import log from 'loglevel'; import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import { AnyAction } from 'redux'; import { forceUpdateMetamaskState, displayWarning, hideLoadingIndication, showLoadingIndication, } from '../actions'; import { callBackgroundMethod, submitRequestToBackground, } from '../action-queue'; import { MetaMaskReduxDispatch, MetaMaskReduxState } from '../store'; import { isErrorWithMessage } from '../../../shared/modules/error'; export function showInteractiveReplacementTokenBanner({ url, oldRefreshToken, }: { url: string; oldRefreshToken: string; }) { return async (dispatch: MetaMaskReduxDispatch) => { try { await submitRequestToBackground('showInteractiveReplacementTokenBanner', [ { url, oldRefreshToken, }, ]); } catch (err: any) { if (err) { dispatch(displayWarning(err.message)); throw new Error(err.message); } } }; } export function setTypedMessageInProgress(msgId: string) { return async (dispatch: MetaMaskReduxDispatch) => { dispatch(showLoadingIndication()); try { await submitRequestToBackground('setTypedMessageInProgress', [msgId]); } catch (error: any) { log.error(error); dispatch(displayWarning(error.message)); } finally { await forceUpdateMetamaskState(dispatch); dispatch(hideLoadingIndication()); } }; } export function setPersonalMessageInProgress(msgId: string) { return async (dispatch: MetaMaskReduxDispatch) => { dispatch(showLoadingIndication()); try { await submitRequestToBackground('setPersonalMessageInProgress', [msgId]); } catch (error: any) { log.error(error); dispatch(displayWarning(error.message)); } finally { await forceUpdateMetamaskState(dispatch); dispatch(hideLoadingIndication()); } }; } /** * A factory that contains all MMI actions ready to use * Example usage: * const mmiActions = mmiActionsFactory(); * mmiActions.connectCustodyAddresses(...) */ export function mmiActionsFactory() { function createAsyncAction( name: string, params: any, useForceUpdateMetamaskState?: any, loadingText?: string, ): ThunkAction { log.debug(`background.${name}`); return async (dispatch: any) => { if (loadingText) { dispatch(showLoadingIndication(loadingText)); } let result; try { result = await submitRequestToBackground(name, [...params]); } catch (error) { dispatch(displayWarning(error)); if (isErrorWithMessage(error)) { throw new Error(error.message); } else { throw error; } } if (loadingText) { dispatch(hideLoadingIndication()); } if (useForceUpdateMetamaskState) { await forceUpdateMetamaskState(dispatch); } return result; }; } function createAction(name: string, payload: any) { return () => { callBackgroundMethod(name, [payload], (err) => { if (isErrorWithMessage(err)) { throw new Error(err.message); } }); }; } return { connectCustodyAddresses: ( custodianType: string, custodianName: string, newAccounts: string[], ) => createAsyncAction( 'connectCustodyAddresses', [custodianType, custodianName, newAccounts], forceUpdateMetamaskState, 'Looking for your custodian account...', ), getCustodianAccounts: ( token: string, apiUrl: string, custody: string, getNonImportedAccounts: boolean, ) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianAccounts', [token, apiUrl, custody, getNonImportedAccounts], forceUpdateMetamaskState, 'Getting custodian accounts...', ), getCustodianAccountsByAddress: ( jwt: string, apiUrl: string, address: string, custody: string, ) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianAccountsByAddress', [jwt, apiUrl, address, custody], forceUpdateMetamaskState, 'Getting custodian accounts...', ), getCustodianTransactionDeepLink: (address: string, txId: string) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianTransactionDeepLink', [address, txId], forceUpdateMetamaskState, ), getCustodianConfirmDeepLink: (txId: string) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianConfirmDeepLink', [txId], forceUpdateMetamaskState, ), getCustodianSignMessageDeepLink: (from: string, custodyTxId: string) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianSignMessageDeepLink', [from, custodyTxId], forceUpdateMetamaskState, ), getCustodianToken: (custody: string) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianToken', [custody], forceUpdateMetamaskState, ), getCustodianJWTList: (custody: string) => createAsyncAction( 'getCustodianJWTList', [custody], forceUpdateMetamaskState, ), setWaitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog: (waitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog: boolean) => createAction( 'setWaitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog', waitForConfirmDeepLinkDialog, ), removeAddTokenConnectRequest: ({ origin, apiUrl, token, }: { origin: string; apiUrl: string; token: string; }) => createAction('removeAddTokenConnectRequest', { origin, apiUrl, token }), setCustodianConnectRequest: ({ token, apiUrl, custodianType, custodianName, }: { token: string; apiUrl: string; custodianType: string; custodianName: string; }) => createAsyncAction('setCustodianConnectRequest', [ { token, apiUrl, custodianType, custodianName }, ]), getCustodianConnectRequest: () => createAsyncAction('getCustodianConnectRequest', []), getMmiConfiguration: () => createAsyncAction('getMmiConfiguration', []), getAllCustodianAccountsWithToken: (custodyType: string, token: string) => createAsyncAction('getAllCustodianAccountsWithToken', [ custodyType, token, ]), setCustodianNewRefreshToken: ({ address, oldAuthDetails, oldApiUrl, newAuthDetails, newApiUrl, }: { address: string; oldAuthDetails: string; oldApiUrl: string; newAuthDetails: string; newApiUrl: string; }) => createAsyncAction('setCustodianNewRefreshToken', [ { address, oldAuthDetails, oldApiUrl, newAuthDetails, newApiUrl }, ]), }; }