import assert from 'assert'; import nock from 'nock'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import GasDuck, { basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted, basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished, setBasicGasEstimateData, setCustomGasPrice, setCustomGasLimit, fetchBasicGasEstimates, } from './'; const mockGasPriceApiResponse = { SafeGasPrice: 10, ProposeGasPrice: 20, FastGasPrice: 30, }; const GasReducer = GasDuck; describe('Gas Duck', function () { const mockState = { mockProp: 123, }; const initState = { customData: { price: null, limit: null, }, basicEstimates: { average: null, fast: null, safeLow: null, }, basicEstimateIsLoading: true, }; const providerState = { chainId: '0x1', nickname: '', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: '', ticker: 'ETH', type: 'mainnet', }; const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED'; const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED'; const SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA = 'metamask/gas/SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA'; const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT'; const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE'; describe('GasReducer()', function () { it('should initialize state', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(GasReducer(undefined, {}), initState); }); it('should return state unchanged if it does not match a dispatched actions type', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: 'someOtherAction', value: 'someValue', }), mockState, ); }); it('should set basicEstimateIsLoading to true when receiving a BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED }), { basicEstimateIsLoading: true, ...mockState }, ); }); it('should set basicEstimateIsLoading to false when receiving a BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED }), { basicEstimateIsLoading: false, ...mockState }, ); }); it('should set basicEstimates when receiving a SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: { someProp: 'someData123' }, }), { basicEstimates: { someProp: 'someData123' }, ...mockState }, ); }); it('should set customData.price when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE, value: 4321, }), { customData: { price: 4321 }, ...mockState }, ); }); it('should set customData.limit when receiving a SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( GasReducer(mockState, { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT, value: 9876, }), { customData: { limit: 9876 }, ...mockState }, ); }); }); describe('basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted', function () { it('should create the correct action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted(), { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED, }); }); }); describe('basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished', function () { it('should create the correct action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished(), { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED, }); }); }); describe('fetchBasicGasEstimates', function () { it('should call fetch with the expected params', async function () { const mockDistpatch = sinon.spy(); const windowFetchSpy = sinon.spy(window, 'fetch'); nock('') .get('/gasPrices') .reply(200, mockGasPriceApiResponse); await fetchBasicGasEstimates()(mockDistpatch, () => ({ gas: { ...initState }, metamask: { provider: { ...providerState } }, })); assert.deepStrictEqual(mockDistpatch.getCall(0).args, [ { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED }, ]); assert.ok( windowFetchSpy .getCall(0) .args[0].startsWith(''), 'should fetch metaswap /gasPrices', ); assert.deepStrictEqual(mockDistpatch.getCall(2).args, [ { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED }, ]); }); it('should call fetch with the expected params for test network', async function () { global.eth = { gasPrice: sinon.fake.returns(new BN(48199313, 10)) }; const mockDistpatch = sinon.spy(); const providerStateForTestNetwork = { chainId: '0x5', nickname: '', rpcPrefs: {}, rpcUrl: '', ticker: 'ETH', type: 'goerli', }; await fetchBasicGasEstimates()(mockDistpatch, () => ({ gas: { ...initState }, metamask: { provider: { ...providerStateForTestNetwork } }, })); assert.deepStrictEqual(mockDistpatch.getCall(0).args, [ { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED }, ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(mockDistpatch.getCall(1).args, [ { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: { average: 0.0482, }, }, ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(mockDistpatch.getCall(2).args, [ { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED }, ]); }); }); describe('setBasicGasEstimateData', function () { it('should create the correct action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(setBasicGasEstimateData('mockBasicEstimatData'), { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: 'mockBasicEstimatData', }); }); }); describe('setCustomGasPrice', function () { it('should create the correct action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(setCustomGasPrice('mockCustomGasPrice'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE, value: 'mockCustomGasPrice', }); }); }); describe('setCustomGasLimit', function () { it('should create the correct action', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(setCustomGasLimit('mockCustomGasLimit'), { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT, value: 'mockCustomGasLimit', }); }); }); });