import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { AlignItems, BorderColor, DISPLAY, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; import { BannerBase } from '..'; import { BannerTipLogoType } from './banner-tip.constants'; export const BannerTip = ({ children, className, logoType = BannerTipLogoType.Greeting, logoWrapperProps, logoProps, startAccessory, ...props }) => { return ( ) } borderColor={BorderColor.borderDefault} className={classnames('mm-banner-tip', className)} {...props} > {children} ); }; BannerTip.propTypes = { /** * An additional className to apply to the Banner */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * Use the `logoType` prop with the `BannerTipLogoType` enum from `../../component-library` to change the logo image of `BannerTip`. * Possible options: `BannerTipLogoType.Greeting`(Default), `BannerTipLogoType.Chat`, */ logoType: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(BannerTipLogoType)), /** * logoProps accepts all the props from Box */ logoProps: PropTypes.shape(Box.propTypes), /** * logoWrapperProps accepts all the props from Box */ logoWrapperProps: PropTypes.shape(Box.propTypes), /** * The start(defualt left) content area of BannerBase */ startAccessory: PropTypes.node, /** * BannerTip accepts all the props from BannerBase */ ...BannerBase.propTypes, };