import { EthereumRpcError } from 'eth-rpc-errors'; import SafeEventEmitter from 'safe-event-emitter'; import createRandomId from '../../../shared/modules/random-id'; class MetaRPCClient { constructor(connectionStream) { this.connectionStream = connectionStream; this.notificationChannel = new SafeEventEmitter(); this.uncaughtErrorChannel = new SafeEventEmitter(); this.requests = new Map(); this.connectionStream.on('data', this.handleResponse.bind(this)); this.connectionStream.on('end', this.close.bind(this)); } onNotification(handler) { this.notificationChannel.addListener('notification', (data) => { handler(data); }); } onUncaughtError(handler) { this.uncaughtErrorChannel.addListener('error', (error) => { handler(error); }); } close() { this.notificationChannel.removeAllListeners(); this.uncaughtErrorChannel.removeAllListeners(); } handleResponse(data) { const { id, result, error, method, params } = data; const isNotification = id === undefined && error === undefined; const cb = this.requests.get(id); if (method && params && !isNotification) { // dont handle server-side to client-side requests return; } if (method && params && isNotification) { // handle servier-side to client-side notification this.notificationChannel.emit('notification', data); return; } if (error) { const e = new EthereumRpcError(error.code, error.message,; // preserve the stack from serializeError e.stack = error.stack; if (cb) { this.requests.delete(id); cb(e); return; } this.uncaughtErrorChannel.emit('error', e); return; } if (!cb) { // not found in request list return; } this.requests.delete(id); cb(null, result); } } const metaRPCClientFactory = (connectionStream) => { const metaRPCClient = new MetaRPCClient(connectionStream); return new Proxy(metaRPCClient, { get: (object, property) => { if (object[property]) { return object[property]; } return (...p) => { const cb = p[p.length - 1]; const params = p.slice(0, -1); const id = createRandomId(); object.requests.set(id, cb); object.connectionStream.write({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: property, params, id, }); }; }, }); }; export default metaRPCClientFactory;