{ "about": { "message": "关于" }, "aboutSettingsDescription": { "message": "版本、支持中心和联系方式。" }, "acceleratingATransaction": { "message": "* 设定更高燃料价格,可以加快交易完成进度,提高网络快速处理机率,但无法保证每次均能够实现提速。" }, "acceptTermsOfUse": { "message": "我已阅读并同意 $1", "description": "$1 is the `terms` message" }, "accessAndSpendNotice": { "message": "$1 可以访问并使用此最大数额", "description": "$1 is the url of the site requesting ability to spend" }, "accessingYourCamera": { "message": "正在获取您的相机……" }, "account": { "message": "账户" }, "accountDetails": { "message": "账户详情" }, "accountName": { "message": "账户名称" }, "accountOptions": { "message": "账户选项" }, "accountSelectionRequired": { "message": "您需要选择一个账户 !" }, "active": { "message": "当前" }, "activity": { "message": "活动" }, "activityLog": { "message": "活动日志" }, "addAcquiredTokens": { "message": "在 MetaMask 上添加获得的代币" }, "addAlias": { "message": "添加别名" }, "addNetwork": { "message": "添加网络" }, "addSuggestedTokens": { "message": "添加推荐代币" }, "addToAddressBook": { "message": "添加地址簿" }, "addToAddressBookModalPlaceholder": { "message": "如:John D." }, "addToken": { "message": "添加代币" }, "advanced": { "message": "高级" }, "advancedOptions": { "message": "高级选项" }, "advancedSettingsDescription": { "message": "访问开发者功能,下载状态日志,重置账户,设置测试网和自定义 RPC。" }, "affirmAgree": { "message": "我同意" }, "aggregatorFeeCost": { "message": "聚集器网络手续费" }, "alertDisableTooltip": { "message": "这个可以在“设置 > 提醒”中进行更改" }, "alertSettingsUnconnectedAccount": { "message": "选择了未连接的账户时浏览网站" }, "alertSettingsUnconnectedAccountDescription": { "message": "当您在浏览已连接的 Web3 网站,但当前选择的账户没有连接时,该提醒会在弹出的窗口中显示。" }, "alertSettingsWeb3ShimUsage": { "message": "当网站尝试使用已经删除的 window.web3 API" }, "alertSettingsWeb3ShimUsageDescription": { "message": "当您在浏览的网站尝试使用已经删除的 window.web3 API 时,该提醒会在弹出的窗口中显示。" }, "alerts": { "message": "提醒" }, "alertsSettingsDescription": { "message": "启用或禁用每个提醒" }, "allowExternalExtensionTo": { "message": "允许这个外部扩展到:" }, "allowThisSiteTo": { "message": "允许本网站:" }, "allowWithdrawAndSpend": { "message": "允许 $1 提取和最多消费以下数额:", "description": "The url of the site that requested permission to 'withdraw and spend'" }, "amount": { "message": "数额" }, "appDescription": { "message": "以太坊浏览器插件", "description": "The description of the application" }, "appName": { "message": "MetaMask", "description": "The name of the application" }, "approvalAndAggregatorTxFeeCost": { "message": "批准聚合商网络手续费" }, "approvalTxGasCost": { "message": "批准交易燃料成本" }, "approve": { "message": "批准消费限额" }, "approveSpendLimit": { "message": "批准 $1 消费限额", "description": "The token symbol that is being approved" }, "approved": { "message": "已批准" }, "asset": { "message": "资产" }, "assets": { "message": "资产" }, "attemptToCancel": { "message": "想要取消吗?" }, "attemptToCancelDescription": { "message": "确认提交该操作无法保证能够成功取消您的原始交易。如取消成功,您将被收取上述交易费。" }, "attemptingConnect": { "message": "正在尝试连接到区块链。" }, "attributions": { "message": "来源" }, "authorizedPermissions": { "message": "您已授权以下权限" }, "autoLockTimeLimit": { "message": "自动锁定定时(分钟)" }, "autoLockTimeLimitDescription": { "message": "请设置 MetaMask 自动锁定前的空闲时间(单位:分钟)" }, "average": { "message": "平均值" }, "back": { "message": "返回" }, "backToAll": { "message": "返回全部" }, "backupApprovalInfo": { "message": "如果不慎丢失个人设备,忘记密码,或者需要重新安装 MetaMask,亦或是需在另一台设备上打开钱包,请使用该保密码恢复个人钱包数据。" }, "backupApprovalNotice": { "message": "请备份您的账户助记词,保证您的钱包和资金安全。" }, "backupNow": { "message": "立即备份" }, "balance": { "message": "余额 " }, "balanceOutdated": { "message": "余额可能已过期" }, "basic": { "message": "基本" }, "blockExplorerUrl": { "message": "区块浏览器" }, "blockExplorerView": { "message": "通过 $1 查看账户", "description": "$1 replaced by URL for custom block explorer" }, "blockiesIdenticon": { "message": "使用 Blockies Identicon 图标头像" }, "browserNotSupported": { "message": "您的浏览器不支持该功能……" }, "buy": { "message": "购买" }, "buyWithWyre": { "message": "使用 Wyre 购买 ETH" }, "buyWithWyreDescription": { "message": "您可以通过 Wyre 使用信用卡将 ETH 存入您的 MetaMask 账户。" }, "bytes": { "message": "字节" }, "canToggleInSettings": { "message": "您可以在 设置 -> 提醒 中重新启用该提醒通知。" }, "cancel": { "message": "取消" }, "cancellationGasFee": { "message": "取消交易燃料费用" }, "cancelled": { "message": "已取消" }, "chainId": { "message": "链 ID" }, "chromeRequiredForHardwareWallets": { "message": "您需要在谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)上使用 MetaMask 才能连接到您的硬件钱包。" }, "clickToRevealSeed": { "message": "点击此处显示密语" }, "close": { "message": "关闭" }, "confirm": { "message": "确认" }, "confirmPassword": { "message": "确认密码" }, "confirmSecretBackupPhrase": { "message": "请确认您的账户助记词" }, "confirmed": { "message": "确认" }, "congratulations": { "message": "恭喜" }, "connect": { "message": "连接" }, "connectAccountOrCreate": { "message": "连接账户或创建新账户" }, "connectHardwareWallet": { "message": "连接硬件钱包" }, "connectManually": { "message": "手动连接到当前站点" }, "connectTo": { "message": "连接到 $1", "description": "$1 is the name/origin of a web3 site/application that the user can connect to metamask" }, "connectToAll": { "message": "连接到您的全部$1", "description": "$1 