// Type Imports /** * @typedef {import('../../shared/constants/app').EnvironmentType} EnvironmentType */ // Type Declarations /** * Used to attach context of where the user was at in the application when the * event was triggered. Also included as full details of the current page in * page events. * * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsPageObject * @property {string} [path] - the path of the current page (e.g /home) * @property {string} [title] - the title of the current page (e.g 'home') * @property {string} [url] - the fully qualified url of the current page */ /** * For metamask, this is the dapp that triggered an interaction * * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsReferrerObject * @property {string} [url] - the origin of the dapp issuing the * notification */ /** * We attach context to every meta metrics event that help to qualify our * analytics. This type has all optional values because it represents a * returned object from a method call. Ideally app and userAgent are * defined on every event. This is confirmed in the getTrackMetaMetricsEvent * function, but still provides the consumer a way to override these values if * necessary. * * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsContext * @property {object} app - Application metadata. * @property {string} app.name - the name of the application tracking the event * @property {string} app.version - the version of the application * @property {string} userAgent - the useragent string of the user * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - an object representing details of * the current page * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - for metamask, this is the * dapp that triggered an interaction */ /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsEventPayload * @property {string} event - event name to track * @property {string} category - category to associate event to * @property {string} [environmentType] - The type of environment this event * occurred in. Defaults to the background process type * @property {object} [properties] - object of custom values to track, keys * in this object must be in snake_case * @property {object} [sensitiveProperties] - Object of sensitive values to * track. Keys in this object must be in snake_case. These properties will be * sent in an additional event that excludes the user's metaMetricsId * @property {number} [revenue] - amount of currency that event creates in * revenue for MetaMask * @property {string} [currency] - ISO 4127 format currency for events with * revenue, defaults to US dollars * @property {number} [value] - Abstract business "value" attributable to * customers who trigger this event * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - the page/route that the event * occurred on * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - the origin of the dapp * that triggered the event */ /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsEventOptions * @property {boolean} [isOptIn] - happened during opt in/out workflow * @property {boolean} [flushImmediately] - When true will automatically flush * the segment queue after tracking the event. Recommended if the result of * tracking the event must be known before UI transition or update * @property {boolean} [excludeMetaMetricsId] - whether to exclude the user's * metametrics id for anonymity * @property {string} [metaMetricsId] - an override for the metaMetricsId in * the event one is created as part of an asynchronous workflow, such as * awaiting the result of the metametrics opt-in function that generates the * user's metametrics id * @property {boolean} [matomoEvent] - is this event a holdover from matomo * that needs further migration? when true, sends the data to a special * segment source that marks the event data as not conforming to our schema */ /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsEventFragment * @property {string} successEvent - The event name to fire when the fragment * is closed in an affirmative action. * @property {string} [failureEvent] - The event name to fire when the fragment * is closed with a rejection. * @property {string} [initialEvent] - An event name to fire immediately upon * fragment creation. This is useful for building funnels in mixpanel and for * reduction of