const path = require('path'); const { promises: fs } = require('fs'); const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const mockttp = require('mockttp'); const createStaticServer = require('../../development/create-static-server'); const enLocaleMessages = require('../../app/_locales/en/messages.json'); const { setupMocking } = require('./mock-e2e'); const Ganache = require('./ganache'); const FixtureServer = require('./fixture-server'); const PhishingWarningPageServer = require('./phishing-warning-page-server'); const { buildWebDriver } = require('./webdriver'); const { PAGES } = require('./webdriver/driver'); const { ensureXServerIsRunning } = require('./x-server'); const GanacheSeeder = require('./seeder/ganache-seeder'); const tinyDelayMs = 200; const regularDelayMs = tinyDelayMs * 2; const largeDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 2; const veryLargeDelayMs = largeDelayMs * 2; const dappBasePort = 8080; const createDownloadFolder = async (downloadsFolder) => { await fs.rm(downloadsFolder, { recursive: true, force: true }); await fs.mkdir(downloadsFolder, { recursive: true }); }; const convertToHexValue = (val) => `0x${new BigNumber(val, 10).toString(16)}`; async function withFixtures(options, testSuite) { const { dapp, fixtures, ganacheOptions, smartContract, driverOptions, dappOptions, title, failOnConsoleError = true, dappPath = undefined, dappPaths, testSpecificMock = function () { // do nothing. }, } = options; const fixtureServer = new FixtureServer(); const ganacheServer = new Ganache(); const https = await mockttp.generateCACertificate(); const mockServer = mockttp.getLocal({ https, cors: true }); let secondaryGanacheServer; let numberOfDapps = dapp ? 1 : 0; const dappServer = []; const phishingPageServer = new PhishingWarningPageServer(); let webDriver; let driver; const errors = []; let failed = false; try { await ganacheServer.start(ganacheOptions); let contractRegistry; if (smartContract) { const ganacheSeeder = new GanacheSeeder(ganacheServer.getProvider()); await ganacheSeeder.deploySmartContract(smartContract); contractRegistry = ganacheSeeder.getContractRegistry(); } if (ganacheOptions?.concurrent) { const { port, chainId } = ganacheOptions.concurrent; secondaryGanacheServer = new Ganache(); await secondaryGanacheServer.start({ blockTime: 2, chain: { chainId }, port, vmErrorsOnRPCResponse: false, }); } await fixtureServer.start(); fixtureServer.loadJsonState(fixtures); await phishingPageServer.start(); if (dapp) { if (dappOptions?.numberOfDapps) { numberOfDapps = dappOptions.numberOfDapps; } for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDapps; i++) { let dappDirectory; if (dappPath || (dappPaths && dappPaths[i])) { dappDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, dappPath || dappPaths[i]); } else { dappDirectory = path.resolve( __dirname, '..', '..', 'node_modules', '@metamask', 'test-dapp', 'dist', ); } dappServer.push(createStaticServer(dappDirectory)); dappServer[i].listen(`${dappBasePort + i}`); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dappServer[i].on('listening', resolve); dappServer[i].on('error', reject); }); } } await setupMocking(mockServer, testSpecificMock); await mockServer.start(8000); if ( process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome' && process.env.CI === 'true' ) { await ensureXServerIsRunning(); } driver = (await buildWebDriver(driverOptions)).driver; webDriver = driver.driver; if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') { await driver.checkBrowserForExceptions(); } await testSuite({ driver, mockServer, contractRegistry, }); if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') { errors.concat(await driver.checkBrowserForConsoleErrors(driver)); if (errors.length) { const errorReports = => err.message); const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console:\n${errorReports.join( '\n', )}`; if (failOnConsoleError) { throw new Error(errorMessage); } else { console.error(new Error(errorMessage)); } } } } catch (error) { failed = true; if (webDriver) { try { await driver.verboseReportOnFailure(title); } catch (verboseReportError) { console.error(verboseReportError); } if ( errors.length === 0 && driver.exceptions.length > 0 && failOnConsoleError ) { /** * Navigate to the background * forcing background exceptions to be captured * proving more helpful context */ await driver.navigate(PAGES.BACKGROUND); const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console including the background:\n${driver.exceptions.join( '\n', )}`; throw Error(errorMessage); } } throw error; } finally { if (!failed || process.env.E2E_LEAVE_RUNNING !