will be replaced by the translation of connectToAllAccounts" }, "connectToAllAccounts": { "message": "账户", "description": "will replace $1 in connectToAll, completing the sentence 'connect to all of your accounts', will be text that shows list of accounts on hover" }, "connectToMultiple": { "message": "连接到 $1", "description": "$1 will be replaced by the translation of connectToMultipleNumberOfAccounts" }, "connectToMultipleNumberOfAccounts": { "message": "$1 个账户", "description": "$1 is the number of accounts to which the web3 site/application is asking to connect; this will substitute $1 in connectToMultiple" }, "connectWithMetaMask": { "message": "使用 MetaMask 连接" }, "connectedAccountsDescriptionPlural": { "message": "您有 $1 个账户连接到了该网站。", "description": "$1 is the number of accounts" }, "connectedAccountsDescriptionSingular": { "message": "您有 1 个账户连接到了该网站。" }, "connectedAccountsEmptyDescription": { "message": "MetaMask 没有连接这个网站。要连接到 web3 网站,请在他们的网站上找到连接按钮。" }, "connectedSites": { "message": "已连接的网站" }, "connectedSitesDescription": { "message": "$1 已连接到这些网站。他们可以查看您的账户地址。", "description": "$1 is the account name" }, "connectedSitesEmptyDescription": { "message": "$1 还没连接任何网站。", "description": "$1 is the account name" }, "connecting": { "message": "连接中……" }, "connectingTo": { "message": "正在连接 $1" }, "connectingToGoerli": { "message": "正在连接 Goerli 测试网络" }, "connectingToKovan": { "message": "正在连接到 Kovan 测试网络" }, "connectingToMainnet": { "message": "正在连接到以太坊 Ethereum 主网" }, "connectingToRinkeby": { "message": "正在连接到 Rinkeby 测试网络" }, "connectingToRopsten": { "message": "正在连接到 Ropsten 测试网络" }, "contactUs": { "message": "联系我们" }, "contacts": { "message": "联系人" }, "contactsSettingsDescription": { "message": "添加、编辑、删除和管理您的联系人。" }, "continueToWyre": { "message": "继续前往 Wyre" }, "contractDeployment": { "message": "合约部署" }, "contractInteraction": { "message": "合约交互" }, "copiedExclamation": { "message": "已复制" }, "copiedTransactionId": { "message": "交易 ID 复制成功" }, "copyAddress": { "message": "复制地址到剪贴板" }, "copyPrivateKey": { "message": "这是您的私钥(点击复制)" }, "copyToClipboard": { "message": "复制到剪贴板" }, "copyTransactionId": { "message": "复制交易 ID" }, "create": { "message": "创建" }, "createAWallet": { "message": "创建钱包" }, "createAccount": { "message": "创建账户" }, "createPassword": { "message": "创建密码" }, "currencyConversion": { "message": "货币转换" }, "currentAccountNotConnected": { "message": "您的当前账户没有连接" }, "currentExtension": { "message": "当前扩展页" }, "currentLanguage": { "message": "当前语言" }, "customGas": { "message": "自定义燃料" }, "customGasSubTitle": { "message": "提升费用可能会缩短处理时间,但不保证绝对有效。" }, "customSpendLimit": { "message": "自定义消费限额" }, "customToken": { "message": "自定义代币" }, "dataBackupFoundInfo": { "message": "您的部分账户数据已在之前安装的 MetaMask 时备份。其中可能包括您的设置、联系人和代币。您现在想恢复这些数据吗?" }, "decimal": { "message": "小数精度" }, "decimalsMustZerotoTen": { "message": "小数位最小为0并且不超过36位." }, "decrypt": { "message": "解密" }, "decryptCopy": { "message": "复制加密信息" }, "decryptInlineError": { "message": "无法解密此消息,错误:$1", "description": "$1 is error message" }, "decryptMessageNotice": { "message": "$1 希望阅读此信息来完成您的操作。", "description": "$1 is the web3 site name" }, "decryptMetamask": { "message": "解密信息" }, "decryptRequest": { "message": "解密请求" }, "defaultNetwork": { "message": "默认以太坊(Ether)交易网络为主网。" }, "delete": { "message": "删除" }, "deleteAccount": { "message": "删除账户" }, "deleteNetwork": { "message": "删除网络?" }, "deleteNetworkDescription": { "message": "是否确认要删除该网络?" }, "depositEther": { "message": "存入 Ether" }, "details": { "message": "详情" }, "directDepositEther": { "message": "直接存入 Ether" }, "directDepositEtherExplainer": { "message": "如果您已经有了一些 Ether,最快捷的方法就是直接向新钱包存入 Ether。" }, "disconnect": { "message": "断开" }, "disconnectAllAccounts": { "message": "断开所有账户" }, "disconnectAllAccountsConfirmationDescription": { "message": "您确定要断开连接吗?您可能会失去网站功能。" }, "disconnectPrompt": { "message": "断开 $1" }, "disconnectThisAccount": { "message": "断开此账户的连接" }, "dismiss": { "message": "关闭" }, "done": { "message": "完成" }, "dontShowThisAgain": { "message": "不再显示" }, "downloadGoogleChrome": { "message": "下载 Google Chrome 浏览器" }, "downloadSecretBackup": { "message": "下载账户助记词,并将其安全保存在外部加密硬盘或存储介质上。" }, "downloadStateLogs": { "message": "下载状态日志" }, "dropped": { "message": "丢弃" }, "edit": { "message": "编辑" }, "editContact": { "message": "编辑联系人" }, "editPermission": { "message": "编辑权限" }, "encryptionPublicKeyNotice": { "message": "$1 希望得到您的加密公钥。同意后该网站将可以想您发送加密信息。", "description": "$1 is the web3 site name" }, "encryptionPublicKeyRequest": { "message": "申请加密公钥" }, "endOfFlowMessage1": { "message": "您通过了测试—— 保管好您的账户助记词,这是您的责任!" }, "endOfFlowMessage10": { "message": "全部完成" }, "endOfFlowMessage2": { "message": "安全保存技巧" }, "endOfFlowMessage3": { "message": "在多处保存备份数据。" }, "endOfFlowMessage4": { "message": "不向任何任何人分享该账户助记词。" }, "endOfFlowMessage5": { "message": "谨防网络钓鱼!MetaMask 绝不会主动要求您提供个人账户助记词。" }, "endOfFlowMessage6": { "message": "如果您需要再次备份账户助记词,请通过设置 -> 安全选项完成该操作。" }, "endOfFlowMessage8": { "message": "MetaMask 无法恢复您的账户助记词。" }, "endOfFlowMessage9": { "message": "了解详情。" }, "endpointReturnedDifferentChainId": { "message": "RPC 端点使用链不同的链 ID: $1", "description": "$1 is the return value of eth_chainId from an RPC endpoint" }, "ensNotFoundOnCurrentNetwork": { "message": "未在当前网络找到 ENS 名称。