const { filterDiffAdditions, filterDiffByFilePath, hasNumberOfCodeBlocksIncreased, } = require('./shared'); function checkMochaSyntax(diff) { const ruleHeading = 'favor-jest-instead-of-mocha'; const codeBlocks = [ "import { strict as assert } from 'assert';", 'assert.deepEqual', 'assert.equal', 'assert.rejects', 'assert.strictEqual', 'sinon.', ]; console.log(`Checking ${ruleHeading}...`); const jsFilesExcludingE2ETests = '^(?!.*/test/e2e/).*.(js|ts|jsx)$'; const diffByFilePath = filterDiffByFilePath(diff, jsFilesExcludingE2ETests); const diffAdditions = filterDiffAdditions(diffByFilePath); const hashmap = hasNumberOfCodeBlocksIncreased(diffAdditions, codeBlocks); Object.keys(hashmap).forEach((key) => { if (hashmap[key]) { console.error(`Number of occurences of "${key}" have increased.`); } }); if (Object.values(hashmap).includes(true)) { console.error( `...changes have not been committed.\nFor more info, see:${ruleHeading}`, ); process.exit(1); } else { console.log( `...number of occurences has not increased for any code block.`, ); process.exit(0); } } module.exports = { checkMochaSyntax };