== 'true') { await fixtureServer.stop(); await ganacheServer.quit(); if (ganacheOptions?.concurrent) { await secondaryGanacheServer.quit(); } if (webDriver) { await driver.quit(); } if (dapp) { for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDapps; i++) { if (dappServer[i] && dappServer[i].listening) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dappServer[i].close((error) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(); }); }); } } } if (phishingPageServer.isRunning()) { await phishingPageServer.quit(); } await mockServer.stop(); } } } /** * @param {*} driver - selinium driver * @param {*} handlesCount - total count of windows that should be loaded * @returns handles - an object with window handles, properties in object represent windows: * 1. extension: metamask extension window * 2. dapp: test-app window * 3. popup: metsmask extension popup window */ const getWindowHandles = async (driver, handlesCount) => { await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(handlesCount); const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const extension = windowHandles[0]; const dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle( 'E2E Test Dapp', windowHandles, ); const popup = windowHandles.find( (handle) => handle !== extension && handle !== dapp, ); return { extension, dapp, popup }; }; const completeImportSRPOnboardingFlow = async ( driver, seedPhrase, password, ) => { if (process.env.ONBOARDING_V2 === '1') { // welcome await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="onboarding-import-wallet"]'); // metrics await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="metametrics-no-thanks"]'); // import with recovery phrase await driver.fill('[data-testid="import-srp-text"]', seedPhrase); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="import-srp-confirm"]'); // create password await driver.fill('[data-testid="create-password-new"]', password); await driver.fill('[data-testid="create-password-confirm"]', password); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="create-password-terms"]'); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="create-password-import"]'); // complete await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="onboarding-complete-done"]'); // pin extension await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="pin-extension-next"]'); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="pin-extension-done"]'); } else { // clicks the continue button on the welcome screen await driver.findElement('.welcome-page__header'); await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message, tag: 'button', }); // clicks the "No thanks" option on the metametrics opt-in screen await driver.clickElement('.btn-secondary'); // clicks the "Import Wallet" option await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Import wallet', tag: 'button' }); // Import Secret Recovery Phrase await driver.pasteIntoField( '[data-testid="import-srp__srp-word-0"]', seedPhrase, ); await driver.fill('#password', password); await driver.fill('#confirm-password', password); await driver.clickElement( '[data-testid="create-new-vault__terms-checkbox"]', ); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Import', tag: 'button' }); // clicks through the success screen await driver.findElement({ text: 'Congratulations', tag: 'div' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.endOfFlowMessage10.message, tag: 'button', }); } }; const completeImportSRPOnboardingFlowWordByWord = async ( driver, seedPhrase, password, ) => { // clicks the continue button on the welcome screen await driver.findElement('.welcome-page__header'); await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message, tag: 'button', }); // clicks the "No thanks" option on the metametrics opt-in screen await driver.clickElement('.btn-secondary'); // clicks the "Import Wallet" option await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Import wallet', tag: 'button' }); const words = seedPhrase.split(' '); for (const word of words) { await driver.pasteIntoField( `[data-testid="import-srp__srp-word-${words.indexOf(word)}"]`, word, ); } await driver.fill('#password', password); await driver.fill('#confirm-password', password); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="create-new-vault__terms-checkbox"]'); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Import', tag: 'button' }); // clicks through the success screen await driver.findElement({ text: 'Congratulations', tag: 'div' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.endOfFlowMessage10.message, tag: 'button', }); }; module.exports = { getWindowHandles, convertToHexValue, tinyDelayMs, regularDelayMs, largeDelayMs, veryLargeDelayMs, withFixtures, completeImportSRPOnboardingFlow, completeImportSRPOnboardingFlowWordByWord, createDownloadFolder, };