请尝试切换至主以太坊网络。" }, "ensRegistrationError": { "message": "ENS 名称登记错误" }, "enterAnAlias": { "message": "输入别名" }, "enterMaxSpendLimit": { "message": "输入最高消费额度" }, "enterPassword": { "message": "输入密码" }, "enterPasswordContinue": { "message": "输入密码以继续" }, "errorCode": { "message": "代码:$1", "description": "Displayed error code for debugging purposes. $1 is the error code" }, "errorDetails": { "message": "错误详情", "description": "Title for collapsible section that displays error details for debugging purposes" }, "errorMessage": { "message": "信息:$1", "description": "Displayed error message for debugging purposes. $1 is the error message" }, "errorName": { "message": "代码:$1", "description": "Displayed error name for debugging purposes. $1 is the error name" }, "errorPageTitle": { "message": "MetaMask 遇到了一个错误", "description": "Title of generic error page" }, "errorStack": { "message": "栈:", "description": "Title for error stack, which is displayed for debugging purposes" }, "estimatedProcessingTimes": { "message": "预计处理时间" }, "eth_accounts": { "message": "查看您允许的账户的地址(必填)", "description": "The description for the `eth_accounts` permission" }, "ethereumPublicAddress": { "message": "以太坊 Ethereum 公开地址" }, "etherscan": { "message": "Etherscan(以太坊浏览器)" }, "etherscanView": { "message": "在 Etherscan(以太坊浏览器)上查看账户" }, "expandView": { "message": "展开视图" }, "exportPrivateKey": { "message": "导出私钥" }, "externalExtension": { "message": "外部扩展" }, "extraApprovalGas": { "message": "+$1 批准燃料", "description": "Expresses an additional gas amount the user will have to pay, on top of some other displayed amount. $1 is a decimal amount of gas" }, "failed": { "message": "失败" }, "failedToFetchChainId": { "message": "无法获取链 IC,您的 RPC URL 地址是正确的么?" }, "failureMessage": { "message": "出了点问题,我们无法完成这个操作。" }, "fast": { "message": "快" }, "fastest": { "message": "最快" }, "feeAssociatedRequest": { "message": "此请求需要支付一定的费用。" }, "fiat": { "message": "FIAT", "description": "Exchange type" }, "fileImportFail": { "message": "文件导入失败? 点击这里!", "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file" }, "forbiddenIpfsGateway": { "message": "禁用的 IPFS 网关:请指定一个 CID 网关" }, "forgetDevice": { "message": "忘记此设备" }, "from": { "message": "从" }, "fromAddress": { "message": "从:$1", "description": "$1 is the address to include in the From label. It is typically shortened first using shortenAddress" }, "functionApprove": { "message": "功能:同意" }, "functionType": { "message": "功能类型" }, "gasLimit": { "message": "燃料限制" }, "gasLimitInfoTooltipContent": { "message": "燃料限制是指您愿意花费的最燃料量单位。" }, "gasLimitTooLow": { "message": "燃料限制至少要 21000" }, "gasLimitTooLowWithDynamicFee": { "message": "燃料限制至少要 $1", "description": "$1 is the custom gas limit, in decimal." }, "gasPrice": { "message": "燃料价格(GWEI)" }, "gasPriceExtremelyLow": { "message": "燃料价格极低" }, "gasPriceInfoTooltipContent": { "message": "燃料价格规定了您愿意为每单位燃料支付的 Ether 数量。" }, "gasUsed": { "message": "燃料使用" }, "gdprMessage": { "message": "这些数据是汇总的,因此,根据《GDPR 通用数据保护条例》(EU)2016/679,这些数据是匿名的。有关我们隐私惯例的更多信息,请参见我们的 $1。", "description": "$1 refers to the gdprMessagePrivacyPolicy message, the translation of which is meant to be used exclusively in the context of gdprMessage" }, "gdprMessagePrivacyPolicy": { "message": "隐私政策", "description": "this translation is intended to be exclusively used as the replacement for the $1 in the gdprMessage translation" }, "general": { "message": "通用" }, "generalSettingsDescription": { "message": "货币转换、主要价格单位、语言和 Blockies Identicon 图标头像" }, "getEther": { "message": "获取 Ether" }, "getEtherFromFaucet": { "message": "从水管获取 $1 网络的 Ether", "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet" }, "getStarted": { "message": "开始使用" }, "goerli": { "message": "Goerli 测试网络" }, "happyToSeeYou": { "message": "我们很高兴见到您。" }, "hardware": { "message": "硬件" }, "hardwareWalletConnected": { "message": "已连接的硬件钱包" }, "hardwareWallets": { "message": "连接硬件钱包" }, "hardwareWalletsMsg": { "message": "选择希望用于 MetaMask 的硬件钱包" }, "here": { "message": "这里", "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)" }, "hexData": { "message": "十六进制数据" }, "hide": { "message": "隐藏" }, "hideTokenPrompt": { "message": "隐藏代币?" }, "hideTokenSymbol": { "message": "隐藏 $1", "description": "$1 is the symbol for a token (e.g. 'DAI')" }, "history": { "message": "历史记录" }, "import": { "message": "导入", "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file" }, "importAccount": { "message": "导入账户" }, "importAccountMsg": { "message": "导入的账户将不会与最初创建的 MetaMask 账户助记词相关联。