import log from 'loglevel'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import abi from 'human-standard-token-abi'; import { SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP, ALLOWED_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES, SWAPS_WRAPPED_TOKENS_ADDRESSES, ETHEREUM, POLYGON, BSC, RINKEBY, AVALANCHE, SWAPS_API_V2_BASE_URL, SWAPS_DEV_API_V2_BASE_URL, GAS_API_BASE_URL, GAS_DEV_API_BASE_URL, SWAPS_CLIENT_ID, } from '../../../shared/constants/swaps'; import { TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE_TYPES } from '../../../shared/constants/transaction'; import { isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress, isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol, } from '../../../shared/modules/swaps.utils'; import { MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, BSC_CHAIN_ID, POLYGON_CHAIN_ID, LOCALHOST_CHAIN_ID, RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID, ETH_SYMBOL, AVALANCHE_CHAIN_ID, } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; import { SECOND } from '../../../shared/constants/time'; import { calcTokenValue, calcTokenAmount, } from '../../helpers/utils/token-util'; import { constructTxParams, toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros, } from '../../helpers/utils/util'; import { decimalToHex, getValueFromWeiHex, } from '../../helpers/utils/conversions.util'; import { subtractCurrencies } from '../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import { formatCurrency } from '../../helpers/utils/confirm-tx.util'; import fetchWithCache from '../../helpers/utils/fetch-with-cache'; import { calcGasTotal } from '../send/send.utils'; import { isValidHexAddress } from '../../../shared/modules/hexstring-utils'; const TOKEN_TRANSFER_LOG_TOPIC_HASH = '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef'; const CACHE_REFRESH_FIVE_MINUTES = 300000; const USD_CURRENCY_CODE = 'usd'; const clientIdHeader = { 'X-Client-Id': SWAPS_CLIENT_ID }; /** * @param {string} type - Type of an API call, e.g. "tokens" * @param {string} chainId * @returns string */ const getBaseUrlForNewSwapsApi = (type, chainId) => { const useDevApis = process.env.SWAPS_USE_DEV_APIS; const v2ApiBaseUrl = useDevApis ? SWAPS_DEV_API_V2_BASE_URL : SWAPS_API_V2_BASE_URL; const gasApiBaseUrl = useDevApis ? GAS_DEV_API_BASE_URL : GAS_API_BASE_URL; const noNetworkSpecificTypes = ['refreshTime']; // These types don't need network info in the URL. if (noNetworkSpecificTypes.includes(type)) { return v2ApiBaseUrl; } const chainIdDecimal = chainId && parseInt(chainId, 16); const gasApiTypes = ['gasPrices']; if (gasApiTypes.includes(type)) { return `${gasApiBaseUrl}/networks/${chainIdDecimal}`; // Gas calculations are in its own repo. } return `${v2ApiBaseUrl}/networks/${chainIdDecimal}`; }; const TEST_CHAIN_IDS = [RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID, LOCALHOST_CHAIN_ID]; export const getBaseApi = function (type, chainId = MAINNET_CHAIN_ID) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign chainId = TEST_CHAIN_IDS.includes(chainId) ? MAINNET_CHAIN_ID : chainId; const baseUrl = getBaseUrlForNewSwapsApi(type, chainId); const chainIdDecimal = chainId && parseInt(chainId, 16); if (!baseUrl) { throw new Error(`Swaps API calls are disabled for chainId: ${chainId}`); } switch (type) { case 'trade': return `${baseUrl}/trades?`; case 'tokens': return `${baseUrl}/tokens`; case 'token': return `${baseUrl}/token`; case 'topAssets': return `${baseUrl}/topAssets`; case 'aggregatorMetadata': return `${baseUrl}/aggregatorMetadata`; case 'gasPrices': return `${baseUrl}/gasPrices`; case 'network': // Only use v2 for this endpoint. return `${SWAPS_API_V2_BASE_URL}/networks/${chainIdDecimal}`; default: throw new Error('getBaseApi requires an api call type'); } }; const validHex = (string) => Boolean(string?.match(/^0x[a-f0-9]+$/u)); const truthyString = (string) => Boolean(string?.length); const truthyDigitString = (string) => truthyString(string) && Boolean(string.match(/^\d+$/u)); const QUOTE_VALIDATORS = [ { property: 'trade', type: 'object', validator: (trade) => trade && validHex( && isValidHexAddress(, { allowNonPrefixed: false }) && isValidHexAddress(trade.from, { allowNonPrefixed: false }) && truthyString(trade.value), }, { property: 'approvalNeeded', type: 'object', validator: (approvalTx) => approvalTx === null || (approvalTx && validHex( && isValidHexAddress(, { allowNonPrefixed: false }) && isValidHexAddress(approvalTx.from, { allowNonPrefixed: false })), }, { property: 'sourceAmount', type: 'string', validator: truthyDigitString, }, { property: 'destinationAmount', type: 'string', validator: truthyDigitString, }, { property: 'sourceToken', type: 'string', validator: (input) => isValidHexAddress(input, { allowNonPrefixed: false }), }, { property: 'destinationToken', type: 'string', validator: (input) => isValidHexAddress(input, { allowNonPrefixed: false }), }, { property: 'aggregator', type: 'string', validator: truthyString, }, { property: 'aggType', type: 'string', validator: truthyString, }, { property: 'error', type: 'object', validator: (error) => error === null || typeof error === 'object', }, { property: 'averageGas', type: 'number', }, { property: 'maxGas', type: 'number', }, { property: 'gasEstimate', type: 'number|undefined', validator: (gasEstimate) => gasEstimate === undefined || gasEstimate > 0, }, { property: 'fee', type: 'number', }, ]; const TOKEN_VALIDATORS = [ { property: 'address', type: 'string', validator: (input) => isValidHexAddress(input, { allowNonPrefixed: false }), }, { property: 'symbol', type: 'string', validator: (string) => truthyString(string) && string.length <= 12, }, { property: 'decimals', type: 'string|number', validator: (string) => Number(string) >= 0 && Number(string) <= 36, }, ]; const TOP_ASSET_VALIDATORS = TOKEN_VALIDATORS.slice(0, 2); const AGGREGATOR_METADATA_VALIDATORS = [ { property: 'color', type: 'string', validator: (string) => Boolean(string.match(/^#[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/u)), }, { property: 'title', type: 'string', validator: truthyString, }, { property: 'icon', type: 'string', validator: (string) => Boolean(string.match(/^data:image/u)), }, ]; const isValidDecimalNumber = (string) => !isNaN(string) && string.match(/^[.0-9]+$/u) && !isNaN(parseFloat(string)); const SWAP_GAS_PRICE_VALIDATOR = [ { property: 'SafeGasPrice', type: 'string', validator: isValidDecimalNumber, }, { property: 'ProposeGasPrice', type: 'string', validator: isValidDecimalNumber, }, { property: 'FastGasPrice', type: 'string', validator: isValidDecimalNumber, }, ]; function validateData(validators, object, urlUsed, logError = true) { return validators.every(({ property, type, validator }) => { const types = type.split('|'); const valid = types.some((_type) => typeof object[property] === _type) && (!validator || validator(object[property])); if (!valid && logError) { log.error( `response to GET ${urlUsed} invalid for property ${property}; value was:`, object[property], '| type was: ', typeof object[property], ); } return valid; }); } export const shouldEnableDirectWrapping = ( chainId, sourceToken, destinationToken, ) => { if (!sourceToken || !destinationToken) { return false; } const wrappedToken = SWAPS_WRAPPED_TOKENS_ADDRESSES[chainId]; const nativeToken = SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP[chainId]?.address; const sourceTokenLowerCase = sourceToken.toLowerCase(); const destinationTokenLowerCase = destinationToken.toLowerCase(); return ( (sourceTokenLowerCase === wrappedToken && destinationTokenLowerCase === nativeToken) || (sourceTokenLowerCase === nativeToken && destinationTokenLowerCase === wrappedToken) ); }; export async function fetchTradesInfo( { slippage, sourceToken, sourceDecimals, destinationToken, value, fromAddress, exchangeList, }, { chainId }, ) { const urlParams = { destinationToken, sourceToken, sourceAmount: calcTokenValue(value, sourceDecimals).toString(10), slippage, timeout: SECOND * 10, walletAddress: fromAddress, }; if (exchangeList) { urlParams.exchangeList = exchangeList; } if (shouldEnableDirectWrapping(chainId, sourceToken, destinationToken)) { urlParams.enableDirectWrapping = true; } const queryString = new URLSearchParams(urlParams).toString(); const tradeURL = `${getBaseApi('trade', chainId)}${queryString}`; const tradesResponse = await fetchWithCache( tradeURL, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: 0, timeout: SECOND * 15 }, ); const newQuotes = tradesResponse.reduce((aggIdTradeMap, quote) => { if ( && !quote.error && validateData(QUOTE_VALIDATORS, quote, tradeURL) ) { const constructedTrade = constructTxParams({ to:, from:, data:, amount: decimalToHex(, gas: decimalToHex(quote.maxGas), }); let { approvalNeeded } = quote; if (approvalNeeded) { approvalNeeded = constructTxParams({ ...approvalNeeded, }); } return { ...aggIdTradeMap, [quote.aggregator]: { ...quote, slippage, trade: constructedTrade, approvalNeeded, }, }; } return aggIdTradeMap; }, {}); return newQuotes; } export async function fetchToken(contractAddress, chainId) { const tokenUrl = getBaseApi('token', chainId); const token = await fetchWithCache( `${tokenUrl}?address=${contractAddress}`, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: CACHE_REFRESH_FIVE_MINUTES }, ); return token; } export async function fetchTokens(chainId) { const tokensUrl = getBaseApi('tokens', chainId); const tokens = await fetchWithCache( tokensUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: CACHE_REFRESH_FIVE_MINUTES }, ); const logError = false; const filteredTokens = [ SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP[chainId], ...tokens.filter((token) => { return ( validateData(TOKEN_VALIDATORS, token, tokensUrl, logError) && !( isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(token.symbol, chainId) || isSwapsDefaultTokenAddress(token.address, chainId) ) ); }), ]; return filteredTokens; } export async function fetchAggregatorMetadata(chainId) { const aggregatorMetadataUrl = getBaseApi('aggregatorMetadata', chainId); const aggregators = await fetchWithCache( aggregatorMetadataUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: CACHE_REFRESH_FIVE_MINUTES }, ); const filteredAggregators = {}; for (const aggKey in aggregators) { if ( validateData( AGGREGATOR_METADATA_VALIDATORS, aggregators[aggKey], aggregatorMetadataUrl, ) ) { filteredAggregators[aggKey] = aggregators[aggKey]; } } return filteredAggregators; } export async function fetchTopAssets(chainId) { const topAssetsUrl = getBaseApi('topAssets', chainId); const response = (await fetchWithCache( topAssetsUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: CACHE_REFRESH_FIVE_MINUTES }, )) || []; const topAssetsMap = response.reduce((_topAssetsMap, asset, index) => { if (validateData(TOP_ASSET_VALIDATORS, asset, topAssetsUrl)) { return { ..._topAssetsMap, [asset.address]: { index: String(index) } }; } return _topAssetsMap; }, {}); return topAssetsMap; } export async function fetchSwapsFeatureFlags() { const v2ApiBaseUrl = process.env.SWAPS_USE_DEV_APIS ? SWAPS_DEV_API_V2_BASE_URL : SWAPS_API_V2_BASE_URL; const response = await fetchWithCache( `${v2ApiBaseUrl}/featureFlags`, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: 600000 }, ); return response; } export async function fetchTokenPrice(address) { const query = `contract_addresses=${address}&vs_currencies=eth`; const prices = await fetchWithCache( `${query}`, { method: 'GET' }, { cacheRefreshTime: 60000 }, ); return prices && prices[address]?.eth; } export async function fetchTokenBalance(address, userAddress) { const tokenContract = global.eth.contract(abi).at(address); const tokenBalancePromise = tokenContract ? tokenContract.balanceOf(userAddress) : Promise.resolve(); const usersToken = await tokenBalancePromise; return usersToken; } export async function fetchSwapsGasPrices(chainId) { const gasPricesUrl = getBaseApi('gasPrices', chainId); const response = await fetchWithCache( gasPricesUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: clientIdHeader }, { cacheRefreshTime: 30000 }, ); const