import React from 'react'; import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import { CHAIN_IDS } from '../../../../shared/constants/network'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import { AppHeader } from '.'; describe('App Header', () => { it('should match snapshot', () => { const mockState = { activeTab: { title: 'Eth Sign Tests', origin: '', protocol: 'https:', url: '', }, metamask: { providerConfig: { chainId: CHAIN_IDS.GOERLI, }, accounts: { '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d': { address: '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d', }, '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5': { address: '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5', }, }, preferences: { showTestNetworks: true, }, cachedBalances: {}, subjects: { '': { permissions: { eth_accounts: { caveats: [ { type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: [ '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5', '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d', ], }, ], date: 1586359844177, id: '3aa65a8b-3bcb-4944-941b-1baa5fe0ed8b', invoker: '', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', }, }, }, '': { permissions: { eth_accounts: { caveats: [ { type: 'restrictReturnedAccounts', value: ['0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5'], }, ], date: 1585676177970, id: '840d72a0-925f-449f-830a-1aa1dd5ce151', invoker: '', parentCapability: 'eth_accounts', }, }, }, }, identities: { '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d': { address: '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d', name: 'Really Long Name That Should Be Truncated', }, '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5': { address: '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5', lastSelected: 1586359844192, name: 'Account 1', }, }, keyrings: [ { accounts: [ '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5', '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d', ], }, ], permissionHistory: { '': { eth_accounts: { accounts: { '0x7250739de134d33ec7ab1ee592711e15098c9d2d': 1586359844192, '0x8e5d75d60224ea0c33d0041e75de68b1c3cb6dd5': 1586359844192, }, lastApproved: 1586359844192, }, }, }, }, appState: { onboardedInThisUISession: false, }, }; const mockStore = configureStore(); const store = mockStore(mockState); const { container } = renderWithProvider(, store); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });