const path = require('path'); const { readFile } = require('fs/promises'); const assert = require('assert'); const { AssertionError } = require('assert'); const ini = require('ini'); const { loadBuildTypesConfig } = require('../lib/build-type'); const { Variables } = require('../lib/variables'); const { ENVIRONMENT } = require('./constants'); const VARIABLES_REQUIRED_IN_PRODUCTION = [ 'INFURA_BETA_PROJECT_ID', 'INFURA_FLASK_PROJECT_ID', 'INFURA_PROD_PROJECT_ID', 'SEGMENT_BETA_WRITE_KEY', 'SEGMENT_FLASK_WRITE_KEY', 'SEGMENT_PROD_WRITE_KEY', 'SENTRY_DSN', ]; async function fromIniFile(filepath) { let configContents = ''; try { configContents = await readFile(filepath, { encoding: 'utf8', }); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw error; } return undefined; } const variables = ini.parse(configContents); assert( !Object.values(variables).some((variable) => typeof variable === 'object'), `When loading ${filepath} - INI categories are not supported`, ); const entries = Object.entries(variables); const declarations = new Set( entries.filter(([, value]) => value === '').map(([key]) => key), ); const definitions = new Map( entries .filter(([, value]) => value !== '') .map(([key, value]) => [key, value]), ); return { declarations, definitions }; } function fromEnv(declarations) { const definitions = new Map( [...declarations] .filter((declaration) => declaration in process.env) .map((declaration) => [declaration, process.env[declaration]]), ); return { definitions, declarations: new Set() }; } function fromBuildsYML(buildType, config) { const extractDeclarations = (envArray) => envArray === undefined ? [] : => (typeof env === 'string' ? env : env.key)); const extractDefinitions = (envArray) => envArray === undefined ? [] : envArray.filter((env) => typeof env !== 'string'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign buildType = buildType ?? config.default; const activeBuild = config.buildTypes[buildType]; const activeFeatures = activeBuild.features ?? []; let declarations = [...extractDeclarations(config.env)]; activeFeatures .map((feature) => config.features[feature]) .filter((feature) => feature !== null) .forEach(({ env }) => declarations.push(...extractDeclarations(env))); declarations.push(...extractDeclarations(activeBuild.env)); declarations = new Set(declarations); const definitions = new Map(); // 1. root env extractDefinitions(config.env).forEach(({ key, value }) => definitions.set(key, value), ); // 2. features env activeFeatures .filter((key) => config.features[key] !== null) .map((key) => config.features[key].env) .map(extractDefinitions) .flat() .forEach(({ key, value }) => definitions.set(key, value)); // 3. build type env extractDefinitions(activeBuild.env).forEach(({ key, value }) => definitions.set(key, value), ); return { declarations, definitions, activeFeatures, activeBuild }; } /** * * @param {string?} buildType - The chosen build type to build * @param environment * @returns Parsed configuration of the build pipeline */ async function getConfig(buildType, environment) { const config = loadBuildTypesConfig(); const { declarations: ymlDeclarations, definitions: ymlDefinitions, activeBuild, activeFeatures, } = await fromBuildsYML(buildType, config); const variables = new Variables(ymlDeclarations); // notice that maps have inverted value and key pair in forEach ymlDefinitions.forEach((value, key) => variables.set(key, value)); ( await fromIniFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '.metamaskrc')) )?.definitions.forEach((value, key) => variables.set(key, value)); ( await fromIniFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '.metamaskprodrc')) )?.definitions.forEach((value, key) => variables.set(key, value)); fromEnv(ymlDeclarations).definitions.forEach((value, key) => variables.set(key, value), ); // TODO(ritave): Move build targets and environments to builds.yml if (environment === ENVIRONMENT.PRODUCTION) { const undefinedVariables = VARIABLES_REQUIRED_IN_PRODUCTION.filter( (variable) => !variables.isDefined(variable), ); if (undefinedVariables.length !== 0) { const message = `Some variables required to build production target are not defined. - ${undefinedVariables.join('\n - ')} `; throw new AssertionError({ message }); } } return { variables, activeBuild, activeFeatures, buildsYml: config, }; } module.exports = { getConfig, };