import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import reactRouterDom from 'react-router-dom'; import configureStore from '../../../store/store'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../test/jest/rendering'; import { EXPERIMENTAL_ROUTE } from '../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import { setBackgroundConnection } from '../../../../test/jest'; import { hexToDecimal } from '../../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils'; import NftsTab from '.'; const NFTS = [ { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', tokenId: '58076532811975507823669075598676816378162417803895263482849101575514658701313', name: 'Punk #4', creator: { user: { username: null, }, profile_img_url: null, address: '0x806627172af48bd5b0765d3449a7def80d6576ff', config: '', }, description: 'Red Mohawk bam!', image: '', standard: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', tokenId: '58076532811975507823669075598676816378162417803895263482849101574415147073537', name: 'Punk #3', creator: { user: { username: null, }, profile_img_url: null, address: '0x806627172af48bd5b0765d3449a7def80d6576ff', config: '', }, description: 'Clown PUNK!!!', image: '', standard: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', tokenId: '58076532811975507823669075598676816378162417803895263482849101573315635445761', name: 'Punk #2', creator: { user: { username: null, }, profile_img_url: null, address: '0x806627172af48bd5b0765d3449a7def80d6576ff', config: '', }, description: 'Got glasses and black hair!', image: '', standard: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', tokenId: '58076532811975507823669075598676816378162417803895263482849101572216123817985', name: 'Punk #1', creator: { user: { username: null, }, profile_img_url: null, address: '0x806627172af48bd5b0765d3449a7def80d6576ff', config: '', }, image: '', standard: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', tokenId: '58076532811975507823669075598676816378162417803895263482849101571116612190209', name: 'Punk #4651', creator: { user: { username: null, }, profile_img_url: null, address: '0x806627172af48bd5b0765d3449a7def80d6576ff', config: '', }, image: '', standard: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0xDc7382Eb0Bc9C352A4CbA23c909bDA01e0206414', tokenId: '1', name: 'MUNK #1', description: null, image: 'ipfs://QmTSZUNt8AKyDabkyXXXP4oHWDnaVXgNdXoJGEyaYzLbeL', standard: 'ERC721', }, { address: '0xDc7382Eb0Bc9C352A4CbA23c909bDA01e0206414', tokenId: '2', name: 'MUNK #2', description: null, image: 'ipfs://QmTSZUNt8AKyDabkyXXXP4oHWDnaVXgNdXoJGEyaYzLbeL', standard: 'ERC721', }, { address: '0xDc7382Eb0Bc9C352A4CbA23c909bDA01e0206414', tokenId: '3', name: 'MUNK #3', description: null, image: 'ipfs://QmTSZUNt8AKyDabkyXXXP4oHWDnaVXgNdXoJGEyaYzLbeL', standard: 'ERC721', }, ]; const NFTS_CONTRACTS = [ { address: '0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e', name: 'PUNKS', symbol: 'PNKS', schemaName: 'ERC1155', }, { address: '0xDc7382Eb0Bc9C352A4CbA23c909bDA01e0206414', name: 'Munks', symbol: 'MNKS', }, ]; const nftsDropdownState = { '0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e': true, '0xdc7382eb0bc9c352a4cba23c909bda01e0206414': true, }; const ACCOUNT_1 = '0x123'; const ACCOUNT_2 = '0x456'; const render = ({ nftContracts = [], nfts = [], selectedAddress, chainId = '0x1', useNftDetection, onAddNFT = jest.fn(), }) => { const chainIdAsDecimal = hexToDecimal(chainId); const store = configureStore({ metamask: { allNfts: { [ACCOUNT_1]: { [chainIdAsDecimal]: nfts, }, }, allNftContracts: { [ACCOUNT_1]: { [chainIdAsDecimal]: nftContracts, }, }, providerConfig: { chainId }, selectedAddress, useNftDetection, nftsDropdownState, }, }); return renderWithProvider(, store); }; describe('NFT Items', () => { const detectNftsStub = jest.fn(); const getStateStub = jest.fn(); const checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub = jest.fn(); const updateNftDropDownStateStub = jest.fn(); setBackgroundConnection({ detectNfts: detectNftsStub, getState: getStateStub, checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatus: checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub, updateNftDropDownState: updateNftDropDownStateStub, }); const historyPushMock = jest.fn(); jest .spyOn(reactRouterDom, 'useHistory') .mockImplementation() .mockReturnValue({ push: historyPushMock }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('NFTs Detection Notice', () => { it('should render the NFTs Detection Notice when currently selected network is Mainnet and currently selected account has no nfts', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_2, nfts: NFTS, }); expect(screen.queryByText('New! NFT detection')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render the NFTs Detection Notice when currently selected network is Mainnet and currently selected account has NFTs', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, }); expect(screen.queryByText('New! NFT detection')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should take user to the experimental settings tab in settings when user clicks "Turn on NFT detection in Settings"', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_2, nfts: NFTS, });'Turn on NFT detection in Settings')); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${EXPERIMENTAL_ROUTE}#autodetect-nfts`, ); }); it('should not render the NFTs Detection Notice when currently selected network is Mainnet and currently selected account has no NFTs but use NFT autodetection preference is set to true', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, useNftDetection: true, }); expect(screen.queryByText('New! NFT detection')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render the NFTs Detection Notice when currently selected network is Mainnet and currently selected account has no NFTs but user has dismissed the notice before', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, }); expect(screen.queryByText('New! NFT detection')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Collections', () => { it('should render the name of the collections and number of NFTs in each collection if current account/chainId combination has NFTs', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, nftContracts: NFTS_CONTRACTS, }); expect(screen.queryByText('PUNKS (5)')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('Munks (3)')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render collections if current account/chainId combination has NFTs', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_2, nfts: NFTS, nftContracts: NFTS_CONTRACTS, }); expect(screen.queryByText('PUNKS (5)')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('Munks (3)')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('NFTs options', () => { it('should render a link "Refresh list" when some NFTs are present on mainnet and NFT auto-detection preference is set to true, which, when clicked calls methods DetectNFTs and checkAndUpdateNftsOwnershipStatus', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, useNftDetection: true, }); expect(detectNftsStub).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub).not.toHaveBeenCalled();'Refresh list')); expect(detectNftsStub).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should render a link "Refresh list" when some NFTs are present on a non-mainnet chain, which, when clicked calls a method checkAndUpdateNftsOwnershipStatus', () => { render({ chainId: '0x5', selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, useNftDetection: true, }); expect(checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub).not.toHaveBeenCalled();'Refresh list')); expect(checkAndUpdateAllNftsOwnershipStatusStub).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should render a link "Enable autodetect" when some NFTs are present and NFT auto-detection preference is set to false, which, when clicked sends user to the experimental tab of settings', () => { render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, }); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);'Enable autodetect')); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(EXPERIMENTAL_ROUTE); }); it('should render a link "Import NFTs" when some NFTs are present, which, when clicked calls the passed in onAddNFT method', () => { const onAddNFTStub = jest.fn(); render({ selectedAddress: ACCOUNT_1, nfts: NFTS, onAddNFT: onAddNFTStub, }); expect(onAddNFTStub).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);'Import NFTs')); expect(onAddNFTStub).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); });