import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { AvatarBase } from '../avatar-base'; import Box from '../../ui/box/box'; import { COLORS, SIZES, DISPLAY, ALIGN_ITEMS, JUSTIFY_CONTENT, } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { AVATAR_NETWORK_SIZES } from './avatar-network.constants'; export const AvatarNetwork = ({ size = SIZES.MD, name, src, showHalo, color = COLORS.TEXT_DEFAULT, backgroundColor = COLORS.BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE, borderColor = COLORS.TRANSPARENT, className, ...props }) => { const [showFallback, setShowFallback] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setShowFallback(!src); }, [src]); const fallbackString = name && name[0] ? name[0] : '?'; const handleOnError = () => { setShowFallback(true); }; return ( {showFallback ? ( fallbackString ) : ( <> {showHalo && ( )} {`${name} )} ); }; AvatarNetwork.propTypes = { /** * The name accepts the string to render the first alphabet of the Avatar Name */ name: PropTypes.string, /** * The src accepts the string of the image to be rendered */ src: PropTypes.string, /** * The showHalo accepts a boolean prop to render the image with halo effect */ showHalo: PropTypes.bool, /** * The size of the AvatarNetwork * Possible values could be SIZES.XS(16px), SIZES.SM(24px), SIZES.MD(32px), SIZES.LG(40px), SIZES.XL(48px) * Defaults to SIZES.MD */ size: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(AVATAR_NETWORK_SIZES)), /** * The background color of the AvatarNetwork * Defaults to COLORS.BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE */ backgroundColor: Box.propTypes.backgroundColor, /** * The background color of the AvatarNetwork * Defaults to COLORS.BORDER_DEFAULT */ borderColor: Box.propTypes.borderColor, /** * The color of the text inside the AvatarNetwork * Defaults to COLORS.TEXT_DEFAULT */ color: Box.propTypes.color, /** * Additional classNames to be added to the AvatarNetwork */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * AvatarNetwork also accepts all Box props including but not limited to * className, as(change root element of HTML element) and margin props */ ...Box.propTypes, };