import type { EnvironmentType } from './app'; import { LedgerTransportTypes } from './hardware-wallets'; /** * Used to attach context of where the user was at in the application when the * event was triggered. Also included as full details of the current page in * page events. */ export type MetaMetricsPageObject = { /** * The path of the current page (e.g. "/home"). */ path?: string; /** * The title of the current page (e.g. "home"). */ title?: string; /** * The fully qualified URL of the current page. */ url?: string; }; /** * The dapp that triggered an interaction (MetaMask only). */ export type MetaMetricsReferrerObject = { /** * The origin of the dapp issuing the notification. */ url?: string; }; /** * We attach context to every meta metrics event that help to qualify our * analytics. This type has all optional values because it represents a * returned object from a method call. Ideally app and userAgent are * defined on every event. This is confirmed in the getTrackMetaMetricsEvent * function, but still provides the consumer a way to override these values if * necessary. */ type MetaMetricsContext = { /** * Application metadata. */ app: { /** * The name of the application tracking the event. */ name: string; /** * The version of the application. */ version: string; }; /** * The user agent of the application. */ userAgent: string; /** * An object representing details of the current page. */ page?: MetaMetricsPageObject; /** * The dapp that triggered an interaction (MetaMask only). */ referrer?: MetaMetricsReferrerObject; }; export type MetaMetricsEventPayload = { /** * The event name to track. */ event: string; /** * The category to associate the event to. */ category: string; /** * The action ID to deduplicate event requests from the UI. */ actionId?: number; /** * The type of environment this event occurred in. Defaults to the background * process type. */ environmentType?: string; /** * Custom values to track. Keys in this object must be `snake_case`. */ properties?: object; /** * Sensitive values to track. These properties will be sent in an additional * event that excludes the user's `metaMetricsId`. Keys in this object must be * in `snake_case`. */ sensitiveProperties?: object; /** * Amount of currency that the event creates in revenue for MetaMask. */ revenue?: number; /** * ISO-4127-formatted currency for events with revenue. Defaults to US * dollars. */ currency?: string; /** * Abstract business "value" attributable to customers who trigger this event. */ value?: number; /** * The page/route that the event occurred on. */ page?: MetaMetricsPageObject; /** * The origin of the dapp that triggered this event. */ referrer?: MetaMetricsReferrerObject; }; export type MetaMetricsEventOptions = { /** * Whether or not the event happened during the opt-in workflow. */ isOptIn?: boolean; /** * Whether the segment queue should be flushed after tracking the event. * Recommended if the result of tracking the event must be known before UI * transition or update. */ flushImmediately?: boolean; /** * Whether to exclude the user's `metaMetricsId` for anonymity. */ excludeMetaMetricsId?: boolean; /** * An override for the `metaMetricsId` in the event (no pun intended) one is * created as a part of an asynchronous workflow, such as awaiting the result * of the MetaMetrics opt-in function that generates the user's * `metaMetricsId`. */ metaMetricsId?: string; /** * Is this event a holdover from Matomo that needs further migration? When * true, sends the data to a special Segment source that marks the event data * as not conforming to our schema. */ matomoEvent?: boolean; }; export type MetaMetricsEventFragment = { /** * The event name to fire when the fragment is closed in an affirmative action. */ successEvent: string; /** * The event name to fire when the fragment is closed with a rejection. */ failureEvent?: string; /** * An event name to fire immediately upon fragment creation. This is useful * for building funnels in mixpanel and for