了解更多有关导入账户的信息 。" }, "importAccountSeedPhrase": { "message": "使用账户助记词导入账户" }, "importWallet": { "message": "导入钱包" }, "imported": { "message": "已导入", "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring" }, "initialTransactionConfirmed": { "message": "您的初始交易已通过网络确认。请点击“确定”返回。" }, "insufficientBalance": { "message": "余额不足。" }, "insufficientFunds": { "message": "余额不足。" }, "insufficientTokens": { "message": "代币余额不足。" }, "invalidAddress": { "message": "无效地址" }, "invalidAddressRecipient": { "message": "接收方地址无效" }, "invalidAddressRecipientNotEthNetwork": { "message": "非 ETH 网络,请使用小写" }, "invalidBlockExplorerURL": { "message": "无效的区块浏览器 URL" }, "invalidChainIdTooBig": { "message": "无效的链 ID,该链 ID 数字过大。" }, "invalidCustomNetworkAlertContent1": { "message": "需要重新输入自定义网络'$1'的链 ID。", "description": "$1 is the name/identifier of the network." }, "invalidCustomNetworkAlertContent2": { "message": "为了保护您免受恶意或有问题的网络提供商的侵害,现在所有的自定义网络都需要提供链 ID。" }, "invalidCustomNetworkAlertContent3": { "message": "进入设置 > 网络并输入链 ID。您可以通过 $1 查找常用的链 ID。", "description": "$1 is a link to https://chainid.network" }, "invalidCustomNetworkAlertTitle": { "message": "无效的自定义网络" }, "invalidHexNumber": { "message": "无效的十六进制数。" }, "invalidHexNumberLeadingZeros": { "message": "无效的十六进制数。去除任何开头的零。" }, "invalidIpfsGateway": { "message": "无效的 IPFS 网关。该值必须是一个有效的 URL" }, "invalidNumber": { "message": "无效的数字。输入一个数字或‘0x’开头的十六进制数。" }, "invalidNumberLeadingZeros": { "message": "无效的数字。去除任何开头的零。" }, "invalidRPC": { "message": "无效 RPC URL" }, "invalidSeedPhrase": { "message": "无效的账户助记词" }, "ipfsGateway": { "message": "IPFS 网关" }, "ipfsGatewayDescription": { "message": "输入用于 ENS 内容解析的 IPFS CID 网关的 URL。" }, "jsonFile": { "message": "JSON 文件", "description": "format for importing an account" }, "knownAddressRecipient": { "message": "已知接收方地址。" }, "knownTokenWarning": { "message": "此操作将编辑已经在您的钱包中列出的代币,有肯能被用来欺骗您。只有确定要更改这些代币的内容时,才通过此操作。" }, "kovan": { "message": "Kovan 测试网络" }, "lastConnected": { "message": "最后连接" }, "learnMore": { "message": "查看更多" }, "ledgerAccountRestriction": { "message": "在添加新的账户之前,需要使用您的最后一个账户。" }, "letsGoSetUp": { "message": "第一次,立即开始设置!" }, "likeToImportTokens": { "message": "您想添加这些代币吗?" }, "links": { "message": "链接" }, "loadMore": { "message": "加载更多" }, "loading": { "message": "加载中……" }, "loadingTokens": { "message": "加载代币中……" }, "localhost": { "message": "Localhost 8545" }, "lock": { "message": "锁定" }, "lockTimeTooGreat": { "message": "锁定时间过长" }, "mainnet": { "message": "以太坊 Ethereum 主网络" }, "max": { "message": "最大" }, "memo": { "message": "备忘" }, "memorizePhrase": { "message": "记住该账户助记词。" }, "message": { "message": "消息" }, "metaMaskConnectStatusParagraphOne": { "message": "现在您可在 MetaMask 中对账户连接进行更多的控制。" }, "metaMaskConnectStatusParagraphThree": { "message": "点击管理连接的账户。" }, "metaMaskConnectStatusParagraphTwo": { "message": "连接状态按钮显示所访问的网站是否与您当前选择的账户连接。" }, "metamaskDescription": { "message": "将您与 Ethereum 和去中心化网络连接起来。" }, "metamaskSwapsOfflineDescription": { "message": "MetaMask Swaps 正在进行维护。请稍后访问。" }, "metamaskVersion": { "message": "MetaMask 版本" }, "metametricsCommitmentsAllowOptOut": { "message": "始终允许您通过设置选择退出" }, "metametricsCommitmentsBoldNever": { "message": "从不", "description": "This string is localized separately from some of the commitments so that we can bold it" }, "metametricsCommitmentsIntro": { "message": "MetaMask……" }, "metametricsCommitmentsNeverCollectIP": { "message": "$1收集您的完整IP地址", "description": "The $1 is the bolded word 'Never', from 'metametricsCommitmentsBoldNever'" }, "metametricsCommitmentsNeverCollectKeysEtc": { "message": "$1收集密钥、地址、交易记录、余额、哈希或任何个人信息", "description": "The $1 is the bolded word 'Never', from 'metametricsCommitmentsBoldNever'" }, "metametricsCommitmentsNeverSellDataForProfit": { "message": "$1为利益而出售您的数据,永远不会!", "description": "The $1 is the bolded word 'Never', from 'metametricsCommitmentsBoldNever'" }, "metametricsCommitmentsSendAnonymizedEvents": { "message": "发送匿名的点击和页面浏览事件信息" }, "metametricsHelpImproveMetaMask": { "message": "帮助我们让 MetaMask 变得更好" }, "metametricsOptInDescription": { "message": "MetaMask 希望收集使用数据,以更好地了解我们的用户如何与扩展进行互动。这些数据将被用于持续改进我们产品和 Ethereum 生态系统的可用性和用户体验。" }, "mustSelectOne": { "message": "至少选择 1 种代币。" }, "myAccounts": { "message": "我的账户" }, "needEtherInWallet": { "message": "使用 MetaMask 与分布式应用交互,需要您的钱包里需要有 Ether。" }, "needImportFile": { "message": "必须选择一个文件来导入。", "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue" }, "negativeETH": { "message": "不能发负值的 ETH。" }, "networkName": { "message": "网络名称" }, "networkSettingsChainIdDescription": { "message": "链 ID 用于签署交易。它必须与网络返回的链 ID 相匹配。您可以输入十进制或'0x'前缀的十六进制数字,但我们将以十进制显示。" }, "networkSettingsDescription": { "message": "添加和编辑自定义 RPC 网络" }, "networks": { "message": "网络" }, "nevermind": { "message": "无所谓" }, "newAccount": { "message": "新账户" }, "newAccountDetectedDialogMessage": { "message": "检测到新地址!