import { Meta, Canvas, Story } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; <Meta title="Foundations / Shadow" /> # Shadow Shadows convey elevation of elements on a surface ## Size There are 4 different sizes of shadow in MetaMask <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '32px', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(auto-fill, 200px)', marginTop: 16, marginBottom: 16, }} > <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-background-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-xs) var(--color-shadow-default', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', }} > XS </div> <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-background-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-sm) var(--color-shadow-default', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', }} > SM </div> <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-background-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-md) var(--color-shadow-default', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', }} > MD </div> <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-background-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-shadow-default', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', }} > LG </div> </div> | Size | CSS | | ------ | ----------------------- | | **XS** | `var(--shadow-size-xs)` | | **SM** | `var(--shadow-size-sm)` | | **MD** | `var(--shadow-size-md)` | | **LG** | `var(--shadow-size-lg)` | ## Color As well as the neutral colors for shadow 2 other colors exist that are used for the primary and error/danger button hover states <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '32px', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(auto-fill, 200px)', marginTop: 16, marginBottom: 16, }} > <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-background-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-shadow-default', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', }} color="default" > <span>Default</span> </div> <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-primary-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-primary-shadow', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', color: 'var(--color-primary-inverse)', }} > <span>Primary</span> </div> <div style={{ height: 100, backgroundColor: 'var(--color-error-default)', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-error-shadow', borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', color: 'var(--color-error-inverse)', }} > <span>Error/Danger</span> </div> </div> | Color | CSS | | ----------- | ----------------------------- | | **neutral** | `var(--color-shadow-default)` | | **primary** | `var(--color-primary-shadow)` | | **danger** | `var(--color-error-shadow)` | ## Example usage Using both size and color tokens, different shadows can be applied to components <div> <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '32px', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(auto-fill, 200px)', marginBottom: '64px', }} > <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-xs) var(--color-shadow-default)', }} > <span>Card</span> </div> <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-sm) var(--color-shadow-default)', }} > <span>Dropdown</span> </div> <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-md) var(--color-shadow-default)', }} > <span>Toast</span> </div> <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-shadow-default)', }} > <span>Modal</span> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '32px', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(auto-fill, 200px)', }} > <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--component-button-primary-shadow)', backgroundColor: 'var(--color-primary-default)', color: 'var(--color-primary-inverse)', }} > <span>Button Primary Hover</span> </div> <div style={{ borderRadius: '4px', display: 'grid', alignContent: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', spanAlign: 'center', height: 100, textAlign: 'center', boxShadow: 'var(--component-button-danger-shadow)', backgroundColor: 'var(--color-error-default)', color: 'var(--color-error-inverse)', }} > <span>Button Error/Danger Hover</span> </div> </div> </div> | Component | JS | CSS | | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | **Card** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-xs) var(--color-shadow-default);` | | **Dropdown** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-sm) var(--color-shadow-default);` | | **Toast** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-md) var(--color-shadow-default);` | | **Modal** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-lg) var(--color-shadow-default);` | | **Button Primary Hover** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-sm) var(--color-primary-shadow);` | | **Button Danger Hover** | `box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-sm) var(--color-error-shadow);` | ## Takeaways - Try to avoid using static media queries in your code - Try to use the provided SCSS mixins ### ❌ Don't do this Don't use static media queries in your code ```css /** * Don't do this * Static box-shadows create inconsistency in elevation of elements **/ .card { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } ``` ### ✅ Do this Do use the provided shadow design token css variables ```css .card { box-shadow: var(--shadow-size-xs) var(--color-shadow-default); } ``` ## References - [Shadow design tokens]( - [Figma light theme colors library(shadows page)]( use only) - [Figma dark theme colors library(shadows page)]( use only)