/* eslint camelcase: 0 */ import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' const inDevelopment = process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG || process.env.IN_TEST let projectId = process.env.METAMETRICS_PROJECT_ID if (!projectId) { projectId = inDevelopment ? 1 : 2 } const METAMETRICS_BASE_URL = 'https://chromeextensionmm.innocraft.cloud/piwik.php' const METAMETRICS_REQUIRED_PARAMS = `?idsite=${projectId}&rec=1&apiv=1` const METAMETRICS_BASE_FULL = METAMETRICS_BASE_URL + METAMETRICS_REQUIRED_PARAMS export const METAMETRICS_TRACKING_URL = inDevelopment ? 'http://www.metamask.io/metametrics' : 'http://www.metamask.io/metametrics-prod' /** ***************Custom variables*************** **/ // Custom variable declarations const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT_CHANGE = 'gasLimitChange' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE_CHANGE = 'gasPriceChange' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_FUNCTION_TYPE = 'functionType' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RECIPIENT_KNOWN = 'recipientKnown' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_CONFIRM_SCREEN_ORIGIN = 'origin' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_FROM_NETWORK = 'fromNetwork' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_TO_NETWORK = 'toNetwork' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ERROR_FIELD = 'errorField' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'errorMessage' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RPC_NETWORK_ID = 'networkId' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RPC_CHAIN_ID = 'chainId' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_CHANGED = 'gasChanged' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ASSET_SELECTED = 'assetSelected' const customVariableNameIdMap = { [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_FUNCTION_TYPE]: 1, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RECIPIENT_KNOWN]: 2, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_CONFIRM_SCREEN_ORIGIN]: 3, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT_CHANGE]: 4, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE_CHANGE]: 5, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_FROM_NETWORK]: 1, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_TO_NETWORK]: 2, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RPC_NETWORK_ID]: 1, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_RPC_CHAIN_ID]: 2, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ERROR_FIELD]: 3, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE]: 4, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_GAS_CHANGED]: 1, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ASSET_SELECTED]: 2, } /** ********************************************************** **/ const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NETWORK = 'network' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = 'environmentType' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ACTIVE_CURRENCY = 'activeCurrency' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ACCOUNT_TYPE = 'accountType' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NUMBER_OF_ACCOUNTS = 'numberOfAccounts' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NUMBER_OF_TOKENS = 'numberOfTokens' const METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_VERSION = 'version' const customDimensionsNameIdMap = { [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NETWORK]: 5, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]: 6, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ACTIVE_CURRENCY]: 7, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_ACCOUNT_TYPE]: 8, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NUMBER_OF_ACCOUNTS]: 9, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_NUMBER_OF_TOKENS]: 10, [METAMETRICS_CUSTOM_VERSION]: 11, } function composeUrlRefParamAddition (previousPath, confirmTransactionOrigin) { const externalOrigin = confirmTransactionOrigin && confirmTransactionOrigin !== 'metamask' return `&urlref=${externalOrigin ? 'EXTERNAL' : encodeURIComponent(previousPath.replace(/chrome-extension:\/\/\w+/, METAMETRICS_TRACKING_URL))}` } // composes query params of the form &dimension[0-999]=[value] function composeCustomDimensionParamAddition (customDimensions) { const customDimensionParamStrings = Object.keys(customDimensions).reduce((acc, name) => { return [...acc, `dimension${customDimensionsNameIdMap[name]}=${customDimensions[name]}`] }, []) return `&${customDimensionParamStrings.join('&')}` } // composes query params in form: &cvar={[id]:[[name],[value]]} // Example: &cvar={"1":["OS","iphone 5.0"],"2":["Matomo Mobile Version","1.6.2"],"3":["Locale","en::en"],"4":["Num Accounts","2"]} function composeCustomVarParamAddition (customVariables) { const customVariableIdValuePairs = Object.keys(customVariables).reduce((acc, name) => { return { [customVariableNameIdMap[name]]: [name, customVariables[name]], ...acc, } }, {}) return `&cvar=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(customVariableIdValuePairs))}` } function composeParamAddition (paramValue, paramName) { return paramValue !