点击添加至地址簿。" }, "newAccountNumberName": { "message": "账户 $1", "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen" }, "newContact": { "message": "新联系人" }, "newContract": { "message": "新合约" }, "newPassword": { "message": "新密码(至少 8 个字符)" }, "newToMetaMask": { "message": "第一次使用 MetaMask?" }, "newTotal": { "message": "新总额" }, "newTransactionFee": { "message": "新交易费用" }, "next": { "message": "下一步" }, "nextNonceWarning": { "message": "Nonce 高于建议的 nouce 值 $1", "description": "The next nonce according to MetaMask's internal logic" }, "noAccountsFound": { "message": "没找到查询的账户" }, "noAddressForName": { "message": "这个名字还没有设置地址。" }, "noAlreadyHaveSeed": { "message": "不,我已经有一个账户助记词了。" }, "noConversionRateAvailable": { "message": "无可用转换率" }, "noThanks": { "message": "不,谢谢" }, "noTransactions": { "message": "没有交易" }, "noWebcamFound": { "message": "未找到您的电脑摄像头。请重试。" }, "noWebcamFoundTitle": { "message": "未找到摄像头" }, "nonceField": { "message": "自定义交易 nonce" }, "nonceFieldDescription": { "message": "开启此功能可以改变确认屏幕上的 nonce(交易号)。此为高级功能,请谨慎使用。" }, "nonceFieldHeading": { "message": "自定义 Nonce" }, "notCurrentAccount": { "message": "这是正确的账户吗?这与您钱包中当前选择的账户不同。" }, "notEnoughGas": { "message": "燃料不足" }, "ofTextNofM": { "message": "/" }, "off": { "message": "关" }, "offlineForMaintenance": { "message": "脱机维护" }, "ok": { "message": "确定" }, "on": { "message": "启用" }, "onboardingReturnNotice": { "message": "“$1”会关闭此标签,直接回到 $2", "description": "Return the user to the site that initiated onboarding" }, "onlyConnectTrust": { "message": "只连接您信任的网站。" }, "optionalBlockExplorerUrl": { "message": "区块浏览器 URL(选填)" }, "optionalCurrencySymbol": { "message": "符号(选填)" }, "origin": { "message": "来源" }, "parameters": { "message": "参数" }, "participateInMetaMetrics": { "message": "加入 MetaMetrics" }, "participateInMetaMetricsDescription": { "message": "加入 MetaMetrics ,帮助我们改善 MetaMask 服务" }, "password": { "message": "密码" }, "passwordNotLongEnough": { "message": "密码长度不足" }, "passwordsDontMatch": { "message": "密码不匹配" }, "pastePrivateKey": { "message": "请粘贴您的私钥:", "description": "For importing an account from a private key" }, "pending": { "message": "待处理" }, "permissionCheckedIconDescription": { "message": "您已同意该权限" }, "permissionUncheckedIconDescription": { "message": "您还未同意该权限" }, "permissions": { "message": "权限" }, "personalAddressDetected": { "message": "检测到个人地址。请输入代币合约地址。" }, "plusXMore": { "message": "+ $1", "description": "$1 is a number of additional but unshown items in a list- this message will be shown in place of those items" }, "prev": { "message": "上一个" }, "primaryCurrencySetting": { "message": "主要货币" }, "primaryCurrencySettingDescription": { "message": "请选择“本地”,优先显示当地货币链价值(如 ETH )。选择“货币”则优先以所选货币作为价值显示单位。" }, "privacyMsg": { "message": "隐私政策" }, "privateKey": { "message": "私钥", "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account" }, "privateKeyWarning": { "message": "注意:永远不要公开这个私钥。任何拥有您的私钥的人都可以窃取您帐户中的任何资产。" }, "privateNetwork": { "message": "私有网络" }, "proposedApprovalLimit": { "message": "拟议的审批上限" }, "provide": { "message": "提供" }, "queue": { "message": "队列" }, "queued": { "message": "队列中" }, "readdToken": { "message": "之后您还可以通过帐户选项菜单中的“添加代币”来添加此代币。" }, "receive": { "message": "接收" }, "recents": { "message": "最近记录" }, "recipientAddressPlaceholder": { "message": "查找、公用地址 (0x) 或 ENS" }, "reject": { "message": "拒绝" }, "rejectAll": { "message": "拒绝全部" }, "rejectTxsDescription": { "message": "您将批量拒绝 $1 笔交易。" }, "rejectTxsN": { "message": "拒绝 $1 笔交易" }, "rejected": { "message": "拒绝" }, "remindMeLater": { "message": "稍后提醒" }, "remove": { "message": "删除" }, "removeAccount": { "message": "删除账户" }, "removeAccountDescription": { "message": "该账户已从您的钱包中删除。请在继续后续操作前,确认您是否已拥有该导入账户的原始账户助记词或账户密钥。您可以通过账户下拉菜单再次导入或创建账户。" }, "requestsAwaitingAcknowledgement": { "message": "待确认的请求" }, "required": { "message": "必填" }, "reset": { "message": "重置" }, "resetAccount": { "message": "重设账户" }, "resetAccountDescription": { "message": "重置账户将清除您的交易历史记录。这不会改变您账户中的余额,也不会要求您重新输入账户助记词。" }, "restore": { "message": "恢复" }, "restoreAccountWithSeed": { "message": "使用账户助记词恢复您的账户" }, "restoreWalletPreferences": { "message": "已找到于 $1 的数据备份。您想恢复您的钱包设置吗?", "description": "$1 is the date at which the data was backed up" }, "retryTransaction": { "message": "重试交易" }, "reusedTokenNameWarning": { "message": "此处的一个代币使用了与您关注的另一个代币的相同符号,这可能会让人感到困惑或欺骗。" }, "revealSeedWords": { "message": "显示账户助记词" }, "revealSeedWordsDescription": { "message": "如果您更换浏览器或计算机,则需要使用此账户助记词访问您的帐户。请将它们保存在安全秘密的地方。" }, "revealSeedWordsWarning": { "message": "该账户助记词可以用来窃取您的所有帐户" }, "revealSeedWordsWarningTitle": { "message": "不要对任何人展示此账户助记词!" }, "rinkeby": { "message": "Rinkeby 测试网络" }, "ropsten": { "message": "Ropsten 测试网络" }, "rpcUrl": { "message": "新增 RPC URL" }, "save": { "message": "保存" }, "saveAsCsvFile": { "message": "保存为 CSV 文件" }, "scanInstructions": { "message": "将二维码放在相机前" }, "scanQrCode": { "message": "扫描二维码" }, "scrollDown": { "message": "向下滚动" }, "search": { "message": "搜索" }, "searchAccounts": { "message": "搜索账户" }, "searchResults": { "message": "搜索结果" }, "searchTokens": { "message": "搜索代币" }, "secretBackupPhraseDescription": { "message": "您的账户助记词可以帮助您轻松备份和恢复个人账户。" }, "secretBackupPhraseWarning": { "message": "警告:切勿向他人透露您的账户助记词。