import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'; import TokenTracker from '@metamask/eth-token-tracker'; import { shallowEqual, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { getCurrentChainId, getSelectedAddress } from '../selectors'; import { SECOND } from '../../shared/constants/time'; import { isEqualCaseInsensitive } from '../../shared/modules/string-utils'; import { useEqualityCheck } from './useEqualityCheck'; export function useTokenTracker( tokens, includeFailedTokens = false, hideZeroBalanceTokens = false, ) { const chainId = useSelector(getCurrentChainId); const userAddress = useSelector(getSelectedAddress, shallowEqual); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(() => tokens?.length >= 0); const [tokensWithBalances, setTokensWithBalances] = useState([]); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const tokenTracker = useRef(null); const memoizedTokens = useEqualityCheck(tokens); const updateBalances = useCallback( (tokenWithBalances) => { const matchingTokens = hideZeroBalanceTokens ? tokenWithBalances.filter((token) => Number(token.balance) > 0) : tokenWithBalances; // TODO: improve this pattern for adding this field when we improve support for // EIP721 tokens. const matchingTokensWithIsERC721Flag = => { const additionalTokenData = memoizedTokens.find((t) => isEqualCaseInsensitive(t.address, token.address), ); return { ...token, isERC721: additionalTokenData?.isERC721, image: additionalTokenData?.image, }; }); setTokensWithBalances(matchingTokensWithIsERC721Flag); setLoading(false); setError(null); }, [hideZeroBalanceTokens, memoizedTokens], ); const showError = useCallback((err) => { setError(err); setLoading(false); }, []); const teardownTracker = useCallback(() => { if (tokenTracker.current) { tokenTracker.current.stop(); tokenTracker.current.removeAllListeners('update'); tokenTracker.current.removeAllListeners('error'); tokenTracker.current = null; } }, []); const buildTracker = useCallback( (address, tokenList) => { // clear out previous tracker, if it exists. teardownTracker(); tokenTracker.current = new TokenTracker({ userAddress: address, provider: global.ethereumProvider, tokens: tokenList, includeFailedTokens, pollingInterval: SECOND * 8, balanceDecimals: 5, }); tokenTracker.current.on('update', updateBalances); tokenTracker.current.on('error', showError); tokenTracker.current.updateBalances(); }, [updateBalances, includeFailedTokens, showError, teardownTracker], ); // Effect to remove the tracker when the component is removed from DOM // Do not overload this effect with additional dependencies. teardownTracker // is the only dependency here, which itself has no dependencies and will // never update. The lack of dependencies that change is what confirms // that this effect only runs on mount/unmount useEffect(() => { return teardownTracker; }, [teardownTracker]); // Effect to set loading state and initialize tracker when values change useEffect(() => { // This effect will only run initially and when: // 1. chainId is updated, // 2. userAddress is changed, // 3. token list is updated and not equal to previous list // in any of these scenarios, we should indicate to the user that their token // values are in the process of updating by setting loading state. setLoading(true); if (!userAddress || chainId === undefined || !global.ethereumProvider) { // If we do not have enough information to build a TokenTracker, we exit early // When the values above change, the effect will be restarted. We also teardown // tracker because inevitably this effect will run again momentarily. teardownTracker(); return; } if (memoizedTokens.length === 0) { // sets loading state to false and token list to empty updateBalances([]); } buildTracker(userAddress, memoizedTokens); }, [ userAddress, teardownTracker, chainId, memoizedTokens, updateBalances, buildTracker, ]); return { loading, tokensWithBalances, error }; }