code duplication. * @property {string} category - the event category to use for both the success * and failure events * @property {boolean} [persist] - Should this fragment be persisted in * state and progressed after the extension is locked and unlocked. * @property {number} [timeout] - Time in seconds the event should be persisted * for. After the timeout the fragment will be closed as abandoned. if not * supplied the fragment is stored indefinitely. * @property {number} [lastUpdated] - Date.now() when the fragment was last * updated. Used to determine if the timeout has expired and the fragment * should be closed. * @property {object} [properties] - Object of custom values to track, keys in * this object must be in snake_case. * @property {object} [sensitiveProperties] - Object of sensitive values to * track. Keys in this object must be in snake_case. These properties will be * sent in an additional event that excludes the user's metaMetricsId * @property {number} [revenue] - amount of currency that event creates in * revenue for MetaMask if fragment is successful. * @property {string} [currency] - ISO 4127 format currency for events with * revenue, defaults to US dollars * @property {number} [value] - Abstract business "value" attributable to * customers who successfully complete this fragment * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - the page/route that the event * occurred on * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - the origin of the dapp * that initiated the event fragment. * @property {string} [uniqueIdentifier] - optional argument to override the * automatic generation of UUID for the event fragment. This is useful when * tracking events for subsystems that already generate UUIDs so to avoid * unnecessary lookups and reduce accidental duplication. */ /** * Represents the shape of data sent to the segment.track method. * * @typedef {object} SegmentEventPayload * @property {string} [userId] - The metametrics id for the user * @property {string} [anonymousId] - An anonymousId that is used to track * sensitive data while preserving anonymity. * @property {string} event - name of the event to track * @property {object} properties - properties to attach to the event * @property {MetaMetricsContext} context - the context the event occurred in */ /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsPagePayload * @property {string} name - The name of the page that was viewed * @property {object} [params] - The variadic parts of the page url * example (route: `/asset/:asset`, path: `/asset/ETH`) * params: { asset: 'ETH' } * @property {EnvironmentType} environmentType - the environment type that the * page was viewed in * @property {MetaMetricsPageObject} [page] - the details of the page * @property {MetaMetricsReferrerObject} [referrer] - dapp that triggered the page * view */ /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsPageOptions * @property {boolean} [isOptInPath] - is the current path one of the pages in * the onboarding workflow? If true and participateInMetaMetrics is null track * the page view */ /** * @typedef {object} Traits * @property {'address_book_entries'} ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES - When the user * adds or modifies addresses in address book the address_book_entries trait * is identified. * @property {'ledger_connection_type'} LEDGER_CONNECTION_TYPE - when ledger * live connnection type is changed we identify the ledger_connection_type * trait * @property {'networks_added'} NETWORKS_ADDED - when user modifies networks * we identify the networks_added trait * @property {'networks_without_ticker'} NETWORKS_WITHOUT_TICKER - when user * modifies networks we identify the networks_without_ticker trait for * networks without a ticker. * @property {'nft_autodetection_enabled'} NFT_AUTODETECTION_ENABLED - when Autodetect NFTs * feature is toggled we identify the nft_autodetection_enabled trait * @property {'number_of_accounts'} NUMBER_OF_ACCOUNTS - when identities * change, we identify the new number_of_accounts trait * @property {'number_of_nft_collections'} NUMBER_OF_NFT_COLLECTIONS - user * trait for number of unique NFT addresses * @property {'number_of_nfts'} NUMBER_OF_NFTS - user trait for number of all NFT addresses * @property {'number_of_tokens'} NUMBER_OF_TOKENS - when the number of tokens change, we * identify the new number_of_tokens trait * @property {'opensea_api_enabled'} OPENSEA_API_ENABLED - when the OpenSea API is enabled * we identify the opensea_api_enabled trait * @property {'three_box_enabled'} THREE_BOX_ENABLED - when 3box feature is * toggled we identify the 3box_enabled trait * @property {'theme'} THEME - when the user's theme changes we identify the theme trait * @property {'token_detection_enabled'} TOKEN_DETECTION_ENABLED - when token detection feature is toggled we * identify the token_detection_enabled trait * @property {'install_date_ext'} INSTALL_DATE_EXT - when the user installed the extension */ /** * * @type {Traits} */ export const TRAITS = { ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES: 'address_book_entries', INSTALL_DATE_EXT: 'install_date_ext', LEDGER_CONNECTION_TYPE: 'ledger_connection_type', NETWORKS_ADDED: 'networks_added', NETWORKS_WITHOUT_TICKER: 'networks_without_ticker', NFT_AUTODETECTION_ENABLED: 'nft_autodetection_enabled', NUMBER_OF_ACCOUNTS: 'number_of_accounts', NUMBER_OF_NFT_COLLECTIONS: 'number_of_nft_collections', NUMBER_OF_NFTS: 'number_of_nfts', NUMBER_OF_TOKENS: 'number_of_tokens', OPENSEA_API_ENABLED: 'opensea_api_enabled', THEME: 'theme', THREE_BOX_ENABLED: 'three_box_enabled', TOKEN_DETECTION_ENABLED: 'token_detection_enabled', }; /** * @typedef {object} MetaMetricsTraits * @property {number} [address_book_entries] - The number of entries in the * user's address book. * @property {'ledgerLive' | 'webhid' | 'u2f'} [ledger_connection_type] - the * type of ledger connection set by user preference. * @property {Array} [networks_added] - An array consisting of chainIds * that indicate the networks a user has added to their MetaMask. * @property {Array} [networks_without_ticker] - An array consisting of * chainIds that indicate the networks added by the user that do not have a * ticker. * @property {number} [nft_autodetection_enabled] - does the user have the * use collection/nft detection enabled? * @property {number} [number_of_accounts] - A number representing the number * of identities(accounts) added to the user's MetaMask. * @property {number} [number_of_nft_collections] - A number representing the * amount of different NFT collections the user possesses an NFT from. * @property {number} [number_of_nfts] - A number representing the * amount of all NFTs the user possesses across all networks and accounts. * @property {number} [number_of_tokens] - The total number of token contracts * the user has across all networks and accounts. * @property {boolean} [opensea_api_enabled] - does the user have the OpenSea * API enabled? * @property {boolean} [three_box_enabled] - does the user have 3box sync * enabled? * @property {string} [theme] - which theme the user has selected * @property {boolean} [token_detection_enabled] - does the user have token detection is enabled? */ // Mixpanel converts the zero address value to a truly anonymous event, which // speeds up reporting export const METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID = '0x0000000000000000'; /** * This object is used to identify events that are triggered by the background * process. * * @type {MetaMetricsPageObject} */ export const METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT = { path: '/background-process', title: 'Background Process', url: '/background-process', }; /** * @typedef {object} SegmentInterface * @property {SegmentEventPayload[]} queue - A queue of events to be sent when * the flushAt limit has been reached, or flushInterval occurs * @property {() => void} flush - Immediately flush the queue, resetting it to * an empty array and sending the pending events to Segment * @property {( * payload: SegmentEventPayload, * callback: (err?: Error) => void * ) => void} track - Track an event with Segment, using the internal batching * mechanism to optimize network requests * @property {(payload: object) => void} page - Track a page view with Segment * @property {() => void} identify - Identify an anonymous user. We do not * currently use this method. */ export const REJECT_NOTFICIATION_CLOSE = 'Cancel Via Notification Close'; export const REJECT_NOTFICIATION_CLOSE_SIG = 'Cancel Sig Request Via Notification Close'; /** * EVENTS */ export const