import EventEmitter from 'events' import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext } from 'react' import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { shuffle } from 'lodash' import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom' import classnames from 'classnames' import { navigateBackToBuildQuote, getFetchParams, getQuotesFetchStartTime } from '../../../ducks/swaps/swaps' import { I18nContext } from '../../../contexts/i18n' import { MetaMetricsContext } from '../../../contexts/' import Mascot from '../../../components/ui/mascot' import SwapsFooter from '../swaps-footer' import BackgroundAnimation from './background-animation' import AggregatorLogo from './aggregator-logo' // These locations reference where we want the top-left corner of the logo div to appear in relation to the // centre point of the fox const AGGREGATOR_LOCATIONS = [ { x: -125, y: -75 }, { x: 30, y: -75 }, { x: -145, y: 0 }, { x: 50, y: 0 }, { x: -135, y: 46 }, { x: 40, y: 46 }, ] function getRandomLocations (numberOfLocations) { const randomLocations = shuffle(AGGREGATOR_LOCATIONS) if (numberOfLocations <= AGGREGATOR_LOCATIONS.length) { return randomLocations.slice(0, numberOfLocations) } const numberOfExtraLocations = numberOfLocations - AGGREGATOR_LOCATIONS.length return [...randomLocations, ...getRandomLocations(numberOfExtraLocations)] } function getMascotTarget (aggregatorName, centerPoint, aggregatorLocationMap) { const location = aggregatorLocationMap[aggregatorName] if (!location || !centerPoint) { return centerPoint ?? {} } // The aggregator logos are 94px x 40px. For the fox to look at the center of each logo, the target needs to be // the coordinates for the centre point of the fox + the desired top and left coordinates of the logo + half // the height and width of the logo. return { x: location.x + centerPoint.x + 47, y: location.y + centerPoint.y + 20, } } export default function LoadingSwapsQuotes ({ aggregatorMetadata, loadingComplete, onDone, }) { const t = useContext(I18nContext) const metaMetricsEvent = useContext(MetaMetricsContext) const dispatch = useDispatch() const history = useHistory() const animationEventEmitter = useRef(new EventEmitter()) const fetchParams = useSelector(getFetchParams) const quotesFetchStartTime = useSelector(getQuotesFetchStartTime) const quotesRequestCancelledEventConfig = { event: 'Quotes Request Cancelled', category: 'swaps', } const anonymousQuotesRequestCancelledEventConfig = { event: 'Quotes Request Cancelled', category: 'swaps', excludeMetaMetricsId: true, properties: { token_from: fetchParams?.sourceTokenInfo?.symbol, token_from_amount: fetchParams?.value, request_type: fetchParams?.balanceError, token_to: fetchParams?.destinationTokenInfo?.symbol, slippage: fetchParams?.slippage, custom_slippage: fetchParams?.slippage !== 2, response_time: - quotesFetchStartTime, }, } const [aggregatorNames] = useState(() => shuffle(Object.keys(aggregatorMetadata))) const numberOfQuotes = aggregatorNames.length const mascotContainer = useRef() const currentMascotContainer = mascotContainer.current const [quoteCount, updateQuoteCount] = useState(0) // is an array of randomized items from AGGREGATOR_LOCATIONS, containing // numberOfQuotes number of items it is randomized so that the order in // which the fox looks at locations is random const [aggregatorLocations] = useState(() => getRandomLocations(numberOfQuotes)) const _aggregatorLocationMap = aggregatorNames.reduce((nameLocationMap, name, index) => ({ ...nameLocationMap, [name]: aggregatorLocations[index], }), {}) const [aggregatorLocationMap] = useState(_aggregatorLocationMap) const [midPointTarget, setMidpointTarget] = useState(null) useEffect(() => { let timeoutLength // The below logic simulates a sequential loading of the aggregator quotes, even though we are fetching them all with a single call. // This is to give the user a sense of progress. The callback passed to `setTimeout` updates the quoteCount and therefore causes // a new logo to be shown, the fox to look at that logo, the logo bar and aggregator name to update. // If loading is complete and all logos + aggregator names have been shown, give the user 1.2 seconds to read the // "Finalizing message" and prepare for the screen change if (quoteCount === numberOfQuotes && loadingComplete) { timeoutLength = 1200 } else if (loadingComplete) { // If loading is complete, but the quoteCount is not, we quickly display the remaining logos/names/fox looks. 0.5s each timeoutLength = 500 } else { // If loading is not complete, we display remaining logos/names/fox looks at random intervals between 0.5s and 2s, to simulate the // sort of loading a user would experience in most async scenarios timeoutLength = 500 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500) } const quoteCountTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (quoteCount < numberOfQuotes) { updateQuoteCount(quoteCount + 1) } else if (quoteCount === numberOfQuotes && loadingComplete) { onDone() } }, timeoutLength) return function cleanup () { clearTimeout(quoteCountTimeout) } }, [quoteCount, loadingComplete, onDone, numberOfQuotes]) useEffect(() => { if (currentMascotContainer) { const { top, left, width, height } = currentMascotContainer.getBoundingClientRect() const center = { x: left + (width / 2), y: top + (height / 2) } setMidpointTarget(center) } }, [currentMascotContainer]) return (
{ t('swapQuoteNofN', [ Math.min(quoteCount + 1, numberOfQuotes), numberOfQuotes, ]) }
{ quoteCount === numberOfQuotes ? t('swapFinalizing') : t('swapCheckingQuote', [ aggregatorMetadata[aggregatorNames[quoteCount]].title, ]) }
{currentMascotContainer && midPointTarget && => (
{ metaMetricsEvent(quotesRequestCancelledEventConfig) metaMetricsEvent(anonymousQuotesRequestCancelledEventConfig) await dispatch(navigateBackToBuildQuote(history)) }} hideCancel />
) } LoadingSwapsQuotes.propTypes = { loadingComplete: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onDone: PropTypes.func.isRequired, aggregatorMetadata: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape({ color: PropTypes.string, icon: PropTypes.string, })), }