任何人一旦持有该账户助记词,即可控制您的 Ether。" }, "securityAndPrivacy": { "message": "安全与隐私" }, "securitySettingsDescription": { "message": "隐私设置和账户助记词" }, "seedPhrasePlaceholder": { "message": "用空格分隔每个单词" }, "seedPhrasePlaceholderPaste": { "message": "从剪贴板粘贴账户助记词" }, "seedPhraseReq": { "message": "账户助记词由 12、15、18、21 或 24 个单词组成" }, "selectAHigherGasFee": { "message": "选择更高的燃料费用,提高交易处理速度。*" }, "selectAccounts": { "message": "选择账户" }, "selectAll": { "message": "全部选择" }, "selectAnAccount": { "message": "选择一个账户" }, "selectAnAccountHelp": { "message": "选择在 MetaMask 中查看的账户" }, "selectEachPhrase": { "message": "请选择每个单词,以确保其正确性。" }, "selectHdPath": { "message": "选择 HD 路径" }, "selectPathHelp": { "message": "如果下列账户中没有您当前所持有的 Ledger 账户,请将路径切换至“Legacy (MEW / MyCrypto)”" }, "selectType": { "message": "选择类型" }, "selectingAllWillAllow": { "message": "选择全部将允许本网站查看您当前的所有账户。确保您信任这个网站。" }, "send": { "message": "发送" }, "sendAmount": { "message": "发送数额" }, "sendSpecifiedTokens": { "message": "发送 $1", "description": "Symbol of the specified token" }, "sendTokens": { "message": "发送代币" }, "separateEachWord": { "message": "用空格分隔每个单词" }, "settings": { "message": "设置" }, "showAdvancedGasInline": { "message": "高级燃料控制" }, "showAdvancedGasInlineDescription": { "message": "在发送和确认界面显示燃料价格和燃料限制设置选项。" }, "showFiatConversionInTestnets": { "message": "在 Testnets 上显示兑换率" }, "showFiatConversionInTestnetsDescription": { "message": "请选择该选项,在 Testnets 上显示法定兑换率" }, "showHexData": { "message": "显示十六进制数据" }, "showHexDataDescription": { "message": "请选择该选项,在发送页面显示十六进制数据字域" }, "showIncomingTransactions": { "message": "显示收到的交易" }, "showIncomingTransactionsDescription": { "message": "选择该选项可使用 Etherscan(以太坊浏览器)(以太坊浏览器)在交易列表中显示收到的交易。" }, "showPermissions": { "message": "显示权限" }, "showPrivateKeys": { "message": "显示私钥" }, "showSeedPhrase": { "message": "显示账户助记词" }, "sigRequest": { "message": "请求签名" }, "sign": { "message": "签名" }, "signNotice": { "message": "签署此消息可能会产生危险的副作用。 \n只从您完全信任的网站上签名。 未来的版本将移除这种危险的方法。" }, "signatureRequest": { "message": "请求签名" }, "signatureRequest1": { "message": "信息" }, "signed": { "message": "已签名" }, "slow": { "message": "慢" }, "somethingWentWrong": { "message": "糟糕!出问题了。" }, "speedUp": { "message": "加速" }, "speedUpCancellation": { "message": "加速该取消操作" }, "speedUpTransaction": { "message": "加速该交易操作" }, "spendLimitAmount": { "message": "消费限额数量" }, "spendLimitInsufficient": { "message": "消费限额不足" }, "spendLimitInvalid": { "message": "消费限制无效,必须是正数。" }, "spendLimitPermission": { "message": "消费限制权限" }, "spendLimitRequestedBy": { "message": "消费限制申请来自 $1", "description": "Origin of the site requesting the spend limit" }, "spendLimitTooLarge": { "message": "消费限制过大" }, "stateLogError": { "message": "检索状态日志时出错。" }, "stateLogFileName": { "message": "MetaMask 状态日志" }, "stateLogs": { "message": "状态日志" }, "stateLogsDescription": { "message": "状态日志包含您的账户地址和已发送的交易。" }, "statusConnected": { "message": "已连接" }, "statusNotConnected": { "message": "未连接" }, "storePhrase": { "message": "通过如 1Password 等密码管理工具保存该账户助记词。" }, "submit": { "message": "提交" }, "submitted": { "message": "已提交" }, "supportCenter": { "message": "访问我们的支持中心" }, "swap": { "message": "兑换 Swap" }, "swapAdvancedSlippageInfo": { "message": "如果价格在您下单和确认之间发生变化,这就叫做“滑点”。如果滑点超过您的“最大滑点”设置,您的的兑换将自动取消。" }, "swapAggregator": { "message": "聚合商" }, "swapAmountReceived": { "message": "保证数额" }, "swapAmountReceivedInfo": { "message": "这是您将收到的最低数额。根据滑点值, 您可能会收到更多。" }, "swapApproval": { "message": "批准 $1 的兑换 ", "description": "Used in the transaction display list to describe a transaction that is an approve call on a token that is to be swapped.. $1 is the symbol of a token that has been approved." }, "swapApproveNeedMoreTokens": { "message": "您还需 $1 $2 来完成这笔兑换", "description": "Tells the user how many more of a given token they need for a specific swap. $1 is an amount of tokens and $2 is the token symbol." }, "swapBetterQuoteAvailable": { "message": "有一个可用的更优报价" }, "swapBuildQuotePlaceHolderText": { "message": "没有匹配的代币符合 $1", "description": "Tells the user that a given search string does not match any tokens in our token lists. $1 can be any string of text" }, "swapCustom": { "message": "自定义" }, "swapDecentralizedExchange": { "message": "去中心化交易所" }, "swapEditLimit": { "message": "修改限制" }, "swapEnableDescription": { "message": "这是必须的,并且允许 MetaMask 兑换您的 $1。", "description": "Gives the user info about the required approval transaction for swaps. $1 will be the symbol of a token being approved for swaps." }, "swapEstimatedNetworkFee": { "message": "预计网络手续费" }, "swapEstimatedNetworkFeeSummary": { "message": "“$1”是我们预计的实际产生费用。具体数额视网络情况而定。", "description": "$1 will be the translation of swapEstimatedNetworkFee, with the font bolded" }, "swapEstimatedNetworkFees": { "message": "预计网络手续费" }, "swapEstimatedNetworkFeesInfo": { "message": "这是预估的用于完成您的兑换所使用的网络手续费。