import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import configureStore from '../../../store/store'; import { setPendingTokens, clearPendingTokens, getTokenStandardAndDetails, } from '../../../store/actions'; import mockState from '../../../../test/data/mock-state.json'; import { TokenStandard } from '../../../../shared/constants/transaction'; import { ImportTokensModal } from '.'; jest.mock('../../../store/actions', () => ({ getTokenStandardAndDetails: jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ standard: 'ERC20' })), setPendingTokens: jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => ({ type: 'SET_PENDING_TOKENS' })), clearPendingTokens: jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => ({ type: 'CLEAR_PENDING_TOKENS' })), })); describe('ImportTokensModal', () => { const render = (metamaskStateChanges = {}, onClose = jest.fn()) => { const store = configureStore({ ...mockState, metamask: { ...mockState.metamask, ...metamaskStateChanges, }, }); return renderWithProvider(, store); }; describe('Search', () => { it('renders expected elements', () => { const { getByText, getByPlaceholderText } = render(); expect( getByText(`Add the tokens you've acquired using MetaMask`), ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Next')).toBeDisabled(); expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('shows the token detection notice when setting is off', () => { const { getByText } = render({ useTokenDetection: false }); expect(getByText('Enable it from Settings.')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Custom Token', () => { it('add custom token button is disabled when no fields are populated', () => { const { getByText } = render(); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; const submit = getByText('Next'); expect(submit).toBeDisabled(); }); it('edits token address', () => { const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; const tokenAddress = '0x617b3f8050a0BD94b6b1da02B4384eE5B4DF13F4'; const event = { target: { value: tokenAddress } }; fireEvent.change( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-address'), event, ); expect( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-address').value, ).toStrictEqual(tokenAddress); }); it('edits token symbol', () => { const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; const tokenSymbol = 'META'; const event = { target: { value: tokenSymbol } }; fireEvent.change(getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-symbol'), event); expect( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-symbol').value, ).toStrictEqual(tokenSymbol); }); it('edits token decimal precision', () => { const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; const tokenPrecision = '2'; const event = { target: { value: tokenPrecision } }; fireEvent.change( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-decimals'), event, ); expect( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-decimals').value, ).toStrictEqual(tokenPrecision); }); it('adds custom tokens successfully', async () => { const { getByText, getByTestId } = render({ tokens: [], tokenList: {} }); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; expect(getByText('Next')).toBeDisabled(); const tokenAddress = '0x617b3f8050a0BD94b6b1da02B4384eE5B4DF13F4'; await fireEvent.change( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-address'), { target: { value: tokenAddress }, }, ); expect(getByText('Next')).not.toBeDisabled(); const tokenSymbol = 'META'; fireEvent.change(getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-symbol'), { target: { value: tokenSymbol }, }); expect(getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-symbol').value).toBe( 'META', ); const tokenPrecision = '2'; fireEvent.change(getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-decimals'), { target: { value: tokenPrecision }, }); expect(getByText('Next')).not.toBeDisabled();'Next')); expect(setPendingTokens).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ customToken: { address: tokenAddress, decimals: Number(tokenPrecision), standard: TokenStandard.ERC20, symbol: tokenSymbol, }, selectedTokens: {}, tokenAddressList: [], }); expect(getByText('Import')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('cancels out of import token flow', () => { const onClose = jest.fn(); render({}, onClose);'button[aria-label="Close"]')); expect(clearPendingTokens).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onClose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('sets and error when a token is an NFT', async () => { getTokenStandardAndDetails.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ standard: TokenStandard.ERC721 }), ); const { getByText, getByTestId } = render(); const customTokenButton = getByText('Custom token');; const submit = getByText('Next'); expect(submit).toBeDisabled(); const tokenAddress = '0x617b3f8050a0BD94b6b1da02B4384eE5B4DF13F4'; await fireEvent.change( getByTestId('import-tokens-modal-custom-address'), { target: { value: tokenAddress }, }, ); expect(submit).toBeDisabled(); // The last part of this error message won't be found by getByText because it is wrapped as a link. const errorMessage = getByText('This token is an NFT. Add on the'); expect(errorMessage).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });