import { useState } from 'react'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES, CUSTOM_GAS_ESTIMATE, } from '../../../shared/constants/gas'; import { hexWEIToDecGWEI } from '../../helpers/utils/conversions.util'; import { isLegacyTransaction } from '../../helpers/utils/transactions.util'; import { feeParamsAreCustom } from './utils'; function getGasPriceEstimate(gasFeeEstimates, gasEstimateType, estimateToUse) { if (gasEstimateType === GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES.LEGACY) { return gasFeeEstimates?.[estimateToUse] ?? '0'; } else if (gasEstimateType === GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES.ETH_GASPRICE) { return gasFeeEstimates?.gasPrice ?? '0'; } return '0'; } /** * @typedef {Object} GasPriceInputsReturnType * @property {DecGweiString} [gasPrice] - the gasPrice input value. * @property {(DecGweiString) => void} setGasPrice - state setter method to update the gasPrice. * @property {(boolean) => true} setGasPriceHasBeenManuallySet - state setter method to update gasPriceHasBeenManuallySet * field gasPriceHasBeenManuallySet is used in gasPrice calculations. */ export function useGasPriceInput({ estimateToUse, gasEstimateType, gasFeeEstimates, transaction, }) { const [gasPriceHasBeenManuallySet, setGasPriceHasBeenManuallySet] = useState( transaction?.userFeeLevel === CUSTOM_GAS_ESTIMATE, ); const [gasPrice, setGasPrice] = useState(() => { const { gasPrice: txGasPrice } = transaction?.txParams || {}; return txGasPrice && feeParamsAreCustom(transaction) ? Number(hexWEIToDecGWEI(txGasPrice)) : null; }); const [initialGasPriceEstimates] = useState(gasFeeEstimates); const gasPriceEstimatesHaveNotChanged = isEqual( initialGasPriceEstimates, gasFeeEstimates, ); const gasPriceToUse = gasPrice !== null && (gasPriceHasBeenManuallySet || gasPriceEstimatesHaveNotChanged || isLegacyTransaction(transaction?.txParams)) ? gasPrice : getGasPriceEstimate(gasFeeEstimates, gasEstimateType, estimateToUse); return { gasPrice: gasPriceToUse, setGasPrice, setGasPriceHasBeenManuallySet, }; }