reduction of code duplication. */ initialEvent?: string; /** * The event category to use for both the success and failure events. */ category: string; /** * Should this fragment be persisted in state and progressed after the * extension is locked and unlocked. */ persist?: boolean; /** * Time in seconds the event should be persisted for. After the timeout the * fragment will be closed as abandoned. If not supplied the fragment is * stored indefinitely. */ timeout?: number; /** * `` when the fragment was last updated. Used to determine if the * timeout has expired and the fragment should be closed. */ lastUpdated?: number; /** * Custom values to track. Keys in this object must be `snake_case`. */ properties?: object; /** * Sensitive values to track. These properties will be sent in an additional * event that excludes the user's `metaMetricsId`. Keys in this object must be * in `snake_case`. */ sensitiveProperties?: object; /** * Amount of currency that the event creates in revenue for MetaMask. */ revenue?: number; /** * ISO-4127-formatted currency for events with revenue. Defaults to US * dollars. */ currency?: string; /** * Abstract business "value" attributable to customers who trigger this event. */ value?: number; /** * The page/route that the event occurred on. */ page?: MetaMetricsPageObject; /** * The origin of the dapp that triggered this event. */ referrer?: MetaMetricsReferrerObject; /** * Overrides the automatic generation of UUID for the event fragment. This is * useful when tracking events for subsystems that already generate UUIDs so * to avoid unnecessary lookups and reduce accidental duplication. */ uniqueIdentifier?: string; }; /** * Data sent to the `segment.track` method. */ export type SegmentEventPayload = { /** * The MetaMetrics id for the user. */ userId?: string; /** * An anonymous ID that is used to track sensitive data while preserving * anonymity. */ anonymousId?: string; /** * The name of the event to track. */ event: string; /** * Properties to attach to the event. */ properties: object; /** * The context the event occurred in. */ context: MetaMetricsContext; }; /** * Data sent to MetaMetrics for page views. */ export type MetaMetricsPagePayload = { /** * The name of the page that was viewed. */ name: string; /** * The variadic parts of the page URL. * * Example: If the route is `/asset/:asset` and the path is `/asset/ETH`, * the `params` property would be `{ asset: 'ETH' }`. */ params?: object; /** * The environment type that the page was viewed in. */ environmentType: EnvironmentType; /** * The details of the page. */ page?: MetaMetricsPageObject; /** * The dapp that triggered the page view. */ referrer?: MetaMetricsReferrerObject; }; export type MetaMetricsPageOptions = { /** * Is the current path one of the pages in the onboarding workflow? (If this * is true and participateInMetaMetrics is null, then the page view will be * tracked.) */ isOptInPath?: boolean; }; /** * Data sent to MetaMetrics for user traits. */ export type MetaMetricsUserTraits = { /** * The number of entries in the user's address book. */ address_book_entries?: number; /** * The type of ledger connection set by user preference. */ ledger_connection_type?: LedgerTransportTypes; /** * An array consisting of chain IDs that represent the networks added by the * user. */ networks_added?: string[]; /** * An array consisting of chain IDs that represent the networks added by the * user that do not have a ticker. */ networks_without_ticker?: string[]; /** * Does the user have the Autodetect NFTs feature enabled? */ nft_autodetection_enabled?: number; /** * A number representing the number of identities (accounts) added to the * user's wallet. */ number_of_accounts?: number; /** * A number representing the amount of NFT collections from which the user * possesses NFTs. */ number_of_nft_collections?: number; /** * A number representing the amount of all NFTs the user possesses across all * networks and accounts. */ number_of_nfts?: number; /** * The