import React from 'react'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ERROR_KEY } from '../../../../helpers/constants/error-keys'; import SendRowWrapper from '.'; describe('SendContent Component', () => { describe('render', () => { it('should render with children', () => { const props = { errorType: 'mockErrorType', label: 'mockLabel', showError: false, }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( Mock Custom Label Content Mock Form Field , ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render a SendRowErrorMessage with and errorType props if showError is true', () => { const mockState = { send: { currentTransactionUUID: '1-tx', draftTransactions: { '1-tx': { gas: { error: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ERROR_KEY, }, amount: { error: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ERROR_KEY, }, }, }, }, }; const mockStore = configureMockStore()(mockState); const props = { errorType: 'amount', label: 'mockLabel', showError: true, }; const { container } = renderWithProvider( Mock Form Field , mockStore, ); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });