import React from 'react' import assert from 'assert' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import sinon from 'sinon' import ConfirmSeedPhrase from '../confirm-seed-phrase/confirm-seed-phrase.component' function shallowRender (props = {}, context = {}) { return shallow( , { context: { t: (str) => str + '_t', ...context, }, }, ) } describe('ConfirmSeedPhrase Component', function () { it('should render correctly', function () { const root = shallowRender({ seedPhrase: '鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬', }) assert.equal( root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted').length, 12, 'should render 12 seed phrases', ) }) it('should add/remove selected on click', function () { const metricsEventSpy = sinon.spy() const pushSpy = sinon.spy() const root = shallowRender( { seedPhrase: '鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬', history: { push: pushSpy }, }, { metricsEvent: metricsEventSpy, }, ) const seeds = root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted') // Click on 3 seeds to add to selected'click')'click')'click') assert.deepEqual( root.state().selectedSeedIndices, [0, 1, 2], 'should add seed phrase to selected on click', ) // Click on a selected seed to remove root.state() root.update() root.state() root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted').at(1).simulate('click') assert.deepEqual( root.state().selectedSeedIndices, [0, 2], 'should remove seed phrase from selected when click again', ) }) it('should render correctly on hover', function () { const metricsEventSpy = sinon.spy() const pushSpy = sinon.spy() const root = shallowRender( { seedPhrase: '鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬', history: { push: pushSpy }, }, { metricsEvent: metricsEventSpy, }, ) const seeds = root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted') // Click on 3 seeds to add to selected'click')'click')'click') // Dragging Seed # 2 to 0 placeth root.instance().setDraggingSeedIndex(2) root.instance().setHoveringIndex(0) root.update() const pendingSeeds = root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__selected-seed-words__pending-seed') assert.equal(, 2) assert.equal(, 0) assert.equal(, 1) }) it('should insert seed in place on drop', function () { const metricsEventSpy = sinon.spy() const pushSpy = sinon.spy() const root = shallowRender( { seedPhrase: '鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬', history: { push: pushSpy }, }, { metricsEvent: metricsEventSpy, }, ) const seeds = root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted') // Click on 3 seeds to add to selected'click')'click')'click') // Drop Seed # 2 to 0 placeth root.instance().setDraggingSeedIndex(2) root.instance().setHoveringIndex(0) root.instance().onDrop(0) root.update() assert.deepEqual(root.state().selectedSeedIndices, [2, 0, 1]) assert.deepEqual(root.state().pendingSeedIndices, [2, 0, 1]) }) it('should submit correctly', async function () { const originalSeed = ['鼠', '牛', '虎', '兔', '龍', '蛇', '馬', '羊', '猴', '雞', '狗', '豬'] const metricsEventSpy = sinon.spy() const pushSpy = sinon.spy() const initialize3BoxSpy = sinon.spy() const root = shallowRender( { seedPhrase: '鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬', history: { push: pushSpy }, setSeedPhraseBackedUp: () => Promise.resolve(), initializeThreeBox: initialize3BoxSpy, }, { metricsEvent: metricsEventSpy, }, ) const sorted = root.state().sortedSeedWords const seeds = root.find('.confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--sorted') originalSeed.forEach((seed) => { const seedIndex = sorted.findIndex((s) => s === seed)'click') }) root.update() root.find('.first-time-flow__button').simulate('click') await (new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100))) assert.deepEqual(metricsEventSpy.args[0][0], { eventOpts: { category: 'Onboarding', action: 'Seed Phrase Setup', name: 'Verify Complete', }, }) assert(initialize3BoxSpy.calledOnce) assert.equal(pushSpy.args[0][0], '/initialize/end-of-flow') }) })