import { SnapCaveatType } from '@metamask/rpc-methods'; import { CaveatTypes, RestrictedMethods, } from '../../../../shared/constants/permissions'; import { getCaveatSpecifications, getPermissionSpecifications, unrestrictedMethods, } from './specifications'; // Note: This causes to return the number 1. jest.useFakeTimers('modern').setSystemTime(1); describe('PermissionController specifications', () => { describe('caveat specifications', () => { it('getCaveatSpecifications returns the expected specifications object', () => { const caveatSpecifications = getCaveatSpecifications({}); expect(Object.keys(caveatSpecifications)).toHaveLength(6); expect( caveatSpecifications[CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts].type, ).toStrictEqual(CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts); expect(caveatSpecifications.permittedDerivationPaths.type).toStrictEqual( SnapCaveatType.PermittedDerivationPaths, ); expect(caveatSpecifications.permittedCoinTypes.type).toStrictEqual( SnapCaveatType.PermittedCoinTypes, ); expect(caveatSpecifications.snapKeyring.type).toStrictEqual( SnapCaveatType.SnapKeyring, ); expect(caveatSpecifications.snapCronjob.type).toStrictEqual( SnapCaveatType.SnapCronjob, ); expect(caveatSpecifications.transactionOrigin.type).toStrictEqual( SnapCaveatType.TransactionOrigin, ); }); describe('restrictReturnedAccounts', () => { describe('decorator', () => { it('returns the first array member included in the caveat value', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const { decorator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; const method = async () => ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3']; const caveat = { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x1', '0x2'], }; const decorated = decorator(method, caveat); expect(await decorated()).toStrictEqual(['0x1']); }); it('returns an empty array if no array members are included in the caveat value', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const { decorator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; const method = async () => ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3']; const caveat = { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x5'], }; const decorated = decorator(method, caveat); expect(await decorated()).toStrictEqual([]); }); it('returns an empty array if the method result is an empty array', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const { decorator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; const method = async () => []; const caveat = { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x1', '0x2'], }; const decorated = decorator(method, caveat); expect(await decorated()).toStrictEqual([]); }); }); describe('validator', () => { it('rejects invalid array values', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const { validator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; [null, 'foo', {}, []].forEach((invalidValue) => { expect(() => validator({ value: invalidValue })).toThrow( /Expected non-empty array of Ethereum addresses\.$/u, ); }); }); it('rejects falsy or non-string addresses', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const { validator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; [[{}], [[]], [null], ['']].forEach((invalidValue) => { expect(() => validator({ value: invalidValue })).toThrow( /Expected an array of Ethereum addresses. Received:/u, ); }); }); it('rejects addresses that have no corresponding identity', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { '0x1': true, '0x3': true, }; }); const { validator } = getCaveatSpecifications({ getIdentities })[ CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts ]; expect(() => validator({ value: ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3'] })).toThrow( /Received unrecognized address:/u, ); }); }); }); }); describe('permission specifications', () => { it('getPermissionSpecifications returns the expected specifications object', () => { const permissionSpecifications = getPermissionSpecifications({}); expect(Object.keys(permissionSpecifications)).toHaveLength(1); expect( permissionSpecifications[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts].targetKey, ).toStrictEqual(RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts); }); describe('eth_accounts', () => { describe('factory', () => { it('constructs a valid eth_accounts permission', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const getAllAccounts = jest.fn(); const { factory } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; expect( factory( { invoker: '', target: 'eth_accounts' }, { approvedAccounts: ['0x1'] }, ), ).toStrictEqual({ caveats: [ { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x1'], }, ], date: 1, id: expect.any(String), invoker: '', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', }); }); it('throws an error if no approvedAccounts are specified', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const getAllAccounts = jest.fn(); const { factory } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; expect(() => factory( { invoker: '', target: 'eth_accounts' }, {}, // no approvedAccounts ), ).toThrow(/No approved accounts specified\.$/u); }); it('throws an error if any caveats are specified directly', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const getAllAccounts = jest.fn(); const { factory } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; expect(() => factory( { caveats: [ { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x1', '0x2'], }, ], invoker: '', target: 'eth_accounts', }, { approvedAccounts: ['0x1'] }, ), ).toThrow(/Received unexpected caveats./u); }); }); describe('methodImplementation', () => { it('returns the keyring accounts in lastSelected order', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { '0x1': { lastSelected: 1, }, '0x2': {}, '0x3': { lastSelected: 3, }, '0x4': { lastSelected: 3, }, }; }); const getAllAccounts = jest .fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3', '0x4']); const { methodImplementation } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; expect(await methodImplementation()).toStrictEqual([ '0x3', '0x4', '0x1', '0x2', ]); }); it('throws if a keyring account is missing an address (case 1)', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { '0x2': { lastSelected: 3, }, '0x3': { lastSelected: 3, }, }; }); const getAllAccounts = jest .fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3']); const { methodImplementation } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, captureKeyringTypesWithMissingIdentities: jest.fn(), })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; await expect(() => methodImplementation()).rejects.toThrow( 'Missing identity for address: "0x1".', ); }); it('throws if a keyring account is missing an address (case 2)', async () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => { return { '0x1': { lastSelected: 1, }, '0x3': { lastSelected: 3, }, }; }); const getAllAccounts = jest .fn() .mockImplementationOnce(() => ['0x1', '0x2', '0x3']); const { methodImplementation } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, captureKeyringTypesWithMissingIdentities: jest.fn(), })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; await expect(() => methodImplementation()).rejects.toThrow( 'Missing identity for address: "0x2".', ); }); }); describe('validator', () => { it('accepts valid permissions', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const getAllAccounts = jest.fn(); const { validator } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; expect(() => validator({ caveats: [ { type: CaveatTypes.restrictReturnedAccounts, value: ['0x1', '0x2'], }, ], date: 1, id: expect.any(String), invoker: '', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', }), ).not.toThrow(); }); it('rejects invalid caveats', () => { const getIdentities = jest.fn(); const getAllAccounts = jest.fn(); const { validator } = getPermissionSpecifications({ getIdentities, getAllAccounts, })[RestrictedMethods.eth_accounts]; [null, [], [1, 2], [{ type: 'foobar' }]].forEach( (invalidCaveatsValue) => { expect(() => validator({ caveats: invalidCaveatsValue, date: 1, id: expect.any(String), invoker: '', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', }), ).toThrow(/Invalid caveats./u); }, ); }); }); }); }); describe('unrestricted methods', () => { it('defines the unrestricted methods', () => { expect(Array.isArray(unrestrictedMethods)).toBe(true); expect(Object.isFrozen(unrestrictedMethods)).toBe(true); }); }); });