# Component Library
This folder contains design system components that are built 1:1 with the Figma [DS Components](https://www.figma.com/file/HKpPKij9V3TpsyMV1TpV7C/DS-Components?node-id=16-6) UI kit and should be used where possible in all UI feature work.
## Architecture
All components are built on top of the `Box` component and accept all `Box` [component props](https://metamask.github.io/metamask-storybook/?path=/docs/components-ui-box--default-story#props)
#### Layout
`component-library` components accept all utility props for layout
import { Text } from '../../component-library';
This text has a margin-bottom of 16px;
#### Polymorphic `as` prop
`component-library` components accept a polymorphic as prop to change the root html element of a component
import { Text } from '../../component-library';
This renders as list item html element
## TypeScript
We are currently in the process of migrating all component-library components to TypeScript. Feel free to contribute by creating a PR against one of [these issues](https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+DS%2FExtension%2F2023%2FQ2%2FO1%2FKR3)
## Support
If internal folks have any questions please reach out the design system team via the internal slack channel [#metamask-design-system](https://consensys.slack.com/archives/C0354T27M5M) 💁
[DS components figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/HKpPKij9V3TpsyMV1TpV7C/DS-Components?node-id=16%3A6) (internal)