (decimal.length > 18) { decimal = decimal.slice(0, 18) } const decimalBN = new ethUtil.BN(decimal, 10) eth = eth.add(decimalBN) } return eth } const multiple = new ethUtil.BN('10000', 10) export function normalizeNumberToWei (n, currency) { const enlarged = n * 10000 const amount = new ethUtil.BN(String(enlarged), 10) return normalizeToWei(amount, currency).div(multiple) } export function isHex (str) { return Boolean(str.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$/u)) } export function getContractAtAddress (tokenAddress) { return global.eth.contract(abi).at(tokenAddress) } export function getRandomFileName () { let fileName = '' const charBank = [ ...'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', ] const fileNameLength = Math.floor((Math.random() * 7) + 6) for (let i = 0; i < fileNameLength; i++) { fileName += charBank[Math.floor(Math.random() * charBank.length)] } return fileName } export function exportAsFile (filename, data, type = 'text/csv') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign filename = filename || getRandomFileName() // source: by Ludovic Feltz const blob = new window.Blob([data], { type }) if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename) } else { const elem = window.document.createElement('a') = '_blank' elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob) = filename document.body.appendChild(elem) document.body.removeChild(elem) } } /** * Safely checksumms a potentially-null address * * @param {string} [address] - address to checksum * @returns {string} - checksummed address * */ export function checksumAddress (address) { const checksummed = address ? ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) : '' return checksummed } /** * Shortens an Ethereum address for display, preserving the beginning and end. * Returns the given address if it is no longer than 10 characters. * Shortened addresses are 13 characters long. * * Example output: 0xabcd...1234 * * @param {string} address - The address to shorten. * @returns {string} The shortened address, or the original if it was no longer * than 10 characters. */ export function shortenAddress (address = '') { if (address.length < 11) { return address } return `${address.slice(0, 6)}...${address.slice(-4)}` } export function isValidAddressHead (address) { const addressLengthIsLessThanFull = address.length < 42 const addressIsHex = isHex(address) return addressLengthIsLessThanFull && addressIsHex } export function getAccountByAddress (accounts = [], targetAddress) { return accounts.find(({ address }) => address === targetAddress) } /** * Strips the following schemes from URL strings: * - http * - https * * @param {string} urlString - The URL string to strip the scheme from. * @returns {string} The URL string, without the scheme, if it was stripped. */ export function stripHttpSchemes (urlString) { return urlString.replace(/^https?:\/\//u, '') } /** * Checks whether a URL-like value (object or string) is an extension URL. * * @param {string | URL | object} urlLike - The URL-like value to test. * @returns {boolean} Whether the URL-like value is an extension URL. */ export function isExtensionUrl (urlLike) { const EXT_PROTOCOLS = ['chrome-extension:', 'moz-extension:'] if (typeof urlLike === 'string') { for (const protocol of EXT_PROTOCOLS) { if (urlLike.startsWith(protocol)) { return true } } } if (urlLike?.protocol) { return EXT_PROTOCOLS.includes(urlLike.protocol) } return false } /** * Checks whether an address is in a passed list of objects with address properties. The check is performed on the * lowercased version of the addresses. * * @param {string} address - The hex address to check * @param {array} list - The array of objects to check * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the address is in the list */ export function checkExistingAddresses (address, list = []) { if (!address) { return false } const matchesAddress = (obj) => { return obj.address.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase() } return list.some(matchesAddress) }