responseIsValid = validateData( SWAP_GAS_PRICE_VALIDATOR, response, gasPricesUrl, ); if (!responseIsValid) { throw new Error(`${gasPricesUrl} response is invalid`); } const { SafeGasPrice: safeLow, ProposeGasPrice: average, FastGasPrice: fast, } = response; return { safeLow, average, fast, }; } export const getFeeForSmartTransaction = ({ chainId, currentCurrency, conversionRate, USDConversionRate, nativeCurrencySymbol, feeInWeiDec, }) => { const feeInWeiHex = decimalToHex(feeInWeiDec); const ethFee = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: feeInWeiHex, toDenomination: ETH_SYMBOL, numberOfDecimals: 5, }); const rawNetworkFees = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: feeInWeiHex, toCurrency: currentCurrency, conversionRate, numberOfDecimals: 2, }); let feeInUsd; if (currentCurrency === USD_CURRENCY_CODE) { feeInUsd = rawNetworkFees; } else { feeInUsd = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: feeInWeiHex, toCurrency: USD_CURRENCY_CODE, conversionRate: USDConversionRate, numberOfDecimals: 2, }); } const formattedNetworkFee = formatCurrency(rawNetworkFees, currentCurrency); const chainCurrencySymbolToUse = nativeCurrencySymbol || SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP[chainId].symbol; return { feeInUsd, feeInFiat: formattedNetworkFee, feeInEth: `${ethFee} ${chainCurrencySymbolToUse}`, rawEthFee: ethFee, }; }; export function getRenderableNetworkFeesForQuote({ tradeGas, approveGas, gasPrice, currentCurrency, conversionRate, USDConversionRate, tradeValue, sourceSymbol, sourceAmount, chainId, nativeCurrencySymbol, }) { const totalGasLimitForCalculation = new BigNumber(tradeGas || '0x0', 16) .plus(approveGas || '0x0', 16) .toString(16); const gasTotalInWeiHex = calcGasTotal(totalGasLimitForCalculation, gasPrice); const nonGasFee = new BigNumber(tradeValue, 16) .minus( isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(sourceSymbol, chainId) ? sourceAmount : 0, 10, ) .toString(16); const totalWeiCost = new BigNumber(gasTotalInWeiHex, 16) .plus(nonGasFee, 16) .toString(16); const ethFee = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: totalWeiCost, toDenomination: 'ETH', numberOfDecimals: 5, }); const rawNetworkFees = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: totalWeiCost, toCurrency: currentCurrency, conversionRate, numberOfDecimals: 2, }); const formattedNetworkFee = formatCurrency(rawNetworkFees, currentCurrency); let feeInUsd; if (currentCurrency === USD_CURRENCY_CODE) { feeInUsd = rawNetworkFees; } else { feeInUsd = getValueFromWeiHex({ value: totalWeiCost, toCurrency: USD_CURRENCY_CODE, conversionRate: USDConversionRate, numberOfDecimals: 2, }); } const chainCurrencySymbolToUse = nativeCurrencySymbol || SWAPS_CHAINID_DEFAULT_TOKEN_MAP[chainId].symbol; return { rawNetworkFees, feeInUsd, rawEthFee: ethFee, feeInFiat: formattedNetworkFee, feeInEth: `${ethFee} ${chainCurrencySymbolToUse}`, nonGasFee, }; } export function quotesToRenderableData( quotes, gasPrice, conversionRate, currentCurrency, approveGas, tokenConversionRates, chainId, smartTransactionEstimatedGas, nativeCurrencySymbol, ) { return Object.values(quotes).map((quote) => { const { destinationAmount = 0, sourceAmount = 0, sourceTokenInfo, destinationTokenInfo, slippage, aggType, aggregator, gasEstimateWithRefund, averageGas, fee, trade, } = quote; const sourceValue = calcTokenAmount( sourceAmount, sourceTokenInfo.decimals, ).toString(10); const destinationValue = calcTokenAmount( destinationAmount, destinationTokenInfo.decimals, ).toPrecision(8); let feeInFiat = null; let feeInEth = null; let rawNetworkFees = null; let rawEthFee = null; ({ feeInFiat, feeInEth, rawNetworkFees, rawEthFee } = getRenderableNetworkFeesForQuote({ tradeGas: gasEstimateWithRefund || decimalToHex(averageGas || 800000), approveGas, gasPrice, currentCurrency, conversionRate, tradeValue: trade.value, sourceSymbol: sourceTokenInfo.symbol, sourceAmount, chainId, })); if (smartTransactionEstimatedGas) { ({ feeInFiat, feeInEth } = getFeeForSmartTransaction({ chainId, currentCurrency, conversionRate, nativeCurrencySymbol, estimatedFeeInWeiDec: smartTransactionEstimatedGas.feeEstimate, })); } const slippageMultiplier = new BigNumber(100 - slippage).div(100); const minimumAmountReceived = new BigNumber(destinationValue) .times(slippageMultiplier) .toFixed(6); const tokenConversionRate = tokenConversionRates[destinationTokenInfo.address]; const ethValueOfTrade = isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol( destinationTokenInfo.symbol, chainId, ) ? calcTokenAmount(destinationAmount, destinationTokenInfo.decimals).minus( rawEthFee, 10, ) : new BigNumber(tokenConversionRate || 0, 10) .times( calcTokenAmount(destinationAmount, destinationTokenInfo.decimals), 10, ) .minus(rawEthFee, 10); let liquiditySourceKey; let renderedSlippage = slippage; if (aggType === 'AGG') { liquiditySourceKey = 'swapAggregator'; } else if (aggType === 'RFQ') { liquiditySourceKey = 'swapRequestForQuotation'; renderedSlippage = 0; } else if (aggType === 'DEX') { liquiditySourceKey = 'swapDecentralizedExchange'; } else if (aggType === 'CONTRACT') { liquiditySourceKey = 'swapDirectContract'; } else { liquiditySourceKey = 'swapUnknown'; } return { aggId: aggregator, amountReceiving: `${destinationValue} ${destinationTokenInfo.symbol}`, destinationTokenDecimals: destinationTokenInfo.decimals, destinationTokenSymbol: destinationTokenInfo.symbol, destinationTokenValue: formatSwapsValueForDisplay(destinationValue), destinationIconUrl: destinationTokenInfo.iconUrl, isBestQuote: quote.isBestQuote, liquiditySourceKey, feeInEth, detailedNetworkFees: `${feeInEth} (${feeInFiat})`, networkFees: feeInFiat, quoteSource: aggType, rawNetworkFees, slippage: renderedSlippage, sourceTokenDecimals: sourceTokenInfo.decimals, sourceTokenSymbol: sourceTokenInfo.symbol, sourceTokenValue: sourceValue, sourceTokenIconUrl: sourceTokenInfo.iconUrl, ethValueOfTrade, minimumAmountReceived, metaMaskFee: fee, }; }); } export function getSwapsTokensReceivedFromTxMeta( tokenSymbol, txMeta, tokenAddress, accountAddress, tokenDecimals, approvalTxMeta, chainId, ) { const txReceipt = txMeta?.txReceipt; const networkAndAccountSupports1559 = txMeta?.txReceipt?.type === TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE_TYPES.FEE_MARKET; if (isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(tokenSymbol, chainId)) { if ( !txReceipt || !txMeta || !txMeta.postTxBalance || !txMeta.preTxBalance ) { return null; } if (txMeta.swapMetaData && txMeta.preTxBalance === txMeta.postTxBalance) { // If preTxBalance and postTxBalance are equal, postTxBalance hasn't been updated on time // because of the RPC provider delay, so we return an estimated receiving amount instead. return txMeta.swapMetaData.token_to_amount; } let approvalTxGasCost = '0x0'; if (approvalTxMeta && approvalTxMeta.txReceipt) { approvalTxGasCost = calcGasTotal( approvalTxMeta.txReceipt.gasUsed, networkAndAccountSupports1559 ? approvalTxMeta.txReceipt.effectiveGasPrice // Base fee + priority fee. : approvalTxMeta.txParams.gasPrice, ); } const gasCost = calcGasTotal( txReceipt.gasUsed, networkAndAccountSupports1559 ? txReceipt.effectiveGasPrice : txMeta.txParams.gasPrice, ); const totalGasCost = new BigNumber(gasCost, 16) .plus(approvalTxGasCost, 16) .toString(16); const preTxBalanceLessGasCost = subtractCurrencies( txMeta.preTxBalance, totalGasCost, { aBase: 16, bBase: 16, toNumericBase: 'hex', }, ); const ethReceived = subtractCurrencies( txMeta.postTxBalance, preTxBalanceLessGasCost, { aBase: 16, bBase: 16, fromDenomination: 'WEI', toDenomination: 'ETH', toNumericBase: 'dec', numberOfDecimals: 6, }, ); return ethReceived; } const txReceiptLogs = txReceipt?.logs; if (txReceiptLogs && txReceipt?.status !