total number of token contracts the user has across all networks and * accounts. */ number_of_tokens?: number; /** * Does the user have the OpenSea API enabled? */ opensea_api_enabled?: boolean; /** * Does the user have 3Box sync enabled? * * @deprecated */ three_box_enabled?: boolean; /** * Which theme the user has selected. */ theme?: string; /** * Does the user have token detection enabled? */ token_detection_enabled?: boolean; /** * Does the user have desktop enabled? */ desktop_enabled?: boolean; /** * Whether the security provider feature has been enabled. */ security_providers?: string[]; ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) /** * The address of the MMI account in question */ mmi_account_address?: string; /** * What is the MMI extension ID */ mmi_extension_id?: string; /** * Is the user using a custodian account */ mmi_is_custodian?: boolean; ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN }; export enum MetaMetricsUserTrait { /** * Identified when the user adds or modifies addresses in the address book. */ AddressBookEntries = 'address_book_entries', /** * Identified when the user installed the extension. */ InstallDateExt = 'install_date_ext', /** * Identified when the Ledger Live connection type is changed. */ LedgerConnectionType = 'ledger_connection_type', /** * Identified when the user modifies networks. */ NetworksAdded = 'networks_added', /** * Identified when the user modifies networks that lack a ticker. */ NetworksWithoutTicker = 'networks_without_ticker', /** * Identified when the "Autodetect NFTs" feature is toggled. */ NftAutodetectionEnabled = 'nft_autodetection_enabled', /** * Identified when identities change. */ NumberOfAccounts = 'number_of_accounts', /** * The number of unique NFT addresses. */ NumberOfNftCollections = 'number_of_nft_collections', /** * Identified when the number of NFTs owned by the user changes. */ NumberOfNfts = 'number_of_nfts', /** * Identified when the number of tokens change. */ NumberOfTokens = 'number_of_tokens', /** * Identified when the OpenSea API is enabled. */ OpenSeaApiEnabled = 'opensea_api_enabled', /** * Identified when the user's theme changes. */ Theme = 'theme', /** * Identified when the 3Box feature is toggled. * * @deprecated */ ThreeBoxEnabled = 'three_box_enabled', /** * Identified when the token detection feature is toggled. */ TokenDetectionEnabled = 'token_detection_enabled', /** * Identified when the user enables desktop. */ DesktopEnabled = 'desktop_enabled', /** * Identified when the security provider feature is enabled. */ SecurityProviders = 'security_providers', ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) /** * Identified when we get the current account in question */ MmiAccountAddress = 'mmi_account_address', /** * Identified when we the user has the extension */ MmiExtensionId = 'mmi_extension_id', /** * Identified when the user connects a custodian */ MmiIsCustodian = 'mmi_is_custodian', ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN } /** * Mixpanel converts the zero address value to a truly anonymous event, which * speeds up reporting */ export const METAMETRICS_ANONYMOUS_ID = '0x0000000000000000'; /** * Used to identify events that are triggered by the background process. */ export const METAMETRICS_BACKGROUND_PAGE_OBJECT: MetaMetricsPageObject = { path: '/background-process', title: 'Background Process', url: '/background-process', }; export const REJECT_NOTIFICATION_CLOSE = 'Cancel Via Notification Close'; export const REJECT_NOTIFICATION_CLOSE_SIG = 'Cancel Sig Request Via Notification Close'; export enum MetaMetricsEventName { AccountAdded = 'Account Added', AccountAddSelected = 'Account Add Selected', AccountAddFailed = 'Account Add Failed', AccountPasswordCreated = 'Account Password Created', AccountReset = 'Account Reset', AccountRenamed = 'Account Renamed', AppInstalled = 'App Installed', AppUnlocked = 'App Unlocked', AppUnlockedFailed = 'App Unlocked Failed', AppLocked = 'App Locked', AppWindowExpanded = 'App Window Expanded', BridgeLinkClicked = 'Bridge Link Clicked', DecryptionApproved = 'Decryption Approved', DecryptionRejected = 'Decryption Rejected', DecryptionRequested = 'Decryption Requested', EncryptionPublicKeyApproved = 'Encryption Approved', EncryptionPublicKeyRejected = 'Encryption Rejected', EncryptionPublicKeyRequested = 'Encryption Requested', ExternalLinkClicked = 'External Link Clicked', KeyExportSelected = 'Key Export Selected', KeyExportRequested = 'Key Export Requested', KeyExportFailed = 'Key Export Failed', KeyExportCanceled = 'Key Export Canceled', KeyExportRevealed = 'Key Material Revealed', KeyExportCopied = 'Key Material Copied', KeyTokenDetectionSelected = 'Key Token Detection Selected', KeyGlobalSecurityToggleSelected = 'Key Global Security/Privacy Settings', KeyBalanceTokenPriceChecker = 'Key Show Balance and Token Price Checker Settings', KeyGasFeeEstimationBuySwapTokens = 'Key Show Gas Fee Estimation, Buy Crypto and Swap Tokens', KeyAutoDetectTokens = 'Key Autodetect tokens', KeyBatchAccountBalanceRequests = 'Key Batch account balance requests', MetricsOptIn = 'Metrics Opt In', MetricsOptOut = 'Metrics Opt Out', NavAccountMenuOpened = 'Account Menu Opened', NavAccountDetailsOpened = 'Account Details Opened', NavConnectedSitesOpened = 'Connected Sites Opened', NavMainMenuOpened = 'Main Menu Opened', NavNetworkMenuOpened = 'Network Menu Opened', NavSettingsOpened = 'Settings Opened', NavAccountSwitched = 'Account Switched', NavNetworkSwitched = 'Network Switched', NavBuyButtonClicked = 'Buy Button Clicked', NavSendButtonClicked = 'Send Button Clicked', NavSwapButtonClicked = 'Swap Button Clicked', NftAdded = 'NFT Added', OnboardingWelcome = 'App Installed', OnboardingWalletCreationStarted = 'Wallet Setup Selected', OnboardingWalletImportStarted = 'Wallet Import Started', OnboardingWalletCreationAttempted = 'Wallet Password Created', OnboardingWalletSecurityStarted = 'SRP Backup Selected', OnboardingWalletSecuritySkipInitiated = 'SRP Skip Backup Selected', OnboardingWalletSecuritySkipConfirmed = 'SRP Backup Skipped', OnboardingWalletSecuritySkipCanceled = 'SRP Skip Backup Canceled', OnboardingWalletSecurityPhraseRevealed = 'SRP Revealed', OnboardingWalletSecurityPhraseWrittenDown = 'SRP Backup Confirm Display', OnboardingWalletSecurityPhraseConfirmed = 'SRP Backup Confirmed', OnboardingWalletCreationComplete = 'Wallet Created', OnboardingWalletSetupComplete = 'Application Opened', OnboardingWalletAdvancedSettings = 'Settings Updated', OnboardingWalletImportAttempted = 'Wallet Import Attempted', OnboardingWalletVideoPlay = 'SRP Intro Video Played', OnboardingTwitterClick = 'External Link Clicked', OnrampProviderSelected = 'On-ramp Provider Selected', PermissionsApproved = 'Permissions Approved', PermissionsRejected = 'Permissions Rejected', PermissionsRequested = 'Permissions Requested', PhishingPageDisplayed = 'Phishing Page Displayed', PortfolioLinkClicked = 'Portfolio Link Clicked', ProviderMethodCalled = 'Provider Method Called', PublicAddressCopied = 'Public Address Copied', ServiceWorkerRestarted = 'Service Worker Restarted', SignatureApproved = 'Signature Approved', SignatureFailed = 'Signature Failed', SignatureRejected = 'Signature Rejected', SignatureRequested = 'Signature Requested', SrpRevealStarted = 'Reveal SRP Initiated', SrpRevealClicked = 'Clicked Reveal Secret Recovery', SrpRevealViewed = 'Views Reveal Secret Recovery', SrpRevealBackButtonClicked = 'Clicked Back on Reveal SRP Password Page', SrpRevealCancelled = 'Reveal SRP Cancelled', SrpRevealCancelButtonClicked = 'Clicks Cancel on Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase Page', SrpRevealCloseClicked = 'Clicks CLOSE with SRP', SrpRevealNextClicked = 'Clicks Next on Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase', SrpHoldToRevealClickStarted = 'Reveal SRP Click Started', SrpHoldToRevealCloseClicked = 'Closes Hold To Reveal SRP', SrpHoldToRevealCompleted = 'Reveal SRP Completed', SrpViewsSrpQR = 'Views