import React from 'react'; import { NftItem } from './nft-item'; export default { title: 'Components/Multichain/NftItem', argTypes: { alt: { control: 'text', }, name: { control: 'text', }, src: { control: 'text', }, networkName: { control: 'text', }, networkSrc: { control: 'text', }, tokenId: { control: 'text', }, onClick: { action: 'onClick', }, }, args: { alt: 'Join Archer and his 6,969 frens as they take a trip further down the rabbit hole in search of a world with vibrant art, great vibes, and psychedelic tales.', name: 'Monkey Trip #2422', src: '', networkName: 'Ethereum Mainnet', networkSrc: './images/eth_logo.png', tokenId: '2422', }, }; export const DefaultStory = (args) => ; DefaultStory.storyName = 'Default';