import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useArgs } from '@storybook/client-api'; import { DISPLAY, AlignItems, TextVariant, JustifyContent, TextColor, IconColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../../ui/box/box'; import { ButtonLink, ButtonPrimary, ButtonSecondary, HelpText, Label, Text, TEXT_FIELD_SIZES, TEXT_FIELD_TYPES, Icon, IconName, IconSize, } from '..'; import { FormTextField } from './form-text-field'; import README from './README.mdx'; const marginSizeControlOptions = [ undefined, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 'auto', ]; export default { title: 'Components/ComponentLibrary/FormTextField', component: FormTextField, parameters: { docs: { page: README, }, }, argTypes: { value: { control: 'text', }, onChange: { action: 'onChange', }, labelProps: { control: 'object', }, textFieldProps: { control: 'object', }, helpTextProps: { control: 'object', }, autoComplete: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, autoFocus: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, className: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, disabled: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, error: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, id: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, inputProps: { control: 'object', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, startAccessory: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, maxLength: { control: 'number', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, name: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, onBlur: { action: 'onBlur', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, onClick: { action: 'onClick', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, onFocus: { action: 'onFocus', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, onKeyDown: { action: 'onKeyDown', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, onKeyUp: { action: 'onKeyUp', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, placeholder: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, readOnly: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, required: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, endAccessory: { control: 'text', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, size: { control: 'select', options: Object.values(TEXT_FIELD_SIZES), table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, type: { control: 'select', options: Object.values(TEXT_FIELD_TYPES), table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, truncate: { control: 'boolean', table: { category: 'text field base props' }, }, marginTop: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginRight: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginBottom: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, marginLeft: { options: marginSizeControlOptions, control: 'select', table: { category: 'box props' }, }, }, args: { placeholder: 'Form text field', label: 'Label', id: 'form-text-field', helpText: 'Help text', }, }; const Template = (args) => { const [{ value }, updateArgs] = useArgs(); const handleOnChange = (e) => { updateArgs({ value: }); }; return ; }; export const DefaultStory = Template.bind({}); DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default'; export const Id = Template.bind({}); Id.args = { id: 'accessible-input-id', label: 'If label prop exists id prop is required for accessibility', helpText: '', }; export const LabelStory = Template.bind({}); LabelStory.storyName = 'Label'; // Need to use LabelStory to avoid conflict with Label component LabelStory.args = { id: 'input-with-label', label: 'Label content appears here', helpText: '', }; export const HelpTextStory = (args) => { const [{ value }, updateArgs] = useArgs(); const handleOnChange = (e) => { updateArgs({ value: }); }; return ( <> ); }; HelpTextStory.storyName = 'HelpText'; // Need to use HelpTextStory to avoid conflict with HelpTextStory component HelpTextStory.args = { label: '', helpText: 'HelpText content appears here', }; export const FormExample = () => { const FORM_STATE = { DEFAULT: 'default', SUCCESS: 'success', ERROR: 'error', }; const VALIDATED_VALUES = { NETWORK_NAME: 'network name', NEW_RPC_URL: 'new rpc url', CHAIN_ID: 'chain id', }; const ERROR_MESSAGES = { NETWORK_NAME: `Please enter "${VALIDATED_VALUES.NETWORK_NAME}"`, NEW_RPC_URL: `Please enter "${VALIDATED_VALUES.NEW_RPC_URL}"`, CHAIN_ID: `Please enter "${VALIDATED_VALUES.CHAIN_ID}"`, }; const [submitted, setSubmitted] = useState(FORM_STATE.DEFAULT); const [values, setValues] = useState({ networkName: '', newRpcUrl: '', chainId: '', }); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({ networkName: '', newRpcUrl: '', chainId: '', }); useEffect(() => { setErrors({ networkName: values.networkName && values.networkName.toLowerCase() !== VALIDATED_VALUES.NETWORK_NAME ? ERROR_MESSAGES.NETWORK_NAME : '', newRpcUrl: values.newRpcUrl && values.newRpcUrl.toLowerCase() !== VALIDATED_VALUES.NEW_RPC_URL ? ERROR_MESSAGES.NEW_RPC_URL : '', chainId: values.chainId && values.chainId.toLowerCase() !== VALIDATED_VALUES.CHAIN_ID ? ERROR_MESSAGES.CHAIN_ID : '', }); }, [ values, ERROR_MESSAGES.CHAIN_ID, ERROR_MESSAGES.NETWORK_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGES.NEW_RPC_URL, VALIDATED_VALUES.CHAIN_ID, VALIDATED_VALUES.NETWORK_NAME, VALIDATED_VALUES.NEW_RPC_URL, ]); const handleClearForm = () => { setValues({ networkName: '', newRpcUrl: '', chainId: '' }); setErrors({ networkName: '', newRpcUrl: '', chainId: '' }); setSubmitted(FORM_STATE.DEFAULT); }; const handleOnChange = (e) => { if (submitted === FORM_STATE.ERROR) { setErrors({ networkName: '', newRpcUrl: '', chainId: '' }); setSubmitted(FORM_STATE.DEFAULT); } setValues({ ...values, []:, }); }; const handleOnSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (errors.networkName || errors.newRpcUrl || errors.chainId) { setSubmitted(FORM_STATE.ERROR); } else { setSubmitted(FORM_STATE.SUCCESS); } }; return ( <> Submit Clear form {submitted === FORM_STATE.SUCCESS && ( Form successfully submitted! )} ); }; export const CustomLabelOrHelpText = () => ( <> Examples of how one might customize the Label or HelpText within the FormTextField component {/* If you need a custom label or require adding some form of customization import the Label component separately */} Use default Max} marginBottom={4} type={TEXT_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER} /> {/* If you need a custom help text or require adding some form of customization import the HelpText component separately and handle the error logic yourself */} Only enter a number that you're comfortable with the contract accessing now or in the future. You can always increase the token limit later. Max );