实际数额可能会根据网络条件而变化。" }, "swapFailedErrorTitle": { "message": "兑换失败" }, "swapFetchingQuotesErrorDescription": { "message": "呃……出错了。再试一次,如果错误仍存在,请联系客户支持。" }, "swapFetchingQuotesErrorTitle": { "message": "获取报价出错" }, "swapFetchingTokens": { "message": "获取代币中……" }, "swapLowSlippageError": { "message": "交易可能失败,最大滑点过低。" }, "swapMaxNetworkFeeInfo": { "message": "“$1”是您最多所话费的数量,当网络不稳定时,这可能是一个大的数额。", "description": "$1 will be the translation of swapMaxNetworkFees, with the font bolded" }, "swapMaxNetworkFees": { "message": "最大网络手续费" }, "swapMaxSlippage": { "message": "最大滑点" }, "swapMetaMaskFee": { "message": "MetaMask 手续费" }, "swapMetaMaskFeeDescription": { "message": "我们每次都能从顶级流动性资源中找到最好的价格。每次报价都会自动收取1%的手续费用,以支持 MetaMask 的持续发展,使其更加完善。", "description": "Provides information about the fee that metamask takes for swaps. $1 is a decimal number." }, "swapNQuotes": { "message": "$1 个报价", "description": "$1 is the number of quotes that the user can select from when opening the list of quotes on the 'view quote' screen" }, "swapNetworkFeeSummary": { "message": "网络手续费包括处理您的兑换和在以太坊($1)网络上存储的成本。MetaMask 不从这笔费用中获利。" }, "swapNewQuoteIn": { "message": "$1 后更新报价", "description": "Tells the user the amount of time until the currently displayed quotes are update. $1 is a time that is counting down from 1:00 to 0:00" }, "swapOnceTransactionHasProcess": { "message": "一旦交易完成,您的 $1 将被添加到您的账户中。", "description": "This message communicates the token that is being transferred. It is shown on the awaiting swap screen. The $1 will be a token symbol." }, "swapPriceDifference": { "message": "您将兑换 $1 $2(~$3)为 $4 $5(~$6)。", "description": "This message represents the price slippage for the swap. $1 and $4 are a number (ex: 2.89), $2 and $5 are symbols (ex: ETH), and $3 and $6 are fiat currency amounts." }, "swapPriceDifferenceTitle": { "message": "价格差异 ~$1%", "description": "$1 is a number (ex: 1.23) that represents the price difference." }, "swapProcessing": { "message": "处理中" }, "swapQuoteDetails": { "message": "报价详情" }, "swapQuoteDetailsSlippageInfo": { "message": "如果在您下订单和确认订单之间的价格发生了变化,这就叫做\"滑点\"。如果滑点超过您的\"最大滑点\"设置,您的兑换将自动取消。" }, "swapQuoteIncludesRate": { "message": "报价包含 $1% MetaMask 手续费", "description": "Provides information about the fee that metamask takes for swaps. $1 is a decimal number." }, "swapQuoteNofN": { "message": "报价 $1 / $2", "description": "A count of loaded quotes shown to the user while they are waiting for quotes to be fetched. $1 is the number of quotes already loaded, and $2 is the total number of quotes to load." }, "swapQuoteSource": { "message": "报价来源" }, "swapQuotesAreRefreshed": { "message": "报价会经常刷新,以反映当前的市场状况。" }, "swapQuotesExpiredErrorDescription": { "message": "请请求新的报价,以获得最新的价格。" }, "swapQuotesExpiredErrorTitle": { "message": "报价超时" }, "swapQuotesNotAvailableErrorDescription": { "message": "尝试调整滑点数量设置,并再试一次。" }, "swapQuotesNotAvailableErrorTitle": { "message": "无可用报价" }, "swapRate": { "message": "费率" }, "swapReceiving": { "message": "接收" }, "swapReceivingInfoTooltip": { "message": "这是一个预估数额。确切的数额取决于滑点。" }, "swapRequestForQuotation": { "message": "请求报价" }, "swapSearchForAToken": { "message": "搜索代币" }, "swapSelect": { "message": "选择" }, "swapSelectAQuote": { "message": "选择一个报价" }, "swapSelectAToken": { "message": "选择一个代币" }, "swapSelectQuotePopoverDescription": { "message": "以下是从多个流动资金来源收集到的所有报价。" }, "swapSource": { "message": "流动资金来源" }, "swapSourceInfo": { "message": "我们搜索多个流动性来源(交易所、聚合商和专业做市商),以找到最好的利率和最低的网络手续费。" }, "swapSwapFrom": { "message": "兑换自" }, "swapSwapSwitch": { "message": "切换兑换代币方向" }, "swapSwapTo": { "message": "兑换到" }, "swapThisWillAllowApprove": { "message": "这样将允许 $1 用于兑换。" }, "swapTokenAvailable": { "message": "您的 $1 已添加到您的账户。", "description": "This message is shown after a swap is successful and communicates the exact amount of tokens the user has received for a swap. The $1 is a decimal number of tokens followed by the token symbol." }, "swapTokenToToken": { "message": "兑换 $1 到 $2", "description": "Used in the transaction display list to describe a swap. $1 and $2 are the symbols of tokens in involved in a swap." }, "swapTransactionComplete": { "message": "交易完成" }, "swapUnknown": { "message": "未知的" }, "swapUsingBestQuote": { "message": "使用最好的报价" }, "swapVerifyTokenExplanation": { "message": "多个代币可以使用相同的名称和符号。检查 $1(以太坊浏览器)以确认这是您正在寻找的代币。", "description": "This appears in a tooltip next to the verifyThisTokenOn message. It gives the user more information about why they should check the token on a block explorer. $1 will be the name or url of the block explorer, which will be the translation of 'etherscan' or a block explorer url specified for a custom network." }, "swapYourTokenBalance": { "message": "$1 $2 可用", "description": "Tells the user how much of a token they have in their balance. $1 is a decimal number amount of tokens, and $2 is a token symbol" }, "swapZeroSlippage": { "message": "0% 滑点" }, "swapsAdvancedOptions": { "message": "高级选项" }, "swapsExcessiveSlippageWarning": { "message": "滑点数额太高,会导致不良率。