import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { DISPLAY, FLEX_DIRECTION, AlignItems, IconColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; import { TextField, Icon, IconName, IconSize } from '..'; import { Label } from './label'; import README from './README.mdx'; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/Label', component: Label, parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, }, argTypes: { htmlFor: { control: 'text', }, children: { control: 'text', }, className: { control: 'text', }, }, args: { children: 'Label', }, }; const Template = (args) => <Label {...args} />; export const DefaultStory = Template.bind({}); DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; export const Children = (args) => ( <Box display={DISPLAY.INLINE_FLEX} flexDirection={FLEX_DIRECTION.COLUMN} gap={2} > <Label {...args}>Plain text</Label> <Label {...args} display={DISPLAY.FLEX} alignItems={AlignItems.flexStart}> Text and icon <Icon color={IconColor.iconAlternative} name={IconName.Info} size={IconSize.Inherit} /> </Label> <Label {...args} display={DISPLAY.INLINE_FLEX} flexDirection={FLEX_DIRECTION.COLUMN} alignItems={AlignItems.flexStart} > Label that wraps an input <TextField placeholder="Click label to focus" /> </Label> </Box> ); export const HtmlFor = (args) => { const [value, setValue] = useState(''); const handleOnChange = (e) => { setValue(; }; return ( <Box display={DISPLAY.INLINE_FLEX} flexDirection={FLEX_DIRECTION.COLUMN}> <Label {...args} /> <TextField id="add-network" value={value} onChange={handleOnChange} placeholder="Enter network name" /> </Box> ); }; HtmlFor.args = { children: 'Network name', htmlFor: 'add-network', };