import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; import { Box } from './box'; # Box The `Box` is a utility component that accepts many helper props to make styling easier. <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--box-default-story" /> </Canvas> ## Props <ArgsTable of={Box} /> ## Usage The following describes the props and example usage for this component. ### Margin The margin props `margin`, `marginTop`, `marginRight`, `marginBottom`, `marginLeft`, `marginInline`, `marginInlineStart`, and `marginInlineEnd` can be used to set the margins of the `Box` component. All of the margin props accept [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props Accepted props are: `0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 'auto` or array of these values <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--margin" /> </Canvas> ```jsx <Box margin={4} /> <Box marginTop={4} /> <Box marginRight={4} /> <Box marginBottom={4} /> <Box marginLeft={'auto'} /> <Box marginInline={4} /> <Box marginInlineStart={4} /> <Box marginInlineEnd={4} /> // Responsive props <Box margin={[4, 8]} /> <Box marginTop={[4, 8]} /> <Box marginRight={[4, 8]} /> <Box marginBottom={[4, 8]} /> <Box marginLeft={['auto', 8]} /> <Box marginInline={['auto', 8]} /> <Box marginInlineStart={['auto', 8]} /> <Box marginInlineEnd={['auto', 8]} /> ``` ### Padding The padding props work very similarly to margin. The padding props `padding`, `paddingTop`, `paddingRight`, `paddingBottom`, `paddingLeft`, `paddingInline`, `paddingInlineStart`, and `paddingInlineEnd` can be used to set the paddings of the `Box` component. All of the padding props accept [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props Accepted props are: `0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12` or array of these values <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--padding" /> </Canvas> ```jsx <Box padding={4} /> <Box paddingTop={4} /> <Box paddingRight={4} /> <Box paddingBottom={4} /> <Box paddingLeft={4} /> // Responsive props <Box padding={[4, 8]} /> <Box paddingTop={[4, 8]} /> <Box paddingRight={[4, 8]} /> <Box paddingBottom={[4, 8]} /> <Box paddingLeft={[4, 8]} /> ``` ### Display The `display` prop can be used to set the display of the `Box` component. All of the display props accept [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props. Accepted props imported from the design system `Display` const are: - `Display.Block` - `Display.Flex` - `Display.Grid` - `Display.InlineBlock` - `Display.InlineFlex` - `Display.InlineGrid` - `Display.Inline` - `Display.ListItem` - `Display.None` or array of these values. ```jsx import { Display } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box display={Display.Block} /> <Box display={Display.Flex} /> <Box display={Display.Grid} /> <Box display={Display.InlineBlock} /> <Box display={Display.InlineFlex} /> <Box display={Display.Inline} /> <Box display={Display.None} /> ``` ### Color The `color` prop can be used to set the color of the content in Box component. The `color` prop accepts [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props. Defaults to `Color.textDefault`. <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--color-story" /> </Canvas> Example of importing `TextColor` object with `Box` component ```jsx import { TextColor } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box color={TextColor.textDefault}>Text goes here</Box>; ``` ### Background Color Use the `backgroundColor` prop along with the `Color` or `BackgroundColor` object from `ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js` to change background color. The `backgroundColor` prop accepts [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props. <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--background-color-story" /> </Canvas> Example of importing `BackgroundColor` object with `Box` component ```jsx import { BackgroundColor, TextColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box backgroundColor={BackgroundColor.backgroundDefault}> <Typography color={TextColor.textDefault}> BackgroundColor.backgroundDefault </Typography> </Box>; ``` ### Border Color Use the `borderColor` prop along with the `Color` or `BorderColor` object from `ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js` to change border color. The `borderColor` prop accepts [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props. <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--border-color-story" /> </Canvas> Example of importing `BorderColor` object with `Box` component ```jsx import { BackgroundColor, BorderColor, TextColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box backgroundColor={BackgroundColor.backgroundDefault} borderColor={BorderColor.borderDefault} > <Typography color={TextColor.textDefault}> BorderColor.borderDefault </Typography> </Box>; ``` ### Border Radius Use the `borderRadius` prop along with the `BorderRadius` object from `ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js` to change border