import React from 'react'; import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import Identicon from '../../../ui/identicon'; import SignatureRequestData from './signature-request-data'; describe('Signature Request Data', () => { describe('render', () => { const mockStore = { metamask: { tokenList: { '0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca': { address: '0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca', symbol: 'LINK', decimals: 18, name: 'ChainLink Token', iconUrl: '', aggregators: [ 'Aave', 'Bancor', 'CMC', '', 'CoinGecko', '1inch', 'Paraswap', 'PMM', 'Zapper', 'Zerion', '0x', ], occurrences: 12, unlisted: false, }, }, provider: { type: 'test', chainId: '0x5', }, identities: { '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826': { name: 'Account 1', address: '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826', }, '0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF': { name: 'Account 2', address: '0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF', }, }, addressBook: { '0x5': { '0x06195827297c7A80a443b6894d3BDB8824b43896': { address: '0x06195827297c7A80a443b6894d3BDB8824b43896', name: 'Address Book Account 1', chainId: '0x5', }, }, }, }, }; let messageData; const store = configureMockStore()(mockStore); beforeEach(() => { messageData = { domain: { chainId: 97, name: 'Ether Mail', verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC', version: '1', }, message: { contents: 'Hello, Bob!', from: { name: 'Cow', wallets: [ '0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826', '0xDeaDbeefdEAdbeefdEadbEEFdeadbeEFdEaDbeeF', '0x06195827297c7A80a443b6894d3BDB8824b43896', ], }, to: [ { name: 'Bob', wallets: [ '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB', '0xB0BdaBea57B0BDABeA57b0bdABEA57b0BDabEa57', '0xB0B0b0b0b0b0B000000000000000000000000000', ], }, ], }, primaryType: 'Mail', types: { EIP712Domain: [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'version', type: 'string' }, { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' }, ], Mail: [ { name: 'from', type: 'Person' }, { name: 'to', type: 'Person[]' }, { name: 'contents', type: 'string' }, ], Person: [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'wallets', type: 'address[]' }, ], }, }; }); it('should render domain chainId', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('97')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render domain name', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Ether Mail')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for domain verifying contract', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render domain verifying contract shorten address', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('0xCcC...cccC')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render contents title', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Contents:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render contants text', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Hello, Bob!')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render from title', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('From:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render name title in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Name:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render name text in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Cow')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render wallets title in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Wallets:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for first wallet in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render first account name from wallets array if address exists in identities object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Account 1')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for second wallet in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render second account name from wallets array if address exists in identities object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Account 2')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for third wallet in "from" object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render third account name from wallets array if address exists in address book object', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Address Book Account 1')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render name title in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Name:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render name text in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Bob')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render wallets title in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('Wallets:')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for first wallet in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render first shorten address from wallets array if address does not exists in identities and address book objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('0xbBb...BBbB')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for second wallet in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render second shorten address from wallets array if address does not exists in identities and address book objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('0xB0B...Ea57')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render Identicon for third wallet in "to" array of objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const iconImage = ( ); expect(iconImage).toBeDefined(); }); it('should render third shorten address from wallets array if address does not exists in identities and address book objects', () => { const msgParams = { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messageData)), version: 'V4', origin: 'test', }; const { getByText } = renderWithProvider( , store, ); expect(getByText('0xB0B...0000')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });