import React from 'react' import assert from 'assert' import sinon from 'sinon' import { mountWithRouter } from '../../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers' import { DEFAULT_ROUTE } from '../../../../helpers/constants/routes' import EndOfFlowScreen from '../index' describe('End of Flow Screen', function () { let wrapper const props = { history: { push: sinon.spy(), }, completeOnboarding: sinon.spy(), } beforeEach(function () { wrapper = mountWithRouter( ) }) it('renders', function () { assert.equal(wrapper.length, 1) }) it('should navigate to the default route on click', function (done) { const endOfFlowButton = wrapper.find('.btn-primary.first-time-flow__button') endOfFlowButton.simulate('click') setImmediate(() => { assert(props.completeOnboarding.calledOnce) assert(props.history.push.calledOnceWithExactly(DEFAULT_ROUTE)) done() }) }) })