'use strict';

import {
} from '../../../shared/constants/app';
import { getEnvironmentType, getPlatform } from '../../../app/scripts/lib/util';

class WebcamUtils {
  static async checkStatus() {
    const isPopup = getEnvironmentType() === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP;
    const isFirefoxOrBrave =
      getPlatform() === (PLATFORM_FIREFOX || PLATFORM_BRAVE);

    const devices = await window.navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
    const webcams = devices.filter((device) => device.kind === 'videoinput');
    const hasWebcam = webcams.length > 0;
    // A non-empty-string label implies that the webcam has been granted permission, as
    // otherwise the label is kept blank to prevent fingerprinting
    const hasWebcamPermissions = webcams.some(
      (webcam) => webcam.label && webcam.label.length > 0,

    if (hasWebcam) {
      let environmentReady = true;
      if ((isFirefoxOrBrave && isPopup) || (isPopup && !hasWebcamPermissions)) {
        environmentReady = false;
      return {
        permissions: hasWebcamPermissions,
    const error = new Error('No webcam found');
    error.type = 'NO_WEBCAM_FOUND';
    throw error;

export default WebcamUtils;