const assert = require('assert') const txStateHistoryHelper = require('../../../../../app/scripts/controllers/transactions/lib/tx-state-history-helper') const testVault = require('../../../../data/v17-long-history.json') describe('Transaction state history helper', function () { describe('#snapshotFromTxMeta', function () { it('should clone deep', function () { const input = { foo: { bar: { bam: 'baz', }, }, } const output = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(input) assert('foo' in output, 'has a foo key') assert('bar' in, 'has a bar key') assert('bam' in, 'has a bar key') assert.equal(, 'baz', 'has a baz value') }) it('should remove the history key', function () { const input = { foo: 'bar', history: 'remembered' } const output = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(input) assert(typeof output.history, 'undefined', 'should remove history') }) }) describe('#migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs', function () { it('migrates history to diffs and can recover original values', function () { => { const newHistory = txStateHistoryHelper.migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs(tx.history) newHistory.forEach((newEntry, index) => { if (index === 0) { assert.equal(Array.isArray(newEntry), false, 'initial history item IS NOT a json patch obj') } else { assert.equal(Array.isArray(newEntry), true, 'non-initial history entry IS a json patch obj') } const oldEntry = tx.history[index] const historySubset = newHistory.slice(0, index + 1) const reconstructedValue = txStateHistoryHelper.replayHistory(historySubset) assert.deepEqual(oldEntry, reconstructedValue, 'was able to reconstruct old entry from diffs') }) }) }) }) describe('#replayHistory', function () { it('replaying history does not mutate the original obj', function () { const initialState = { test: true, message: 'hello', value: 1 } const diff1 = [{ 'op': 'replace', 'path': '/message', 'value': 'haay', }] const diff2 = [{ 'op': 'replace', 'path': '/value', 'value': 2, }] const history = [initialState, diff1, diff2] const beforeStateSnapshot = JSON.stringify(initialState) const latestState = txStateHistoryHelper.replayHistory(history) const afterStateSnapshot = JSON.stringify(initialState) assert.notEqual(initialState, latestState, 'initial state is not the same obj as the latest state') assert.equal(beforeStateSnapshot, afterStateSnapshot, 'initial state is not modified during run') }) }) describe('#generateHistoryEntry', function () { function generateHistoryEntryTest (note) { const prevState = { someValue: 'value 1', foo: { bar: { bam: 'baz', }, }, } const nextState = { newPropRoot: 'new property - root', someValue: 'value 2', foo: { newPropFirstLevel: 'new property - first level', bar: { bam: 'baz', }, }, } const before = new Date().getTime() const result = txStateHistoryHelper.generateHistoryEntry(prevState, nextState, note) const after = new Date().getTime() assert.ok(Array.isArray(result)) assert.equal(result.length, 3) const expectedEntry1 = { op: 'add', path: '/foo/newPropFirstLevel', value: 'new property - first level' } assert.equal(result[0].op, expectedEntry1.op) assert.equal(result[0].path, expectedEntry1.path) assert.equal(result[0].value, expectedEntry1.value) assert.equal(result[0].value, expectedEntry1.value) if (note) { assert.equal(result[0].note, note) } assert.ok(result[0].timestamp >= before && result[0].timestamp <= after) const expectedEntry2 = { op: 'replace', path: '/someValue', value: 'value 2' } assert.deepEqual(result[1], expectedEntry2) const expectedEntry3 = { op: 'add', path: '/newPropRoot', value: 'new property - root' } assert.deepEqual(result[2], expectedEntry3) } it('should generate history entries', function () { generateHistoryEntryTest() }) it('should add note to first entry', function () { generateHistoryEntryTest('custom note') }) }) })