import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Tooltip from '../../ui/tooltip'; import { useI18nContext } from '../../../hooks/useI18nContext'; import { TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES, TRANSACTION_STATUSES, } from '../../../../shared/constants/transaction'; const QUEUED_PSEUDO_STATUS = 'queued'; /** * A note about status logic for this component: * Approved, Signed and Submitted statuses are all treated, effectively * as pending. Transactions are only approved or signed for less than a * second, usually, and ultimately should be rendered in the UI no * differently than a pending transaction. * * Confirmed transactions are not especially highlighted except that their * status label will be the date the transaction was finalized. */ const pendingStatusHash = { [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.SUBMITTED]: TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.PENDING, [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.APPROVED]: TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.PENDING, [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.SIGNED]: TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.PENDING, }; const statusToClassNameHash = { [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.UNAPPROVED]: 'transaction-status--unapproved', [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.REJECTED]: 'transaction-status--rejected', [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.FAILED]: 'transaction-status--failed', [TRANSACTION_STATUSES.DROPPED]: 'transaction-status--dropped', [TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.CANCELLED]: 'transaction-status--cancelled', [QUEUED_PSEUDO_STATUS]: 'transaction-status--queued', [TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.PENDING]: 'transaction-status--pending', }; export default function TransactionStatus({ status, date, error, isEarliestNonce, className, statusOnly, }) { const t = useI18nContext(); const tooltipText = error?.rpc?.message || error?.message; let statusKey = status; if (pendingStatusHash[status]) { statusKey = isEarliestNonce ? TRANSACTION_GROUP_STATUSES.PENDING : QUEUED_PSEUDO_STATUS; } const statusText = statusKey === TRANSACTION_STATUSES.CONFIRMED && !statusOnly ? date : statusKey && t(statusKey); return ( <Tooltip position="top" title={tooltipText} wrapperClassName={classnames( 'transaction-status', `transaction-status--${statusKey}`, className, statusToClassNameHash[statusKey], )} > {statusText} </Tooltip> ); } TransactionStatus.propTypes = { status: PropTypes.string, className: PropTypes.string, date: PropTypes.string, error: PropTypes.object, isEarliestNonce: PropTypes.bool, statusOnly: PropTypes.bool, };