radius. The `borderRadius` prop accepts [responsive props](#responsive-props) in the form of array props. <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--border-radius-story" /> </Canvas> Example of importing `BorderRadius` object with `Box` component ```jsx import { BorderRadius } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.none}>BorderRadius.none 0px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.XS}>BorderRadius.XS 2px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.SM}>BorderRadius.SM 4px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.MD}>BorderRadius.MD 6px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.LG}>BorderRadius.LG 8px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.XL}>BorderRadius.XL 12px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.pill}>BorderRadius.pill 9999px</Box> <Box borderRadius={BorderRadius.full}>BorderRadius.full 50%</Box> ``` ### Responsive Props The box component provides a responsive props api in the form of array props. Array props are inspired by [styled-systems array props]( The responsive props follow a mobile first methodology with the first item in the array applying the style to the base level size e.g. `0px` and up. The second item overwrites the first items styles at the next breakpoint. - All Box props accept the responsive props format - To skip a breakpoint use `null` as the skipped item's value e.g. `<Box display={['display', null, ;flex']} />` ``` // the responsive props <Box display={['block', 'flex']} /> // is equivalent to the css .box { display: block; @media screen and (max-width: $breakpoint-sm) { display: flex; } } ``` <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--responsive-props" /> </Canvas> ```jsx import { BorderColor, BackgroundColor, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../ui/box'; <Box padding={[2, 4]} gap={[2, 4]} display={['flex']} flexDirection={['column', 'row']} borderColor={BorderColor.borderDefault} > <Box padding={[4, 8]} backgroundColor={BackgroundColor.backgroundAlternative} borderColor={BorderColor.borderMuted} > responsive </Box> <Box padding={[4, 8]} backgroundColor={BackgroundColor.backgroundAlternative} borderColor={BorderColor.borderMuted} > props </Box> <Box padding={[4, 8]} backgroundColor={BackgroundColor.backgroundAlternative} borderColor={BorderColor.borderMuted} > example </Box> </Box>; ``` ### As The polymorphic `as` prop allows you to change the root HTML element of the Box component. Defaults to `'div'` <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--as" /> </Canvas> ```jsx import Box from '../../ui/box'; <Box>div(default)</Box> <Box as="ul">ul</Box> <Box as="li">li</Box> <Box as="button">button</Box> <Box as="header">header</Box> ``` ### Width Use the `width` prop to pass a singular `BlockSize` or for a responsive width pass an array up to 4 `BlockSize` Responsive widths go from smallest to largest screen sizes Example: [BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.ThreeFourths, BlockSize.OneFifth, BlockSize.ThreeSixths] - BlockSize.Half is the default width for `base screen size (0px)` and up - BlockSize.ThreeFourths is the width for `small screen size (576px) ` and up - BlockSize.OneFifth is the width for `medium screen size (768px)` and up - BlockSize.ThreeSixths is the width for `large screen size (1280px)` and up <Canvas> <Story id="components-componentlibrary-box--width" /> </Canvas> ```jsx import { BlockSize, Display, FlexWrap, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import Box from '../../ui/box'; <> <p>Static widths</p> <Box display={Display.Flex}> <Box width={BlockSize.Full}>BlockSize.Full</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.Half}>BlockSize.Half</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.Half}>BlockSize.Half</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneThird}>BlockSize.OneThird</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneThird}>BlockSize.OneThird</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneThird}>BlockSize.OneThird</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneFourth}>BlockSize.OneFourth</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneFourth}>BlockSize.OneFourth</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneFourth}>BlockSize.OneFourth</Box> <Box width={BlockSize.OneFourth}>BlockSize.OneFourth</Box> </Box> <p>Responsive widths</p> <Box display={Display.Flex} flexWrap={FlexWrap.Wrap}> <Box width={[ BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, ]} > BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, </Box> <Box width={[ BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, ]} > BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, </Box> <Box width={[ BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, ]} > BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, </Box> <Box width={[ BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, ]} > BlockSize.Full, BlockSize.Half, BlockSize.OneThird, BlockSize.OneFourth, </Box> </Box> </>; ```