#!/usr/bin/env node const { promises: fs } = require('fs') const path = require('path') const fetch = require('node-fetch') const VERSION = require('../dist/chrome/manifest.json').version // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved start().catch(console.error) function capitalizeFirstLetter (string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1) } async function start () { const GITHUB_COMMENT_TOKEN = process.env.GITHUB_COMMENT_TOKEN const CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST = process.env.CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST console.log('CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST', CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST) const CIRCLE_SHA1 = process.env.CIRCLE_SHA1 console.log('CIRCLE_SHA1', CIRCLE_SHA1) const CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM = process.env.CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM console.log('CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM', CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM) if (!CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST) { console.warn(`No pull request detected for commit "${CIRCLE_SHA1}"`) return } const CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER = CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST.split('/').pop() const SHORT_SHA1 = CIRCLE_SHA1.slice(0, 7) const BUILD_LINK_BASE = `https://${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-42009758-gh.circle-artifacts.com/0` // build the github comment content // links to extension builds const platforms = ['chrome', 'firefox', 'opera'] const buildLinks = platforms.map((platform) => { const url = `${BUILD_LINK_BASE}/builds/metamask-${platform}-${VERSION}.zip` return `${platform}` }).join(', ') // links to bundle browser builds const bundles = ['background', 'ui', 'inpage', 'contentscript', 'ui-libs', 'bg-libs', 'phishing-detect'] const bundleLinks = bundles.map((bundle) => { const url = `${BUILD_LINK_BASE}/build-artifacts/source-map-explorer/${bundle}.html` return `${bundle}` }).join(', ') // links to bundle browser builds const depVizUrl = `${BUILD_LINK_BASE}/build-artifacts/deps-viz/background/index.html` const depVizLink = `background` // link to artifacts const allArtifactsUrl = `https://circleci.com/gh/MetaMask/metamask-extension/${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}#artifacts/containers/0` const contentRows = [ `builds: ${buildLinks}`, `bundle viz: ${bundleLinks}`, `dep viz: ${depVizLink}`, `all artifacts`, ] const hiddenContent = `` const exposedContent = `Builds ready [${SHORT_SHA1}]` const artifactsBody = `
` const benchmarkResults = {} for (const platform of platforms) { const benchmarkPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', path.join('test-artifacts', platform, 'benchmark', 'pageload.json')) try { const data = await fs.readFile(benchmarkPath, 'utf8') const benchmark = JSON.parse(data) benchmarkResults[platform] = benchmark } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { console.log(`No benchmark data found for ${platform}; skipping`) } else { console.error(`Error encountered processing benchmark data for '${platform}': '${error}'`) } } } const summaryPlatform = 'chrome' const summaryPage = 'home' let commentBody if (benchmarkResults[summaryPlatform]) { try { const summaryPageLoad = Math.round(parseFloat(benchmarkResults[summaryPlatform][summaryPage].average.load)) const summaryPageLoadMarginOfError = Math.round(parseFloat(benchmarkResults[summaryPlatform][summaryPage].marginOfError.load)) const benchmarkSummary = `Page Load Metrics (${summaryPageLoad} ± ${summaryPageLoadMarginOfError} ms)` const allPlatforms = new Set() const allPages = new Set() const allMetrics = new Set() const allMeasures = new Set() for (const platform of Object.keys(benchmarkResults)) { allPlatforms.add(platform) const platformBenchmark = benchmarkResults[platform] const pages = Object.keys(platformBenchmark) for (const page of pages) { allPages.add(page) const pageBenchmark = platformBenchmark[page] const measures = Object.keys(pageBenchmark) for (const measure of measures) { allMeasures.add(measure) const measureBenchmark = pageBenchmark[measure] const metrics = Object.keys(measureBenchmark) for (const metric of metrics) { allMetrics.add(metric) } } } } const tableRows = [] for (const platform of allPlatforms) { const pageRows = [] for (const page of allPages) { const metricRows = [] for (const metric of allMetrics) { let metricData = `${metric}` for (const measure of allMeasures) { metricData += `${Math.round(parseFloat(benchmarkResults[platform][page][measure][metric]))}` } metricRows.push(metricData) } metricRows[0] = `${capitalizeFirstLetter(page)}${metricRows[0]}` pageRows.push(...metricRows) } pageRows[0] = `${capitalizeFirstLetter(platform)}${pageRows[0]}` for (const row of pageRows) { tableRows.push(`${row}`) } } const benchmarkTableHeaders = ['Platform', 'Page', 'Metric'] for (const measure of allMeasures) { benchmarkTableHeaders.push(`${capitalizeFirstLetter(measure)} (ms)`) } const benchmarkTableHeader = `${benchmarkTableHeaders.map((header) => `${header}`).join('')}` const benchmarkTableBody = `${tableRows.join('')}` const benchmarkTable = `${benchmarkTableHeader}${benchmarkTableBody}
` const benchmarkBody = `
` commentBody = `${artifactsBody}${benchmarkBody}` } catch (error) { console.error(`Error constructing benchmark results: '${error}'`) commentBody = artifactsBody } } else { console.log(`No results for ${summaryPlatform} found; skipping benchmark`) commentBody = artifactsBody } const JSON_PAYLOAD = JSON.stringify({ body: commentBody }) const POST_COMMENT_URI = `https://api.github.com/repos/metamask/metamask-extension/issues/${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}/comments` console.log(`Announcement:\n${commentBody}`) console.log(`Posting to: ${POST_COMMENT_URI}`) const response = await fetch(POST_COMMENT_URI, { method: 'POST', body: JSON_PAYLOAD, headers: { 'User-Agent': 'metamaskbot', 'Authorization': `token ${GITHUB_COMMENT_TOKEN}`, }, }) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Post comment failed with status '${response.statusText}'`) } }