请将滑点设置降低到 15% 以下。" }, "swapsMaxSlippage": { "message": "最大滑点" }, "swapsNotEnoughForTx": { "message": "没有足够的 $1 来完成此交易", "description": "Tells the user that they don't have enough of a token for a proposed swap. $1 is a token symbol" }, "swapsViewInActivity": { "message": "在活动中查看" }, "switchNetworks": { "message": "切换网络" }, "switchToThisAccount": { "message": "切换到该账户" }, "symbol": { "message": "符号" }, "symbolBetweenZeroTwelve": { "message": "符号不得超过 11 个字符。" }, "syncWithMobile": { "message": "使用移动设备同步" }, "syncWithMobileBeCareful": { "message": "扫描这个代码时,请确保附近没有其他人在看您的屏幕。" }, "syncWithMobileComplete": { "message": "您的数据已同步成功。尽情体验 MetaMask 应用程序!" }, "syncWithMobileDesc": { "message": "您可以使用个人移动设备同步个人账户与信息。打开 MetaMask 移动应用程序,进入“设置”选项,点击“通过浏览器扩展程序同步”" }, "syncWithMobileDescNewUsers": { "message": "如果您是首次启用 MetaMask 移动应用程序,请通过个人手机完成如下操作。" }, "syncWithMobileScanThisCode": { "message": "使用 MetaMask 应用程序扫描代码" }, "syncWithMobileTitle": { "message": "使用移动设备进行同步" }, "syncWithThreeBox": { "message": "使用 3Box 同步数据(实验功能)" }, "syncWithThreeBoxDescription": { "message": "开启后可以用 3Box 备份您的设置。此功能目前是实验功能,使用时风险自负。" }, "syncWithThreeBoxDisabled": { "message": "由于初始同步过程中出现错误,3Box 已被禁用。" }, "terms": { "message": "使用条款" }, "termsOfService": { "message": "服务条款" }, "testFaucet": { "message": "测试水管" }, "thisWillCreate": { "message": "将为您创建新的钱包账户和账户助记词" }, "tips": { "message": "小贴士" }, "to": { "message": "至" }, "toAddress": { "message": "至:$1", "description": "$1 is the address to include in the To label. It is typically shortened first using shortenAddress" }, "token": { "message": "代币" }, "tokenAlreadyAdded": { "message": "代币已添加。" }, "tokenContractAddress": { "message": "代币合约地址" }, "tokenSymbol": { "message": "代币符号" }, "total": { "message": "总额" }, "transaction": { "message": "交易" }, "transactionCancelAttempted": { "message": "尝试取消交易 $2,燃料费用:$1。" }, "transactionCancelSuccess": { "message": "取消交易成功 $2。" }, "transactionConfirmed": { "message": "交易已确认 $2。" }, "transactionCreated": { "message": "交易已创建 $2,交易数额:$1。" }, "transactionDropped": { "message": "交易终止 $2。" }, "transactionError": { "message": "交易出错。合约代码执行异常。" }, "transactionErrorNoContract": { "message": "试图在一个非合约地址上调用一个函数。" }, "transactionErrored": { "message": "交易出现错误。" }, "transactionFee": { "message": "交易费" }, "transactionResubmitted": { "message": "重新提交交易 $2,交易费升至:$1。" }, "transactionSubmitted": { "message": "交易已提交 $2,交易费:$1。" }, "transactionUpdated": { "message": "交易更新时间 $2。" }, "transfer": { "message": "转账" }, "transferBetweenAccounts": { "message": "在我的账户间转账" }, "transferFrom": { "message": "转自" }, "troubleConnectingToWallet": { "message": "我们在连接您的 $1 遇到问题,尝试检查 $2 并重试。", "description": "$1 is the wallet device name; $2 is a link to wallet connection guide" }, "troubleTokenBalances": { "message": "我们无法加载您的代币余额。您可以查看它们", "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances" }, "tryAgain": { "message": "重试" }, "typePassword": { "message": "输入您的 MetaMask 密码" }, "unapproved": { "message": "未批准" }, "units": { "message": "数量" }, "unknown": { "message": "未知" }, "unknownCameraError": { "message": "尝试获取相机使用权限时报错。请重试……" }, "unknownCameraErrorTitle": { "message": "哎呀!出问题了……" }, "unknownNetwork": { "message": "未知的私有网络" }, "unknownQrCode": { "message": "错误:无法识别该二维码" }, "unlimited": { "message": "无限制" }, "unlock": { "message": "解锁" }, "unlockMessage": { "message": "即将进入去中心化网络" }, "updatedWithDate": { "message": "已更新 $1" }, "urlErrorMsg": { "message": "URL 需要相应的 HTTP/HTTPS 前缀。" }, "urlExistsErrorMsg": { "message": "URL 已经存在于现有的网络列表中" }, "usePhishingDetection": { "message": "使用网络钓鱼检测" }, "usePhishingDetectionDescription": { "message": "显示针对 Ethereum 用户钓鱼域名的警告。" }, "usedByClients": { "message": "可用于各种不同的客户端" }, "userName": { "message": "名称" }, "verifyThisTokenOn": { "message": "在 $1 上验证此代币", "description": "Points the user to etherscan as a place they can verify information about a token. $1 is replaced with the translation for \"etherscan\"" }, "viewAccount": { "message": "查看账户" }, "viewContact": { "message": "查看联系人" }, "visitWebSite": { "message": "访问我们的网站" }, "walletConnectionGuide": { "message": "我们的硬件钱包连接指南" }, "web3ShimUsageNotification": { "message": "我们发现当前的网站尝试使用已经删除的 window.web3 API。如果这个网站网站已经无法正常使用,请点击 $1 获取更多信息。", "description": "$1 is a clickable link." }, "welcome": { "message": "欢迎使用 MetaMask" }, "welcomeBack": { "message": "欢迎回来!" }, "whatsThis": { "message": "这是什么?" }, "writePhrase": { "message": "请将该账户助记词记录在纸上,并保存在安全的地方。如果希望提升信息安全性,请将信息记录在多张纸上,并分别保存在 2 - 3 个不同的地方。" }, "xOfY": { "message": "$1 / $2", "description": "$1 and $2 are intended to be two numbers, where $2 is a total, and $1 is a count towards that total" }, "yesLetsTry": { "message": "是的,尝试下" }, "youNeedToAllowCameraAccess": { "message": "需要开启相机访问权限,才能使用该功能。" }, "youSign": { "message": "正在签名" }, "yourPrivateSeedPhrase": { "message": "您的账户助记词" }, "zeroGasPriceOnSpeedUpError": { "message": "加速时无燃料价格" } }