import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import UnitInput from '../../ui/unit-input'; import CurrencyDisplay from '../../ui/currency-display'; import { I18nContext } from '../../../contexts/i18n'; import { getConversionRate, getNativeCurrency, } from '../../../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { getCurrentCurrency, getShouldShowFiat } from '../../../selectors'; import { getValueFromWeiHex, getWeiHexFromDecimalValue, } from '../../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import { EtherDenomination } from '../../../../shared/constants/common'; /** * Component that allows user to enter currency values as a number, and props receive a converted * hex value in WEI. props.value, used as a default or forced value, should be a hex value, which * gets converted into a decimal value depending on the currency (ETH or Fiat). * * @param options0 * @param options0.hexValue * @param options0.featureSecondary * @param options0.onChange * @param options0.onPreferenceToggle */ export default function CurrencyInput({ hexValue, featureSecondary, onChange, onPreferenceToggle, }) { const t = useContext(I18nContext); const preferredCurrency = useSelector(getNativeCurrency); const secondaryCurrency = useSelector(getCurrentCurrency); const conversionRate = useSelector(getConversionRate); const showFiat = useSelector(getShouldShowFiat); const hideSecondary = !showFiat; const primarySuffix = preferredCurrency || EtherDenomination.ETH; const secondarySuffix = secondaryCurrency.toUpperCase(); const [isSwapped, setSwapped] = useState(false); const [newHexValue, setNewHexValue] = useState(hexValue); const [shouldDisplayFiat, setShouldDisplayFiat] = useState(featureSecondary); const shouldUseFiat = hideSecondary ? false : Boolean(shouldDisplayFiat); const getDecimalValue = () => { const decimalValueString = shouldUseFiat ? getValueFromWeiHex({ value: hexValue, toCurrency: secondaryCurrency, conversionRate, numberOfDecimals: 2, }) : getValueFromWeiHex({ value: hexValue, toCurrency: EtherDenomination.ETH, numberOfDecimals: 8, }); return Number(decimalValueString) || 0; }; const initialDecimalValue = hexValue ? getDecimalValue() : 0; const swap = async () => { await onPreferenceToggle(); setSwapped(!isSwapped); setShouldDisplayFiat(!shouldDisplayFiat); }; const handleChange = (newDecimalValue) => { const hexValueNew = shouldUseFiat ? getWeiHexFromDecimalValue({ value: newDecimalValue, fromCurrency: secondaryCurrency, conversionRate, invertConversionRate: true, }) : getWeiHexFromDecimalValue({ value: newDecimalValue, fromCurrency: EtherDenomination.ETH, fromDenomination: EtherDenomination.ETH, conversionRate, }); setNewHexValue(hexValueNew); onChange(hexValueNew); setSwapped(!isSwapped); }; useEffect(() => { setNewHexValue(hexValue); }, [hexValue]); useEffect(() => { if (featureSecondary) { handleChange(initialDecimalValue); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [featureSecondary, initialDecimalValue]); const renderConversionComponent = () => { let currency, numberOfDecimals; if (hideSecondary) { return (