SRP QR Code', SrpViewSrpText = 'Views SRP', SrpCopiedToClipboard = 'Copies SRP to clipboard', SrpToConfirmBackup = 'SRP Backup Confirm Displayed', SupportLinkClicked = 'Support Link Clicked', TermsOfUseShown = 'Terms of Use Shown', TermsOfUseAccepted = 'Terms of Use Accepted', TokenImportButtonClicked = 'Import Token Button Clicked', TokenScreenOpened = 'Token Screen Opened', TokenAdded = 'Token Added', TokenDetected = 'Token Detected', TokenHidden = 'Token Hidden', TokenImportCanceled = 'Token Import Canceled', TokenImportClicked = 'Token Import Clicked', WalletSetupStarted = 'Wallet Setup Selected', WalletSetupCanceled = 'Wallet Setup Canceled', WalletSetupFailed = 'Wallet Setup Failed', WalletCreated = 'Wallet Created', ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) UserClickedDeepLink = 'User Clicked Deeplink', UserClickedConnectCustodialAccount = 'Clicked Connect Custodial Account', UserClickedPortfolioButton = 'Clicked Portfolio Button', UserClickedCompliance = 'Clicked Compliance', ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN AccountDetailMenuOpened = 'Account Details Menu Opened', BlockExplorerLinkClicked = 'Block Explorer Clicked', AccountRemoved = 'Account Removed', TestNetworksDisplayed = 'Test Networks Displayed', AddNetworkButtonClick = 'Add Network Button Clicked', CustomNetworkAdded = 'Custom Network Added', TokenDetailsOpened = 'Token Details Opened', NftScreenOpened = 'NFT Screen Opened', ActivityScreenOpened = 'Activity Screen Opened', WhatsNewViewed = `What's New Viewed`, WhatsNewClicked = `What's New Link Clicked`, ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(snaps) SnapInstalled = 'Snap Installed', SnapUpdated = 'Snap Updated', SnapExportUsed = 'Snap Export Used', ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN } export enum MetaMetricsEventAccountType { Default = 'metamask', Hardware = 'hardware', Imported = 'imported', } export enum MetaMetricsEventAccountImportType { Json = 'json', PrivateKey = 'private_key', Srp = 'srp', } export enum MetaMetricsEventCategory { Accounts = 'Accounts', App = 'App', Auth = 'Auth', Background = 'Background', Desktop = 'Desktop', // The TypeScript ESLint rule is incorrectly marking this line. /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */ Error = 'Error', Footer = 'Footer', Home = 'Home', InpageProvider = 'inpage_provider', Keys = 'Keys', Messages = 'Messages', Navigation = 'Navigation', Network = 'Network', Onboarding = 'Onboarding', Phishing = 'Phishing', Retention = 'Retention', ServiceWorkers = 'service_workers', Settings = 'Settings', Snaps = 'Snaps', Swaps = 'Swaps', Transactions = 'Transactions', Wallet = 'Wallet', ///: BEGIN:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN(build-mmi) MMI = 'Institutional', ///: END:ONLY_INCLUDE_IN Tokens = 'Tokens', } export enum MetaMetricsEventLinkType { AccountTracker = 'Account Tracker', BlockExplorer = 'Block Explorer', TokenTracker = 'Token Tracker', TransactionBlockExplorer = 'Transaction Block Explorer', } export enum MetaMetricsEventKeyType { Pkey = 'private_key', Srp = 'srp', } export enum MetaMetricsNetworkEventSource { CustomNetworkForm = 'custom_network_form', PopularNetworkList = 'popular_network_list', Dapp = 'dapp', } export enum MetaMetricsSwapsEventSource { MainView = 'Main View', TokenView = 'Token View', } export enum MetaMetricsTokenEventSource { Custom = 'custom', Dapp = 'dapp', Detected = 'detected', List = 'list', } export enum MetaMetricsTransactionEventSource { Dapp = 'dapp', User = 'user', } export enum MetaMetricsEventLocation { TokenDetails = 'token_details', TokenDetection = 'token_detection', TokenMenu = 'token_menu', } export enum MetaMetricsEventUiCustomization { FlaggedAsMalicious = 'flagged_as_malicious', FlaggedAsSafetyUnknown = 'flagged_as_safety_unknown', Siwe = 'sign_in_with_ethereum', } /** * Values that can used in the "properties" tracking object as keys, e.g. `{ * location: 'Home' }`. */ export enum MetaMetricsContextProp { PageTitle = 'location', }