const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') // const sigUtil = require('eth-sig-util') const hdPathString = `m/44'/60'/0'/0` const keyringType = 'Trezor Hardware' const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') const pathBase = 'm' const TrezorConnect = require('./trezor-connect.js') const HDKey = require('hdkey') const TREZOR_MIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION = '1.5.2' const log = require('loglevel') class TrezorKeyring extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts = {}) { super() this.type = keyringType this.accounts = [] this.hdk = new HDKey() this.deserialize(opts) = 0 this.perPage = 5 this.unlockedAccount = 0 } serialize () { return Promise.resolve({ hdPath: this.hdPath, accounts: this.accounts, page:, }) } deserialize (opts = {}) { this.hdPath = opts.hdPath || hdPathString this.accounts = opts.accounts || [] = || 0 return Promise.resolve() } unlock () { if (this.hdk.publicKey) return Promise.resolve() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { TrezorConnect.getXPubKey( this.hdPath, response => { if (response.success) { this.hdk.publicKey = new Buffer(response.publicKey, 'hex') this.hdk.chainCode = new Buffer(response.chainCode, 'hex') resolve() } else { reject(response.error || 'Unknown error') } }, TREZOR_MIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION ) }) } setAccountToUnlock (index) { this.unlockedAccount = parseInt(index, 10) } addAccounts (n = 1) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return this.unlock() .then(_ => { const from = this.unlockedAccount const to = from + 1 this.accounts = [] for (let i = from; i < to; i++) { this.accounts.push(this.getEthAddress(pathBase, i)) = 0 } resolve(this.accounts) }) .catch(e => { reject(e) }) }) } async getPage () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return this.unlock() .then(_ => { const from = === 0 ? 0 : ( - 1) * this.perPage const to = from + this.perPage const accounts = [] for (let i = from; i < to; i++) { accounts.push({ address: this.getEthAddress(pathBase, i), balance: 0, index: i, }) } log.debug(accounts) resolve(accounts) }) .catch(e => { reject(e) }) }) } async getPrevAccountSet () { return await this.getPage() } async getNextAccountSet () { return await this.getPage() } getAccounts () { return Promise.resolve(this.accounts.slice()) } padLeftEven (hex) { return hex.length % 2 !== 0 ? `0${hex}` : hex } cleanData (buf) { return this.padLeftEven(ethUtil.bufferToHex(buf).substring(2).toLowerCase()) } getEthAddress (pathBase, i) { const dkey = this.hdk.derive(`${pathBase}/${i}`) const address = ethUtil .publicToAddress(dkey.publicKey, true) .toString('hex') return ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) } // tx is an instance of the ethereumjs-transaction class. async signTransaction (address, tx) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { log.debug('sign transaction ', address, tx) const account = `m/44'/60'/0'/${this.unlockedAccount}` const txData = { account, nonce: this.cleanData(tx.nonce), gasPrice: this.cleanData(tx.gasPrice), gasLimit: this.cleanData(tx.gasLimit), to: this.cleanData(, value: this.cleanData(tx.value), data: this.cleanData(, chainId: tx._chainId, } TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTx( txData.account, txData.nonce, txData.gasPrice, txData.gasLimit,, txData.value, === '' ? null :, txData.chainId, response => { if (response.success) { tx.v = `0x${response.v.toString(16)}` tx.r = `0x${response.r}` tx.s = `0x${response.s}` log.debug('about to create new tx with data', tx) const signedTx = new Transaction(tx) log.debug('signature is valid?', signedTx.verifySignature()) const addressSignedWith = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(`0x${signedTx.from.toString('hex')}`) const correctAddress = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) if (addressSignedWith !== correctAddress) { // throw new Error('signature doesnt match the right address') log.error('signature doesnt match the right address', addressSignedWith, correctAddress) } resolve(signedTx) } else { throw new Error(response.error || 'Unknown error') } }, TREZOR_MIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION) }) } async signMessage (withAccount, data) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } // For personal_sign, we need to prefix the message: async signPersonalMessage (withAccount, message) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') /* await this.lock.acquire() try { // Look before we leap await this._checkCorrectTrezorAttached() let accountId = await this._findAddressId(withAccount) let eth = await this._getEth() let msgHex = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(message) let TrezorSig = await eth.signPersonalMessage( this._derivePath(accountId), msgHex ) let signature = this._personalToRawSig(TrezorSig) // Since look before we leap check is racy, also check that signature is for account expected let addressSignedWith = sigUtil.recoverPersonalSignature({ data: message, sig: signature, }) if (addressSignedWith.toLowerCase() !== withAccount.toLowerCase()) { throw new Error( `Signature is for ${addressSignedWith} but expected ${withAccount} - is the correct Trezor device attached?` ) } return signature } finally { await this.lock.release() } */ } async signTypedData (withAccount, typedData) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } async exportAccount (address) { throw new Error('Not supported on this device') } async _findAddressId (addr) { const result = this.accounts.indexOf(addr) if (result === -1) throw new Error('Unknown address') else return result } async _addressFromId (i) { /* Must be called with lock acquired const eth = await this._getEth() return (await eth.getAddress(this._derivePath(i))).address*/ const result = this.accounts[i] if (!result) throw new Error('Unknown address') else return result } async _checkCorrectTrezorAttached () { return true /* Must be called with lock acquired if (this.accounts.length > 0) { const expectedFirstAccount = this.accounts[0] let actualFirstAccount = await this._addressFromId(0) if (expectedFirstAccount !== actualFirstAccount) { throw new Error( `Incorrect Trezor device attached - expected device containg account ${expectedFirstAccount}, but found ${actualFirstAccount}` ) } }*/ } _derivePath (i) { return this.hdPath + '/' + i } _personalToRawSig (TrezorSig) { var v = TrezorSig['v'] - 27 v = v.toString(16) if (v.length < 2) { v = '0' + v } return '0x' + TrezorSig['r'] + TrezorSig['s'] + v } } TrezorKeyring.type = keyringType module.exports = TrezorKeyring