== '0x0') { const tokenTransferLog = txReceiptLogs.find((txReceiptLog) => { const isTokenTransfer = txReceiptLog.topics && txReceiptLog.topics[0] === TOKEN_TRANSFER_LOG_TOPIC_HASH; const isTransferFromGivenToken = txReceiptLog.address === tokenAddress; const isTransferFromGivenAddress = txReceiptLog.topics && txReceiptLog.topics[2] && txReceiptLog.topics[2].match(accountAddress.slice(2)); return ( isTokenTransfer && isTransferFromGivenToken && isTransferFromGivenAddress ); }); return tokenTransferLog ? toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros( calcTokenAmount(, tokenDecimals).toString(10), 6, ) : ''; } return null; } export function formatSwapsValueForDisplay(destinationAmount) { let amountToDisplay = toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros(destinationAmount, 12); if (amountToDisplay.match(/e[+-]/u)) { amountToDisplay = new BigNumber(amountToDisplay).toFixed(); } return amountToDisplay; } /** * Checks whether a contract address is valid before swapping tokens. * * @param {string} contractAddress - E.g. "0x881d40237659c251811cec9c364ef91dc08d300c" for mainnet * @param {string} chainId - The hex encoded chain ID to check * @returns {boolean} Whether a contract address is valid or not */ export const isContractAddressValid = ( contractAddress, chainId = MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, ) => { if (!contractAddress || !ALLOWED_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES[chainId]) { return false; } return ALLOWED_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES[chainId].some( // Sometimes we get a contract address with a few upper-case chars and since addresses are // case-insensitive, we compare lowercase versions for validity. (allowedContractAddress) => contractAddress.toLowerCase() === allowedContractAddress.toLowerCase(), ); }; /** * @param {string} chainId * @returns string e.g. ethereum, bsc or polygon */ export const getNetworkNameByChainId = (chainId) => { switch (chainId) { case MAINNET_CHAIN_ID: return ETHEREUM; case BSC_CHAIN_ID: return BSC; case POLYGON_CHAIN_ID: return POLYGON; case RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID: return RINKEBY; case AVALANCHE_CHAIN_ID: return AVALANCHE; default: return ''; } }; /** * It returns info about if Swaps are enabled and if we should use our new APIs for it. * * @param {object} swapsFeatureFlags * @param {string} chainId * @returns object with 2 items: "swapsFeatureIsLive" */ export const getSwapsLivenessForNetwork = (swapsFeatureFlags = {}, chainId) => { const networkName = getNetworkNameByChainId(chainId); // Use old APIs for testnet and Rinkeby. if ([LOCALHOST_CHAIN_ID, RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID].includes(chainId)) { return { swapsFeatureIsLive: true, }; } // If a network name is not found in the list of feature flags, disable Swaps. if (!swapsFeatureFlags[networkName]) { return { swapsFeatureIsLive: false, }; } const isNetworkEnabledForNewApi = swapsFeatureFlags[networkName].extension_active; if (isNetworkEnabledForNewApi) { return { swapsFeatureIsLive: true, }; } return { swapsFeatureIsLive: swapsFeatureFlags[networkName].fallback_to_v1, }; }; /** * @param {number} value * @returns number */ export const countDecimals = (value) => { if (!value || Math.floor(value) === value) { return 0; } return value.toString().split('.')[1]?.length || 0; }; export const showRemainingTimeInMinAndSec = (remainingTimeInSec) => { if (!Number.isInteger(remainingTimeInSec)) { return '0:00'; } const minutes = Math.floor(remainingTimeInSec / 60); const seconds = remainingTimeInSec % 60; return `${minutes}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; }; export const stxErrorTypes = { UNAVAILABLE: 'unavailable', NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS: 'not_enough_funds', REGULAR_TX_IN_PROGRESS: 'regular_tx_pending', }; export const getTranslatedStxErrorMessage = (errorType, t) => { switch (errorType) { case stxErrorTypes.UNAVAILABLE: case stxErrorTypes.REGULAR_TX_IN_PROGRESS: return t('stxErrorUnavailable'); case stxErrorTypes.NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS: return t('stxErrorNotEnoughFunds'); default: return t('stxErrorUnavailable'); } }; export const parseSmartTransactionsError = (errorMessage) => { const errorJson = errorMessage.slice(12); return JSON.parse(errorJson.trim()); };