import { WEBHID_CONNECTED_STATUSES, TRANSPORT_STATES, } from '../../../shared/constants/hardware-wallets'; import * as actionConstants from '../../store/actionConstants'; // actionConstants const SET_THREEBOX_LAST_UPDATED = 'metamask/app/SET_THREEBOX_LAST_UPDATED'; export default function reduceApp(state = {}, action) { // default state const appState = { shouldClose: false, menuOpen: false, modal: { open: false, modalState: { name: null, props: {}, }, previousModalState: { name: null, }, }, alertOpen: false, alertMessage: null, qrCodeData: null, networkDropdownOpen: false, accountDetail: { subview: 'transactions', }, // Used to display loading indicator isLoading: false, // Used to display error text warning: null, buyView: {}, isMouseUser: false, defaultHdPaths: { trezor: `m/44'/60'/0'/0`, ledger: `m/44'/60'/0'/0/0`, lattice: `m/44'/60'/0'/0`, }, networksTabSelectedRpcUrl: '', loadingMethodData: false, show3BoxModalAfterImport: false, threeBoxLastUpdated: null, requestAccountTabs: {}, openMetaMaskTabs: {}, currentWindowTab: {}, showWhatsNewPopup: true, singleExceptions: { testKey: null, }, gasLoadingAnimationIsShowing: false, ledgerWebHidConnectedStatus: WEBHID_CONNECTED_STATUSES.UNKNOWN, ledgerTransportStatus: TRANSPORT_STATES.NONE, newNetworkAdded: '', ...state, }; switch (action.type) { // dropdown methods case actionConstants.NETWORK_DROPDOWN_OPEN: return { ...appState, networkDropdownOpen: true, }; case actionConstants.NETWORK_DROPDOWN_CLOSE: return { ...appState, networkDropdownOpen: false, }; // alert methods case actionConstants.ALERT_OPEN: return { ...appState, alertOpen: true, alertMessage: action.value, }; case actionConstants.ALERT_CLOSE: return { ...appState, alertOpen: false, alertMessage: null, }; // qr scanner methods case actionConstants.QR_CODE_DETECTED: return { ...appState, qrCodeData: action.value, }; // modal methods: case actionConstants.MODAL_OPEN: { const { name, ...modalProps } = action.payload; return { ...appState, modal: { open: true, modalState: { name, props: { ...modalProps }, }, previousModalState: { ...appState.modal.modalState }, }, }; } case actionConstants.MODAL_CLOSE: return { ...appState, modal: Object.assign( appState.modal, { open: false }, { modalState: { name: null, props: {} } }, { previousModalState: appState.modal.modalState }, ), }; case actionConstants.CLEAR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS: return { ...appState, accountDetail: {}, }; case actionConstants.FORGOT_PASSWORD: return { ...appState, forgottenPassword: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SHOW_SEND_TOKEN_PAGE: return { ...appState, warning: null, }; case actionConstants.LOCK_METAMASK: return { ...appState, warning: null, }; // accounts case actionConstants.GO_HOME: return { ...appState, accountDetail: { subview: 'transactions', accountExport: 'none', privateKey: '', }, warning: null, }; case actionConstants.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL: return { ...appState, forgottenPassword: appState.forgottenPassword ? !appState.forgottenPassword : null, accountDetail: { subview: 'transactions', accountExport: 'none', privateKey: '', }, }; case actionConstants.SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE: return { ...appState, isLoading: false, warning: null, scrollToBottom: false, forgottenPassword: false, }; case actionConstants.SHOW_CONF_TX_PAGE: return { ...appState, txId:, warning: null, isLoading: false, }; case actionConstants.COMPLETED_TX: if (action.value.unconfirmedActionsCount > 0) { return { ...appState, txId: null, warning: null, }; } return { ...appState, // indicate notification should close shouldClose: true, warning: null, txId: null, accountDetail: { subview: 'transactions', }, }; case actionConstants.TRANSACTION_ERROR: return { ...appState, }; case actionConstants.UNLOCK_FAILED: return { ...appState, warning: action.value || 'Incorrect password. Try again.', }; case actionConstants.UNLOCK_SUCCEEDED: return { ...appState, warning: '', }; case actionConstants.SET_HARDWARE_WALLET_DEFAULT_HD_PATH: { const { device, path } = action.value; const newDefaults = { ...appState.defaultHdPaths }; newDefaults[device] = path; return { ...appState, defaultHdPaths: newDefaults, }; } case actionConstants.SHOW_LOADING: return { ...appState, isLoading: true, loadingMessage: action.value, }; case actionConstants.HIDE_LOADING: return { ...appState, isLoading: false, }; case actionConstants.DISPLAY_WARNING: return { ...appState, warning: action.value, isLoading: false, }; case actionConstants.HIDE_WARNING: return { ...appState, warning: undefined, }; case actionConstants.SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY: return { ...appState, accountDetail: { subview: 'export', accountExport: 'completed', privateKey: action.value, }, }; case actionConstants.SET_MOUSE_USER_STATE: return { ...appState, isMouseUser: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_SELECTED_SETTINGS_RPC_URL: return { ...appState, networksTabSelectedRpcUrl: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_NEW_NETWORK_ADDED: return { ...appState, newNetworkAdded: action.value, }; case actionConstants.LOADING_METHOD_DATA_STARTED: return { ...appState, loadingMethodData: true, }; case actionConstants.LOADING_METHOD_DATA_FINISHED: return { ...appState, loadingMethodData: false, }; case SET_THREEBOX_LAST_UPDATED: return { ...appState, threeBoxLastUpdated: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_REQUEST_ACCOUNT_TABS: return { ...appState, requestAccountTabs: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_OPEN_METAMASK_TAB_IDS: return { ...appState, openMetaMaskTabs: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_CURRENT_WINDOW_TAB: return { ...appState, currentWindowTab: action.value, }; case actionConstants.HIDE_WHATS_NEW_POPUP: return { ...appState, showWhatsNewPopup: false, }; case actionConstants.CAPTURE_SINGLE_EXCEPTION: return { ...appState, singleExceptions: { ...appState.singleExceptions, [action.value]: null, }, }; case actionConstants.TOGGLE_GAS_LOADING_ANIMATION: return { ...appState, gasLoadingAnimationIsShowing: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_WEBHID_CONNECTED_STATUS: return { ...appState, ledgerWebHidConnectedStatus: action.value, }; case actionConstants.SET_LEDGER_TRANSPORT_STATUS: return { ...appState, ledgerTransportStatus: action.value, }; default: return appState; } } // Action Creators export function setThreeBoxLastUpdated(lastUpdated) { return { type: SET_THREEBOX_LAST_UPDATED, value: lastUpdated, }; } export function hideWhatsNewPopup() { return { type: actionConstants.HIDE_WHATS_NEW_POPUP, }; } export function toggleGasLoadingAnimation(value) { return { type: actionConstants.TOGGLE_GAS_LOADING_ANIMATION, value }; } export function setLedgerWebHidConnectedStatus(value) { return { type: actionConstants.SET_WEBHID_CONNECTED_STATUS, value }; } export function setLedgerTransportStatus(value) { return { type: actionConstants.SET_LEDGER_TRANSPORT_STATUS, value }; } // Selectors export function getQrCodeData(state) { return state.appState.qrCodeData; } export function getGasLoadingAnimationIsShowing(state) { return state.appState.gasLoadingAnimationIsShowing; } export function getLedgerWebHidConnectedStatus(state) { return state.appState.ledgerWebHidConnectedStatus; } export function getLedgerTransportStatus(state) { return state.appState.ledgerTransportStatus; }