import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; import { Icon, ICON_NAMES } from '../icon'; import { Text } from '../text'; import { AlignItems, DISPLAY, JustifyContent, TextColor, TextVariant, Size, BorderRadius, BackgroundColor, IconColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { BUTTON_BASE_SIZES } from './button-base.constants'; export const ButtonBase = ({ as = 'button', block, children, className, href, ellipsis = false, externalLink, size = BUTTON_BASE_SIZES.MD, startIconName, startIconProps, endIconName, endIconProps, loading, disabled, iconLoadingProps, textProps, color = TextColor.textDefault, ...props }) => { const Tag = href ? 'a' : as; if (Tag === 'a' && externalLink) { = '_blank'; props.rel = 'noopener noreferrer'; } return ( {startIconName && ( )} {/* * If children is a string and doesn't need truncation or loading * prevent html bloat by rendering just the string * otherwise render with wrapper to allow truncation or loading */} {typeof children === 'string' && !ellipsis && !loading ? ( children ) : ( {children} )} {endIconName && ( )} {loading && ( )} ); }; ButtonBase.propTypes = { /** * The polymorphic `as` prop allows you to change the root HTML element of the Button component between `button` and `a` tag */ as: PropTypes.string, /** * Boolean prop to quickly activate box prop display block */ block: PropTypes.bool, /** * Additional props to pass to the Text component that wraps the button children */ buttonTextProps: PropTypes.shape(Text.PropTypes), /** * The children to be rendered inside the ButtonBase */ children: PropTypes.node, /** * An additional className to apply to the ButtonBase. */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * Boolean to disable button */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /** * When an `href` prop is passed, ButtonBase will automatically change the root element to be an `a` (anchor) tag */ href: PropTypes.string, /** * Used for long strings that can be cut off... */ ellipsis: PropTypes.bool, /** * Boolean indicating if the link targets external content, it will cause the link to open in a new tab */ externalLink: PropTypes.bool, /** * Add icon to start (left side) of button text passing icon name * The name of the icon to display. Should be one of ICON_NAMES */ startIconName: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(ICON_NAMES)), /** * iconProps accepts all the props from Icon */ startIconProps: PropTypes.shape(Icon.PropTypes), /** * Add icon to end (right side) of button text passing icon name * The name of the icon to display. Should be one of ICON_NAMES */ endIconName: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(ICON_NAMES)), /** * iconProps accepts all the props from Icon */ endIconProps: PropTypes.shape(Icon.PropTypes), /** * iconLoadingProps accepts all the props from Icon */ iconLoadingProps: PropTypes.shape(Icon.PropTypes), /** * Boolean to show loading spinner in button */ loading: PropTypes.bool, /** * The size of the ButtonBase. * Possible values could be 'Size.SM'(32px), 'Size.MD'(40px), 'Size.LG'(48px), */ size: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.shape(BUTTON_BASE_SIZES), PropTypes.string, ]), /** * textProps accepts all the props from Icon */ textProps: PropTypes.shape(Text.PropTypes), /** * ButtonBase accepts all the props from Box */ ...Box.propTypes, };