const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const async = require('async') const KeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore const createPayload = require('web3-provider-engine/util/create-payload') var selectedAddress = null var identities = {} module.exports = IdentityManager var provider = null var pubsub = new EventEmitter() function IdentityManager(opts){ opts = opts || {} providerEngine = opts.providerEngine return { // plugin popup getState: getState, subscribe: subscribe, submitPassword: submitPassword, setSelectedAddress: setSelectedAddress, signTransaction: signTransaction, setLocked: setLocked, // eth rpc getAccounts: getAccounts, confirmTransaction: confirmTransaction, // etc newBlock: newBlock, setProvider: setProvider, } } function setProvider(_provider){ provider = _provider } function newBlock(block){ pubsub.emit('block', block) updateIdentities() } // on new block, update our accounts (but only if we're unlocked) function subscribe(cb){ pubsub.on('block', sendUpdateState) function sendUpdateState(){ if (!isUnlocked()) return updateIdentities(function(){ var state = _getState() cb(state) }) } } function getState(cb){ var result = _getState() cb(null, result) } function _getState(cb){ var unlocked = isUnlocked() var result = { isUnlocked: unlocked, identities: unlocked ? getIdentities() : {}, selectedAddress: selectedAddress, } return result } function isUnlocked(){ var password = window.sessionStorage['password'] var result = Boolean(password) return result } function setLocked(){ delete window.sessionStorage['password'] } function setSelectedAddress(address, cb){ selectedAddress = address cb(null, _getState()) } function submitPassword(password, cb){ console.log('submitPassword:', password) tryPassword(password, function(err){ if (err) console.log('bad password:', password, err) if (err) return cb(err) console.log('good password:', password) window.sessionStorage['password'] = password // load identities before returning... loadIdentities() var state = _getState() cb(null, state) // trigger an update but dont wait for it updateIdentities() }) } // get the current selected address function getAccounts(cb){ var result = selectedAddress ? [selectedAddress] : [] console.log('getAccounts:', result) cb(null, result) } function getIdentities(){ return identities } // load identities from keyStore function loadIdentities(){ if (!isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked') var keyStore = getKeyStore() var addresses = keyStore.getAddresses().map(function(address){ return '0x'+address }) addresses.forEach(function(address){ var identity = { name: 'Wally', img: 'QmW6hcwYzXrNkuHrpvo58YeZvbZxUddv69ATSHY3BHpPdd', address: address, balance: null, txCount: null, } identities[address] = identity }) } // foreach in identities, update balance + nonce function updateIdentities(cb){ cb = cb || function(){} if (!isUnlocked()) return cb(new Error('Not unlocked.')) var addresses = Object.keys(identities), updateIdentity, cb) } // gets latest info from the network for the identity function updateIdentity(address, cb){ async.parallel([ getAccountBalance.bind(null, address), getTxCount.bind(null, address), ], function(err, result){ if (err) return cb(err) var identity = identities[address] identity.balance = result[0] identity.txCount = result[1] cb() }) } function getTxCount(address, cb){ provider.sendAsync(createPayload({ method: 'eth_getTransactionCount', params: [address], }), function(err, res){ if (err) return cb(err) if (res.error) return cb(res.error) cb(null, res.result) }) } function getAccountBalance(address, cb){ provider.sendAsync(createPayload({ method: 'eth_getBalance', params: [address], }), function(err, res){ if (err) return cb(err) if (res.error) return cb(res.error) cb(null, res.result) }) } function tryPassword(password, cb){ var keyStore = getKeyStore(password) var address = keyStore.getAddresses()[0] if (!address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - No address to check.')) var hdPathString = keyStore.defaultHdPathString try { var encKey = keyStore.generateEncKey(password) var encPrivKey = keyStore.ksData[hdPathString].encPrivKeys[address] var privKey = KeyStore._decryptKey(encPrivKey, encKey) var addrFromPrivKey = KeyStore._computeAddressFromPrivKey(privKey) } catch (err) { return cb(err) } if (addrFromPrivKey !== address) return cb(new Error('KeyStore - Decrypting private key failed!')) cb() } function confirmTransaction(txParams, cb){ console.log('confirmTransaction:', txParams) } function signTransaction(txParams, cb){ console.log('signTransaction:', txParams) } var keyStore = null function getKeyStore(password){ if (keyStore) return keyStore password = password || getPassword() var serializedKeystore = window.localStorage['lightwallet'] // returning user if (serializedKeystore) { keyStore = KeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore) // first time here } else { var defaultPassword = 'test' console.log('creating new keystore with default password:', defaultPassword) var secretSeed = KeyStore.generateRandomSeed() keyStore = new KeyStore(secretSeed, defaultPassword) keyStore.generateNewAddress(defaultPassword, 3) saveKeystore() } keyStore.passwordProvider = unlockKeystore return keyStore } function saveKeystore(){ window.localStorage['lightwallet'] = keyStore.serialize() } function getPassword(){ var password = window.sessionStorage['password'] if (!password) throw new Error('No password found...') } function unlockKeystore(cb){ var password = getPassword() console.warn('unlocking keystore...') cb(null, password) }