const { lintTransformedFile } = require('./utils'); let mockESLint; jest.mock('eslint', () => ({ ESLint: class MockESLint { constructor() { if (mockESLint) { throw new Error('Mock ESLint ref already assigned!'); } // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-this mockESLint = this; // eslint-disable-next-line jest/prefer-spy-on this.lintText = jest.fn(); } }, })); describe('transform utils', () => { describe('lintTransformedFile', () => { it('initializes the ESLint singleton', async () => { expect(mockESLint).not.toBeDefined(); // This error is an artifact of how we're mocking the ESLint singleton, // and won't actually occur in production. await expect(() => lintTransformedFile()).rejects.toThrow( `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')`, ); expect(mockESLint).toBeDefined(); }); it('returns if linting passes with no errors', async () => { mockESLint.lintText.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve([{ errorCount: 0 }]), ); expect( await lintTransformedFile('/* JavaScript */', 'file.js'), ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('throws if the file is ignored by ESLint', async () => { mockESLint.lintText.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve([])); await expect(() => lintTransformedFile('/* JavaScript */', 'file.js'), ).rejects.toThrow( /Transformed file "file\.js" appears to be ignored by ESLint\.$/u, ); }); it('throws if linting produced any errors', async () => { const ruleId = 'some-eslint-rule'; const message = 'You violated the rule!'; mockESLint.lintText.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve([ { errorCount: 1, messages: [{ message, ruleId, severity: 2 }] }, ]), ); await expect(() => lintTransformedFile('/* JavaScript */', 'file.js'), ).rejects.toThrow( /Lint errors encountered for transformed file "file\.js":\n\n {4}some-eslint-rule\n {4}You violated the rule!\n\n$/u, ); }); }); });