import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useI18nContext } from '../../../hooks/useI18nContext'; import Popover from '../../ui/popover/popover.component'; import { NetworkListItem } from '../network-list-item'; import { setActiveNetwork, showModal, setShowTestNetworks, setProviderType, toggleNetworkMenu, } from '../../../store/actions'; import { CHAIN_IDS, TEST_CHAINS } from '../../../../shared/constants/network'; import { getShowTestNetworks, getAllEnabledNetworks, getCurrentChainId, } from '../../../selectors'; import Box from '../../ui/box/box'; import ToggleButton from '../../ui/toggle-button'; import { Display, JustifyContent, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { BUTTON_SECONDARY_SIZES, ButtonSecondary, Text, } from '../../component-library'; import { ADD_POPULAR_CUSTOM_NETWORK } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import { getEnvironmentType } from '../../../../app/scripts/lib/util'; import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN } from '../../../../shared/constants/app'; import { MetaMetricsContext } from '../../../contexts/metametrics'; import { MetaMetricsEventCategory, MetaMetricsEventName, } from '../../../../shared/constants/metametrics'; import { getCompletedOnboarding, isLineaMainnetNetworkReleased, } from '../../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; const UNREMOVABLE_CHAIN_IDS = [ CHAIN_IDS.MAINNET, CHAIN_IDS.LINEA_MAINNET, ...TEST_CHAINS, ]; export const NetworkListMenu = ({ onClose }) => { const t = useI18nContext(); const networks = useSelector(getAllEnabledNetworks); const showTestNetworks = useSelector(getShowTestNetworks); const currentChainId = useSelector(getCurrentChainId); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const history = useHistory(); const trackEvent = useContext(MetaMetricsContext); const environmentType = getEnvironmentType(); const isFullScreen = environmentType === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN; const showTestNetworksRef = useRef(showTestNetworks); const networkListRef = useRef(null); const completedOnboarding = useSelector(getCompletedOnboarding); const lineaMainnetReleased = useSelector(isLineaMainnetNetworkReleased); useEffect(() => { if (showTestNetworks && !showTestNetworksRef.current) { // Scroll to the bottom of the list networkListRef.current.lastChild.scrollIntoView(); } showTestNetworksRef.current = showTestNetworks; }, [showTestNetworks, showTestNetworksRef]); return ( <> {, index) => { if ( !lineaMainnetReleased && network.providerType === 'linea-mainnet' ) { return null; } const isCurrentNetwork = currentChainId === network.chainId; const canDeleteNetwork = !isCurrentNetwork && !UNREMOVABLE_CHAIN_IDS.includes(network.chainId); return ( { dispatch(toggleNetworkMenu()); if (network.providerType) { dispatch(setProviderType(network.providerType)); } else { dispatch(setActiveNetwork(; } trackEvent({ event: MetaMetricsEventName.NavNetworkSwitched, category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Network, properties: { location: 'Network Menu', chain_id: currentChainId, from_network: currentChainId, to_network: || network.chainId, }, }); }} onDeleteClick={ canDeleteNetwork ? () => { dispatch(toggleNetworkMenu()); dispatch( showModal({ name: 'CONFIRM_DELETE_NETWORK', target: || network.chainId, onConfirm: () => undefined, }), ); } : null } /> ); })} {t('showTestnetNetworks')} { const shouldShowTestNetworks = !value; dispatch(setShowTestNetworks(shouldShowTestNetworks)); if (shouldShowTestNetworks) { trackEvent({ event: MetaMetricsEventName.TestNetworksDisplayed, category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Network, }); } }} /> { if (isFullScreen) { if (completedOnboarding) { history.push(ADD_POPULAR_CUSTOM_NETWORK); } else { dispatch(showModal({ name: 'ONBOARDING_ADD_NETWORK' })); } } else { global.platform.openExtensionInBrowser( ADD_POPULAR_CUSTOM_NETWORK, ); } dispatch(toggleNetworkMenu()); trackEvent({ event: MetaMetricsEventName.AddNetworkButtonClick, category: MetaMetricsEventCategory.Network, }); }} > {t('addNetwork')} ); }; NetworkListMenu.propTypes = { /** * Executes when the menu should be closed */ onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, };