EVENT_NAMES = { ACCOUNT_ADDED: 'Account Added', ACCOUNT_ADD_SELECTED: 'Account Add Selected', ACCOUNT_ADD_FAILED: 'Account Add Failed', ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CREATED: 'Wallet Password Created', ACCOUNT_RESET: 'Account Reset', APP_INSTALLED: 'App Installed', APP_UNLOCKED: 'App Unlocked', APP_UNLOCKED_FAILED: 'App Unlocked Failed', APP_WINDOW_EXPANDED: 'App Window Expanded', DECRYPTION_APPROVED: 'Decryption Approved', DECRYPTION_REJECTED: 'Decryption Rejected', DECRYPTION_REQUESTED: 'Decryption Requested', ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_APPROVED: 'Encryption Approved', ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_REJECTED: 'Encryption Rejected', ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_REQUESTED: 'Encryption Requested', EXTERNAL_LINK_CLICKED: 'External Link Clicked', KEY_EXPORT_SELECTED: 'Key Export Selected', KEY_EXPORT_REQUESTED: 'Key Export Requested', KEY_EXPORT_FAILED: 'Key Export Failed', KEY_EXPORT_CANCELED: 'Key Export Canceled', KEY_EXPORT_REVEALED: 'Key Material Revealed', KEY_EXPORT_COPIED: 'Key Material Copied', METRICS_OPT_IN: 'Metrics Opt In', METRICS_OPT_OUT: 'Metrics Opt Out', NAV_ACCOUNT_MENU_OPENED: 'Account Menu Opened', NAV_ACCOUNT_DETAILS_OPENED: 'Account Details Opened', NAV_CONNECTED_SITES_OPENED: 'Connected Sites Opened', NAV_MAIN_MENU_OPENED: 'Main Menu Opened', NAV_NETWORK_MENU_OPENED: 'Network Menu Opened', NAV_SETTINGS_OPENED: 'Settings Opened', NAV_ACCOUNT_SWITCHED: 'Account Switched', NAV_NETWORK_SWITCHED: 'Network Switched', NAV_BUY_BUTTON_CLICKED: 'Buy Button Clicked', NAV_SEND_BUTTON_CLICKED: 'Send Button Clicked', NAV_SWAP_BUTTON_CLICKED: 'Swap Button Clicked', SRP_TO_CONFIRM_BACKUP: 'SRP Backup Confirm Displayed', WALLET_SETUP_STARTED: 'Wallet Setup Selected', WALLET_SETUP_CANCELED: 'Wallet Setup Canceled', WALLET_SETUP_FAILED: 'Wallet Setup Failed', WALLET_CREATED: 'Wallet Created', NFT_ADDED: 'NFT Added', ONRAMP_PROVIDER_SELECTED: 'On-ramp Provider Selected', PERMISSIONS_APPROVED: 'Permissions Approved', PERMISSIONS_REJECTED: 'Permissions Rejected', PERMISSIONS_REQUESTED: 'Permissions Requested', PORTFOLIO_LINK_CLICKED: 'Portfolio Link Clicked', PUBLIC_ADDRESS_COPIED: 'Public Address Copied', PROVIDER_METHOD_CALLED: 'Provider Method Called', SIGNATURE_APPROVED: 'Signature Approved', SIGNATURE_REJECTED: 'Signature Rejected', SIGNATURE_REQUESTED: 'Signature Requested', TOKEN_IMPORT_BUTTON_CLICKED: 'Import Token Button Clicked', TOKEN_SCREEN_OPENED: 'Token Screen Opened', SUPPORT_LINK_CLICKED: 'Support Link Clicked', TOKEN_ADDED: 'Token Added', TOKEN_DETECTED: 'Token Detected', TOKEN_HIDDEN: 'Token Hidden', TOKEN_IMPORT_CANCELED: 'Token Import Canceled', TOKEN_IMPORT_CLICKED: 'Token Import Clicked', }; export const EVENT = { ACCOUNT_TYPES: { DEFAULT: 'metamask', IMPORTED: 'imported', HARDWARE: 'hardware', }, ACCOUNT_IMPORT_TYPES: { JSON: 'json', PRIVATE_KEY: 'private_key', SRP: 'srp', }, CATEGORIES: { ACCOUNTS: 'Accounts', APP: 'App', AUTH: 'Auth', BACKGROUND: 'Background', ERROR: 'Error', FOOTER: 'Footer', HOME: 'Home', INPAGE_PROVIDER: 'inpage_provider', KEYS: 'Keys', MESSAGES: 'Messages', NAVIGATION: 'Navigation', NETWORK: 'Network', ONBOARDING: 'Onboarding', RETENTION: 'Retention', SETTINGS: 'Settings', SNAPS: 'Snaps', SWAPS: 'Swaps', TRANSACTIONS: 'Transactions', WALLET: 'Wallet', }, EXTERNAL_LINK_TYPES: { TRANSACTION_BLOCK_EXPLORER: 'Transaction Block Explorer', BLOCK_EXPLORER: 'Block Explorer', ACCOUNT_TRACKER: 'Account Tracker', TOKEN_TRACKER: 'Token Tracker', }, KEY_TYPES: { PKEY: 'private_key', SRP: 'srp', }, ONRAMP_PROVIDER_TYPES: { COINBASE: 'coinbase', MOONPAY: 'moonpay', WYRE: 'wyre', TRANSAK: 'transak', SELF_DEPOSIT: 'direct_deposit', }, SOURCE: { NETWORK: { CUSTOM_NETWORK_FORM: 'custom_network_form', POPULAR_NETWORK_LIST: 'popular_network_list', }, SWAPS: { MAIN_VIEW: 'Main View', TOKEN_VIEW: 'Token View', }, TOKEN: { CUSTOM: 'custom', DAPP: 'dapp', DETECTED: 'detected', LIST: 'list', }, TRANSACTION: { DAPP: 'dapp', USER: 'user', }, }, LOCATION: { TOKEN_DETAILS: 'token_details', TOKEN_DETECTION: 'token_detection', TOKEN_MENU: 'token_menu', }, }; // Values below (e.g. 'location') can be used in the "properties" // tracking object as keys, e.g. { location: 'Home' } export const CONTEXT_PROPS = { PAGE_TITLE: 'location', };