import assert from 'assert' import nock from 'nock' import sinon from 'sinon' import proxyquire from 'proxyquire' const fakeStorage = {} const fetchWithCache = proxyquire('./fetch-with-cache', { '../../../lib/storage-helpers': fakeStorage, }).default describe('Fetch with cache', function () { beforeEach(function () { fakeStorage.getStorageItem = sinon.stub() fakeStorage.setStorageItem = sinon.stub() }) afterEach(function () { sinon.restore() nock.cleanAll() }) it('fetches a url', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 1}') const response = await fetchWithCache( '', ) assert.deepStrictEqual(response, { average: 1, }) }) it('returns cached response', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 2}') fakeStorage.getStorageItem.returns({ cachedResponse: { average: 1 }, cachedTime:, }) const response = await fetchWithCache( '', ) assert.deepStrictEqual(response, { average: 1, }) }) it('fetches URL again after cache refresh time has passed', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 3}') fakeStorage.getStorageItem.returns({ cachedResponse: { average: 1 }, cachedTime: - 1000, }) const response = await fetchWithCache( '', {}, { cacheRefreshTime: 123 }, ) assert.deepStrictEqual(response, { average: 3, }) }) it('should abort the request when the custom timeout is hit', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .delay(100) .reply(200, '{"average": 4}') await assert.rejects( () => fetchWithCache( '', {}, { timeout: 20 }, ), { name: 'AbortError', message: 'Aborted' }, ) }) it('throws when the response is unsuccessful', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(500, '{"average": 6}') await assert.rejects(() => fetchWithCache(''), ) }) it('throws when a POST request is attempted', async function () { nock('') .post('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 7}') await assert.rejects(() => fetchWithCache('', { method: 'POST', }), ) }) it('throws when the request has a truthy body', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 8}') await assert.rejects(() => fetchWithCache('', { body: 1 }), ) }) it('throws when the request has an invalid Content-Type header', async function () { nock('') .get('/price') .reply(200, '{"average": 9}') await assert.rejects( () => fetchWithCache('', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, }), { message: 'fetchWithCache only supports JSON responses' }, ) }) it('should correctly cache responses from interwoven requests', async function () { nock('') .get('/foo') .reply(200, '{"average": 9}') nock('') .get('/bar') .reply(200, '{"average": 9}') const testCache = {} fakeStorage.getStorageItem.callsFake((key) => testCache[key]) fakeStorage.setStorageItem.callsFake((key, value) => { testCache[key] = value }) await Promise.all([ fetchWithCache( '', {}, { cacheRefreshTime: 123 }, ), fetchWithCache( '', {}, { cacheRefreshTime: 123 }, ), ]) assert.deepStrictEqual( testCache['cachedFetch:'] .cachedResponse, { average: 9 }, ) assert.deepStrictEqual( testCache['cachedFetch:'] .cachedResponse, { average: 9 }, ) }) })