import React from 'react' import { number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs/react' import CountdownTimer from './countdown-timer' export default { title: 'CountdownTimer', } const getTimeStartedFromDecrimentSeconds = (seconds) => - seconds * 1000 export const Default = () => { const timeStartedSecondDecriment = number( 'Set timeStarted to curren time minus X seconds', 10, ) return ( ) } export const CustomTimerBase = () => { const timeStartedSecondDecriment = number( 'Set timeStarted to curren time minus X seconds', 10, ) return ( ) } // Label keys used in below stories are just for demonstration purposes export const WithLabelInfoTooltipAndWarning = () => { const timeStartedSecondDecriment = number( 'Set timeStarted to curren time minus X seconds', 0, ) return ( ) }