import React, { memo } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { safeComponentList } from './safe-component-list'; function getElement(section) { const { element } = section; const Element = safeComponentList[element]; if (!Element) { throw new Error( `${element} is not in the safe component list for MetaMask template renderer`, ); } return Element; } const MetaMaskTemplateRenderer = ({ sections }) => { if (!sections) { // If sections is null eject early by returning null return null; } else if (typeof sections === 'string') { // React can render strings directly, so return the string return sections; } else if ( sections && typeof sections === 'object' && !Array.isArray(sections) ) { // If dealing with a single entry, then render a single object without key const Element = getElement(sections); return ( {typeof sections.children === 'object' ? ( ) : ( sections?.children )} ); } // The last case is dealing with an array of objects return ( <> {sections.reduce((allChildren, child) => { if (typeof child === 'string') { // React can render strings directly, so push them into the accumulator allChildren.push(child); } else { // If the entry in array is not a string, then it must be a Section. // Sections are handled by the main function, but must // be provided a key when a part of an array. if (!child.key) { throw new Error( 'When using array syntax in MetaMask Template Language, you must specify a key for each child of the array', ); } if (typeof child?.children === 'object') { // If this child has its own children, check if children is an // object, and in that case use recursion to render. allChildren.push( , ); } else { // Otherwise render the element. const Element = getElement(child); allChildren.push( {child?.children} , ); } } return allChildren; }, [])} ); }; export const SectionShape = { props: PropTypes.object, element: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(safeComponentList)).isRequired, key: PropTypes.string, }; const ValidChildren = PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.shape(SectionShape), PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.shape(SectionShape), PropTypes.string]), ), ]); SectionShape.children = ValidChildren; MetaMaskTemplateRenderer.propTypes = { sections: ValidChildren, }; export default memo(MetaMaskTemplateRenderer, (prevProps, nextProps) => { return isEqual(prevProps.sections, nextProps.sections); });