// // build task definitions // // run any task with "yarn build ${taskName}" // const path = require('path'); const livereload = require('gulp-livereload'); const yargs = require('yargs/yargs'); const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers'); const { sync: globby } = require('globby'); const { getVersion } = require('../lib/get-version'); const { BuildType } = require('../lib/build-type'); const { TASKS } = require('./constants'); const { createTask, composeSeries, composeParallel, runTask, } = require('./task'); const createManifestTasks = require('./manifest'); const createScriptTasks = require('./scripts'); const createStyleTasks = require('./styles'); const createStaticAssetTasks = require('./static'); const createEtcTasks = require('./etc'); const { getBrowserVersionMap } = require('./utils'); // Packages required dynamically via browserify configuration in dependencies // Required for LavaMoat policy generation require('loose-envify'); require('globalthis'); require('@babel/preset-env'); require('@babel/preset-react'); require('@babel/preset-typescript'); require('@babel/core'); // ESLint-related require('@babel/eslint-parser'); require('@babel/eslint-plugin'); require('@metamask/eslint-config'); require('@metamask/eslint-config-nodejs'); require('@typescript-eslint/parser'); require('eslint'); require('eslint-config-prettier'); require('eslint-import-resolver-node'); require('eslint-import-resolver-typescript'); require('eslint-plugin-import'); require('eslint-plugin-jsdoc'); require('eslint-plugin-node'); require('eslint-plugin-prettier'); require('eslint-plugin-react'); require('eslint-plugin-react-hooks'); require('eslint-plugin-jest'); defineAndRunBuildTasks(); function defineAndRunBuildTasks() { const { applyLavaMoat, buildType, entryTask, isLavaMoat, policyOnly, shouldIncludeLockdown, shouldLintFenceFiles, skipStats, version, } = parseArgv(); const browserPlatforms = ['firefox', 'chrome', 'brave', 'opera']; const browserVersionMap = getBrowserVersionMap(browserPlatforms, version); const ignoredFiles = getIgnoredFiles(buildType); const staticTasks = createStaticAssetTasks({ livereload, browserPlatforms, shouldIncludeLockdown, buildType, }); const manifestTasks = createManifestTasks({ browserPlatforms, browserVersionMap, buildType, }); const styleTasks = createStyleTasks({ livereload }); const scriptTasks = createScriptTasks({ applyLavaMoat, browserPlatforms, buildType, ignoredFiles, isLavaMoat, livereload, policyOnly, shouldLintFenceFiles, version, }); const { clean, reload, zip } = createEtcTasks({ livereload, browserPlatforms, buildType, version, }); // build for development (livereload) createTask( TASKS.DEV, composeSeries( clean, styleTasks.dev, composeParallel( scriptTasks.dev, staticTasks.dev, manifestTasks.dev, reload, ), ), ); // build for test development (livereload) createTask( TASKS.TEST_DEV, composeSeries( clean, styleTasks.dev, composeParallel( scriptTasks.testDev, staticTasks.dev, manifestTasks.testDev, reload, ), ), ); // build for prod release createTask( TASKS.PROD, composeSeries( clean, styleTasks.prod, composeParallel(scriptTasks.prod, staticTasks.prod, manifestTasks.prod), zip, ), ); // build just production scripts, for LavaMoat policy generation purposes createTask(TASKS.SCRIPTS_PROD, scriptTasks.prod); // build for CI testing createTask( TASKS.TEST, composeSeries( clean, styleTasks.prod, composeParallel(scriptTasks.test, staticTasks.prod, manifestTasks.test), zip, ), ); // special build for minimal CI testing createTask(TASKS.styles, styleTasks.prod); // Finally, start the build process by running the entry task. runTask(entryTask, { skipStats }); } function parseArgv() { const { argv } = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .usage('$0 [options]', 'Build the MetaMask extension.', (_yargs) => _yargs .positional('task', { description: `The task to run. There are a number of main tasks, each of which calls other tasks internally. The main tasks are: prod: Create an optimized build for a production environment. dev: Create an unoptimized, live-reloading build for local development. test: Create an optimized build for running e2e tests. testDev: Create an unoptimized, live-reloading build for debugging e2e tests.`, type: 'string', }) .option('apply-lavamoat', { default: true, description: 'Whether to use LavaMoat. Setting this to `false` can be useful during development if you want to handle LavaMoat errors later.', type: 'boolean', }) .option('build-type', { default: BuildType.main, description: 'The type of build to create.', choices: Object.keys(BuildType), }) .option('build-version', { default: 0, description: 'The build version. This is set only for non-main build types. The build version is used in the "prerelease" segment of the extension version, e.g. `[major].[minor].[patch]-[build-type].[build-version]`', type: 'number', }) .option('lint-fence-files', { description: 'Whether files with code fences should be linted after fences have been removed. The build will fail if linting fails. This defaults to `false` if the entry task is `dev` or `testDev`. Otherwise this defaults to `true`.', type: 'boolean', }) .option('lockdown', { default: true, description: 'Whether to include SES lockdown files in the extension bundle. Setting this to `false` can be useful during development if you want to handle lockdown errors later.', type: 'boolean', }) .option('policy-only', { default: false, description: 'Stop the build after generating the LavaMoat policy, skipping any writes to disk other than the LavaMoat policy itself.', type: 'boolean', }) .option('skip-stats', { default: false, description: 'Whether to skip logging the time to completion for each task to the console. This is meant primarily for internal use, to prevent duplicate logging.', hidden: true, type: 'boolean', }) .check((args) => { if (!Number.isInteger(args.buildVersion)) { throw new Error( `Expected integer for 'build-version', got '${args.buildVersion}'`, ); } else if (!Object.values(TASKS).includes(args.task)) { throw new Error(`Invalid task: '${args.task}'`); } return true; }), ) // TODO: Enable `.strict()` after this issue is resolved: https://github.com/LavaMoat/LavaMoat/issues/344 .help('help'); const { applyLavamoat: applyLavaMoat, buildType, buildVersion, lintFenceFiles, lockdown, policyOnly, skipStats, task, } = argv; // Manually default this to `false` for dev builds only. const shouldLintFenceFiles = lintFenceFiles ?? !/dev/iu.test(task); const version = getVersion(buildType, buildVersion); return { applyLavaMoat, buildType, entryTask: task, isLavaMoat: process.argv[0].includes('lavamoat'), policyOnly, shouldIncludeLockdown: lockdown, shouldLintFenceFiles, skipStats, version, }; } /** * Gets the files to be ignored by the current build, if any. * * @param {string} currentBuildType - The type of the current build. * @returns {string[] | null} The array of files to be ignored by the current * build, or `null` if no files are to be ignored. */ function getIgnoredFiles(currentBuildType) { const excludedFiles = Object.values(BuildType) // This filter removes "main" and the current build type. The files of any // build types that remain in the array will be excluded. "main" is the // default build type, and has no files that are excluded from other builds. .filter( (buildType) => buildType !== BuildType.main && buildType !== currentBuildType, ) // Compute globs targeting files for exclusion for each excluded build // type. .reduce((excludedGlobs, excludedBuildType) => { return excludedGlobs.concat([ `../../app/**/${excludedBuildType}/**`, `../../shared/**/${excludedBuildType}/**`, `../../ui/**/${excludedBuildType}/**`, ]); }, []) // This creates absolute paths of the form: // PATH_TO_REPOSITORY_ROOT/app/**/${excludedBuildType}/** .map((pathGlob) => path.resolve(__dirname, pathGlob)); return globby(excludedFiles); }