// polyfills import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/polyfill'; // dev only, "react-devtools" import is skipped in prod builds import 'react-devtools'; import PortStream from 'extension-port-stream'; import browser from 'webextension-polyfill'; import Eth from 'ethjs'; import EthQuery from 'eth-query'; import StreamProvider from 'web3-stream-provider'; import log from 'loglevel'; import launchMetaMaskUi, { updateBackgroundConnection } from '../../ui'; import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN, ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP, PLATFORM_FIREFOX, } from '../../shared/constants/app'; import { isManifestV3 } from '../../shared/modules/mv3.utils'; import { checkForLastErrorAndLog } from '../../shared/modules/browser-runtime.utils'; import { SUPPORT_LINK } from '../../shared/lib/ui-utils'; import { getErrorHtml, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) registerDesktopErrorActions, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN } from '../../shared/lib/error-utils'; import ExtensionPlatform from './platforms/extension'; import { setupMultiplex } from './lib/stream-utils'; import { getEnvironmentType, getPlatform } from './lib/util'; import metaRPCClientFactory from './lib/metaRPCClientFactory'; const container = document.getElementById('app-content'); const ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1_000; // Service Worker Keep Alive Message Constants const WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL = ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECONDS; const WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE = 'WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE'; const ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_WAIT_TIME = 60_000; // 1 minute const ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE = 'ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE'; // Timeout for initializing phishing warning page. const PHISHING_WARNING_PAGE_TIMEOUT = ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECONDS; const PHISHING_WARNING_SW_STORAGE_KEY = 'phishing-warning-sw-registered'; let lastMessageReceivedTimestamp = Date.now(); let extensionPort; let ackTimeoutToDisplayError; /* * As long as UI is open it will keep sending messages to service worker * In service worker as this message is received * if service worker is inactive it is reactivated and script re-loaded * Time has been kept to 1000ms but can be reduced for even faster re-activation of service worker */ if (isManifestV3) { // Checking for SW aliveness (or stuckness) flow // 1. Check if we have an extensionPort, if yes // 2a. Send a keep alive message to the background via extensionPort // 2b. Add a listener to it (if not already added) // 3a. Set a timeout to check if we have received an ACK from background // 3b. If we have not received an ACK within ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_WAIT_TIME, // we know the background is stuck or dead // 4. If we recieve an ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE from the service worker, we know it is alive const ackKeepAliveListener = (message) => { if (message.name === ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE) { lastMessageReceivedTimestamp = Date.now(); clearTimeout(ackTimeoutToDisplayError); } }; const keepAliveInterval = setInterval(() => { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ name: WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE }); if (extensionPort !== null && extensionPort !== undefined) { extensionPort.postMessage({ name: WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE }); if (extensionPort.onMessage.hasListener(ackKeepAliveListener) === false) { extensionPort.onMessage.addListener(ackKeepAliveListener); } } ackTimeoutToDisplayError = setTimeout(() => { if ( Date.now() - lastMessageReceivedTimestamp > ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_WAIT_TIME ) { clearInterval(keepAliveInterval); displayCriticalError( 'somethingIsWrong', new Error("Something's gone wrong. Try reloading the page."), ); } }, ACK_KEEP_ALIVE_WAIT_TIME); }, WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL); } start().catch(log.error); async function start() { // create platform global global.platform = new ExtensionPlatform(); // identify window type (popup, notification) const windowType = getEnvironmentType(); let isUIInitialised = false; // setup stream to background extensionPort = browser.runtime.connect({ name: windowType }); let connectionStream = new PortStream(extensionPort); const activeTab = await queryCurrentActiveTab(windowType); let loadPhishingWarningPage; if (isManifestV3) { /* * In case of MV3 the issue of blank screen was very frequent, it is caused by UI initialising before background is ready to send state. * Code below ensures that UI is rendered only after "CONNECTION_READY" or "startUISync" * messages are received thus the background is ready, and ensures that streams and * phishing warning page load only after the "startUISync" message is received. * In case the UI is already rendered, only update the streams. */ const messageListener = async (message) => { if (message?.data?.method === 'startUISync') { if (isUIInitialised) { // Currently when service worker is revived we create new streams // in later version we might try to improve it by reviving same streams. updateUiStreams(); } else { initializeUiWithTab(activeTab); } await loadPhishingWarningPage(); } }; /** * An error thrown if the phishing warning page takes too long to load. */ class PhishingWarningPageTimeoutError extends Error { constructor() { super('Timeout failed'); } } /** * Load the phishing warning page temporarily to ensure the service * worker has been registered, so that the warning page works offline. */ loadPhishingWarningPage = async function () { // Check session storage for whether we've already initialized the phishing warning // service worker in this browser session and do not attempt to re-initialize if so. const phishingSWMemoryFetch = await browser.storage.session.get( PHISHING_WARNING_SW_STORAGE_KEY, ); if (phishingSWMemoryFetch[PHISHING_WARNING_SW_STORAGE_KEY]) { return; } const currentPlatform = getPlatform(); let iframe; try { const extensionStartupPhishingPageUrl = new URL( process.env.PHISHING_WARNING_PAGE_URL, ); // The `extensionStartup` hash signals to the phishing warning page that it should not bother // setting up streams for user interaction. Otherwise this page load would cause a console // error. extensionStartupPhishingPageUrl.hash = '#extensionStartup'; iframe = window.document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('src', extensionStartupPhishingPageUrl.href); iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'); // Create "deferred Promise" to allow passing resolve/reject to event handlers let deferredResolve; let deferredReject; const loadComplete = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { deferredResolve = resolve; deferredReject = reject; }); // The load event is emitted once loading has completed, even if the loading failed. // If loading failed we can't do anything about it, so we don't need to check. iframe.addEventListener('load', deferredResolve); // This step initiates the page loading. window.document.body.appendChild(iframe); // This timeout ensures that this iframe gets cleaned up in a reasonable // timeframe, and ensures that the "initialization complete" message // doesn't get delayed too long. setTimeout( () => deferredReject(new PhishingWarningPageTimeoutError()), PHISHING_WARNING_PAGE_TIMEOUT, ); await loadComplete; // store a flag in sessions storage that we've already loaded the service worker // and don't need to try again if (currentPlatform === PLATFORM_FIREFOX) { // Firefox does not yet support the storage.session API introduced in MV3 // Tracked here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1687778 console.error( 'Firefox does not support required MV3 APIs: Phishing warning page iframe and service worker will reload each page refresh', ); } else { browser.storage.session.set({ [PHISHING_WARNING_SW_STORAGE_KEY]: true, }); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof PhishingWarningPageTimeoutError) { console.warn( 'Phishing warning page timeout; page not guaranteed to work offline.', ); } else { console.error('Failed to initialize phishing warning page', error); } } finally { if (iframe) { iframe.remove(); } } }; // resetExtensionStreamAndListeners takes care to remove listeners from closed streams // it also creates new streams and attaches event listeners to them const resetExtensionStreamAndListeners = () => { extensionPort.onMessage.removeListener(messageListener); extensionPort.onDisconnect.removeListener( resetExtensionStreamAndListeners, ); // message below will try to activate service worker // in MV3 is likely that reason of stream closing is service worker going in-active browser.runtime.sendMessage({ name: WORKER_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE }); extensionPort = browser.runtime.connect({ name: windowType }); connectionStream = new PortStream(extensionPort); extensionPort.onMessage.addListener(messageListener); extensionPort.onDisconnect.addListener(resetExtensionStreamAndListeners); }; extensionPort.onMessage.addListener(messageListener); extensionPort.onDisconnect.addListener(resetExtensionStreamAndListeners); } else { initializeUiWithTab(activeTab); } function initializeUiWithTab(tab) { initializeUi( tab, connectionStream, ( err, store, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) backgroundConnection, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ) => { if (err) { // if there's an error, store will be = metamaskState displayCriticalError( 'troubleStarting', err, store, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) backgroundConnection, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ); return; } isUIInitialised = true; const state = store.getState(); const { metamask: { completedOnboarding } = {} } = state; if ( !completedOnboarding && windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN ) { global.platform.openExtensionInBrowser(); } }, ); } // Function to update new backgroundConnection in the UI function updateUiStreams() { connectToAccountManager(connectionStream, (err, backgroundConnection) => { if (err) { displayCriticalError( 'troubleStarting', err, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) undefined, backgroundConnection, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ); return; } updateBackgroundConnection(backgroundConnection); }); } } async function queryCurrentActiveTab(windowType) { // At the time of writing we only have the `activeTab` permission which means // that this query will only succeed in the popup context (i.e. after a "browserAction") if (windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP) { return {}; } const tabs = await browser.tabs .query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }) .catch((e) => { checkForLastErrorAndLog() || log.error(e); }); const [activeTab] = tabs; const { id, title, url } = activeTab; const { origin, protocol } = url ? new URL(url) : {}; if (!origin || origin === 'null') { return {}; } return { id, title, origin, protocol, url }; } function initializeUi(activeTab, connectionStream, cb) { connectToAccountManager(connectionStream, (err, backgroundConnection) => { if (err) { cb( err, null, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) backgroundConnection, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ); return; } launchMetaMaskUi( { activeTab, container, backgroundConnection, }, cb, ); }); } async function displayCriticalError( errorKey, err, metamaskState, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) backgroundConnection, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ) { const html = await getErrorHtml( errorKey, SUPPORT_LINK, metamaskState, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) err, ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN ); container.innerHTML = html; ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(flask) registerDesktopErrorActions(backgroundConnection, browser); ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN const button = document.getElementById('critical-error-button'); button?.addEventListener('click', (_) => { browser.runtime.reload(); }); log.error(err.stack); throw err; } /** * Establishes a connection to the background and a Web3 provider * * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection * @param {Function} cb - Called when controller connection is established */ function connectToAccountManager(connectionStream, cb) { const mx = setupMultiplex(connectionStream); const controllerConnectionStream = mx.createStream('controller'); setupControllerConnection(controllerConnectionStream, cb); setupWeb3Connection(mx.createStream('provider')); } /** * Establishes a streamed connection to a Web3 provider * * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection */ function setupWeb3Connection(connectionStream) { const providerStream = new StreamProvider(); providerStream.pipe(connectionStream).pipe(providerStream); connectionStream.on('error', console.error.bind(console)); providerStream.on('error', console.error.bind(console)); global.ethereumProvider = providerStream; global.ethQuery = new EthQuery(providerStream); global.eth = new Eth(providerStream); } /** * Establishes a streamed connection to the background account manager * * @param {PortDuplexStream} controllerConnectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection * @param {Function} cb - Called when the remote account manager connection is established */ function setupControllerConnection(controllerConnectionStream, cb) { const backgroundRPC = metaRPCClientFactory(controllerConnectionStream); cb(null, backgroundRPC); }