== 0 && !paramValue ? '' : `&${paramName}=${paramValue}` } /** * @name composeUrl * @param {Object} config - configuration object for composing the metametrics url * @property {object} config.eventOpts Object containing event category, action and name descriptors * @property {object} config.customVariables Object containing custom properties with values relevant to a specific event * @property {object} config.pageOpts Objects containing information about a page/route the event is dispatched from * @property {number} config.network The selected network of the user when the event occurs * @property {string} config.environmentType The "environment" the user is using the app from: 'popup', 'notification' or 'fullscreen' * @property {string} config.activeCurrency The current the user has select as their primary currency at the time of the event * @property {string} config.accountType The account type being used at the time of the event: 'hardware', 'imported' or 'default' * @property {number} config.numberOfTokens The number of tokens that the user has added at the time of the event * @property {number} config.numberOfAccounts The number of accounts the user has added at the time of the event * @property {string} config.previousPath The location path the user was on prior to the path they are on at the time of the event * @property {string} config.currentPath The location path the user is on at the time of the event * @property {string} config.metaMetricsId A random id assigned to a user at the time of opting in to metametrics. A hexadecimal number * @property {string} config.confirmTransactionOrigin The origin on a transaction * @property {boolean} config.excludeMetaMetricsId Whether or not the tracked event data should be associated with a metametrics id * @property {boolean} config.isNewVisit Whether or not the event should be tracked as a new visit/user sessions * @returns {string} - Returns a url to be passed to fetch to make the appropriate request to matomo. * Example: https://chromeextensionmm.innocraft.cloud/piwik.php?idsite=1&rec=1&apiv=1&e_c=Navigation&e_a=Home&e_n=Clicked%20Send:%20Eth&urlref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.metamask.io%2Fmetametrics%2Fhome.html%23send&dimension5=3&dimension6=fullscreen&dimension7=ETH&dimension8=default&dimension9=0&dimension10=3&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.metamask.io%2Fmetametrics%2Fhome.html%23&_id=49c10aff19795e9a&rand=7906028754863992&pv_id=53acad&uid=49c1 */ function composeUrl (config) { const { eventOpts = {}, customVariables = '', pageOpts = '', network, environmentType, activeCurrency, accountType, numberOfTokens, numberOfAccounts, version, previousPath = '', currentPath, metaMetricsId, confirmTransactionOrigin, excludeMetaMetricsId, isNewVisit, } = config const base = METAMETRICS_BASE_FULL const e_c = composeParamAddition(eventOpts.category, 'e_c') const e_a = composeParamAddition(eventOpts.action, 'e_a') const e_n = composeParamAddition(eventOpts.name, 'e_n') const new_visit = isNewVisit ? `&new_visit=1` : '' const cvar = (customVariables && composeCustomVarParamAddition(customVariables)) || '' const action_name = '' const urlref = previousPath && composeUrlRefParamAddition(previousPath, confirmTransactionOrigin) const dimensions = !pageOpts.hideDimensions ? composeCustomDimensionParamAddition({ network, environmentType, activeCurrency, accountType, version, numberOfTokens: (customVariables && customVariables.numberOfTokens) || numberOfTokens, numberOfAccounts: (customVariables && customVariables.numberOfAccounts) || numberOfAccounts, }) : '' const url = currentPath ? `&url=${encodeURIComponent(currentPath.replace(/chrome-extension:\/\/\w+/, METAMETRICS_TRACKING_URL))}` : '' const _id = metaMetricsId && !excludeMetaMetricsId ? `&_id=${metaMetricsId.slice(2, 18)}` : '' const rand = `&rand=${String(Math.random()).slice(2)}` const pv_id = currentPath ? `&pv_id=${ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.sha3(currentPath.match(/chrome-extension:\/\/\w+\/(.+)/)?.[0] || url)).slice(2, 8)}` : '' const uid = metaMetricsId && !excludeMetaMetricsId ? `&uid=${metaMetricsId.slice(2, 18)}` : excludeMetaMetricsId ? '&uid=0000000000000000' : '' return [ base, e_c, e_a, e_n, cvar, action_name, urlref, dimensions, url, _id, rand, pv_id, uid, new_visit ].join('') } export function sendMetaMetricsEvent (config) { return window.fetch(composeUrl(config), { 'headers': {}, 'method': 'GET', }) } export function verifyUserPermission (config, props) { const { eventOpts = {}, } = config const { userPermissionPreferences } = props const { allowAll, allowNone, allowSendMetrics, } = userPermissionPreferences if (allowNone) { return false } else if (allowAll) { return true } else if (allowSendMetrics && eventOpts.name === 'send') { return true } else { return false } } const trackableSendCounts = { 1: true, 10: true, 30: true, 50: true, 100: true, 250: true, 500: true, 1000: true, 2500: true, 5000: true, 10000: true, 25000: true, } export function sendCountIsTrackable (sendCount) { return Boolean(trackableSendCounts[sendCount]) }